I am putting this in Ten forward, as I am not requesting a change in the game, more of a discussion.
As of right now, Romulans are allies to the Federation and the Klingon Empire. We all know that Romulan Ale was illegal in the Federation, but when was it deemed illegal in the Klingon Empire?
If it is still deemed illegal, why are Romulans not allowed to purchase it through their own replacator on their own ships?
Is D'tan behind the banning of Romulan Ale on New Romulus and through the Romulan fleet?
Now that we are exploring the Delta Quadrant, there isn't any drinks in the Delta Quadrant that would be deemed illegal by the Feds and KDF and to the exstention of Romulan command?
On that though process, did the update of more food and drink items from the Delta Quadrant never make it into the DR expansion?
Sela probably has, or had, control of whatever world or group, or resource, or whatever else that was a key factor in making Romulan ale. And since Sela's empire wasn't exactly on good terms with the Federation and Klingon Empire (and more recently the Romulan Republic), that's a good reason why it could've remained illegal.
So in short, it is very much so a political reason why it was illegal.
And putting aside whether or not Romulan ale 'can' be replicated, I would imagine that most wouldn't want to replicate it for similar reasons we'd seen in both the Federation and Klingon Empires: They prefer the 'real deal' to something instantly 'manufactured'.
Picard's family owned a vineyard and produced wine, even into the 24th century. The Klingons also made bloodwine (and even had 'vintages' of it). I don't think it'd be too far-fetched to have a similar thing for Romulans and any particular beverages they enjoyed greatly to be made and produced, and enjoy them as such.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Even were it to be legal again immediately, I suspect they'd want to make that provisionally. Romulan Ale should not be anywhere near politics. Just look at the dinner in The Undiscovered Country. Even the conspiracy plotters understood what a bottle of the stuff could do to negotiations.
In the Federation at least, Romulan Ale may continue to be illegal not due to international trade sanctions as much as due to a "war on drugs" mentality--i.e. it is regarded as a "dangerous substance" that the government doesn't want to see widely consumed. Given that from what we have seen, this stuff gives a hangover that has ill effects from more than just the alcohol content, I can see lobbyists claiming that it is not safe for the public.
Sela probably has, or had, control of whatever world or group, or resource, or whatever else that was a key factor in making Romulan ale. And since Sela's empire wasn't exactly on good terms with the Federation and Klingon Empire (and more recently the Romulan Republic), that's a good reason why it could've remained illegal.
So in short, it is very much so a political reason why it was illegal.
And putting aside whether or not Romulan ale 'can' be replicated, I would imagine that most wouldn't want to replicate it for similar reasons we'd seen in both the Federation and Klingon Empires: They prefer the 'real deal' to something instantly 'manufactured'.
Picard's family owned a vineyard and produced wine, even into the 24th century. The Klingons also made bloodwine (and even had 'vintages' of it). I don't think it'd be too far-fetched to have a similar thing for Romulans and any particular beverages they enjoyed greatly to be made and produced, and enjoy them as such.