19,125 dilithium is asking a bit too much for any sort of weapon from the reputation store, that is essentially barely over 2 full days of worth of dil + dil mining assignments each day, for a single weapon. I've paid for them before, but it's so expensive it really turns me away from buying anymore to begin with. I have a set of some of the dyson polaron but I got those when they first came out and haven't really touched any of the rep weapon stores again cause the price is just asking too much.
10,000 is a much more reasonable price, I think you'd find a lot more people sinking dil into that if you lowered the price, which means more people will be buying dil or selling zen for dil because it became a better dil sink and thus they don't have that dil anymore.
And to a casual player it's pretty much off the table except for once in a blue moon.
I don't find the rep weapons that valuable for the price they want. I also heard they're more expensive to upgrade so I've switched to crafting weapons even though the RNG is annoying for modifiers.
So which weapons tend to be the best? I usually use reputation guns because most of them aren't horrible looking, but I've never considered their quality versus other weapons.
So which weapons tend to be the best? I usually use reputation guns because most of them aren't horrible looking, but I've never considered their quality versus other weapons.
So which weapons tend to be the best? I usually use reputation guns because most of them aren't horrible looking, but I've never considered their quality versus other weapons.
This is usually based on what you are trying to do. Look at weapons like the omega carbine, balst assualt, full auto rifles and the mini-gun. None of these have expliot attacks, these are expose weapons. If you want high DPS on the ground you need to find kits, kit powers, doffs, and guns that stack well together. Look at science captains they have a lot of expose powers, one of them a tric scan has real short cooldown. i always recommend expliots weapons, like compression pistol, high density beam, sniper, wide beam rifle, and split beams. I prefer scicne with a compression pistol and a split beam. Spilt beams hit hard and hit three targets, if you tric scan those three targets to expose them with the expliot damage is is not unheard of to vape three targets. For a proper weapons build need to knwo race, traits used, and class. this will help me pu to gether a cheap build. All captains have powers that expose, i prefer to use captains/kit powers to expose and weapons to expliot. If you are using boffs make sure they are augmented by your doffs. Now my boffs use expose weapons to help me do so. Boffs tend to use powers and secondary attacks at wrong times.
As far as kits use one that adds either crit d, crith, or expose chance.
Now some rep gear is awesome. The omega shield at mk14 give a 40% to dodge damage. with crouching and a gmabling device you are dodging 100% of your damage. Dodge is a damage reduction, not a miss. So in my opionion this is the best shield in the game.
Armor I would go with the [Advanced Fleet Recoil Compensating Armor Mk XIV [CrtD] [RegHP] [ResAll]x2] maybe change reghp for hp. Critting hard means targets dies faster. this armour is 80% to critd. I like it more than most but there are times you need others like a good polly weave.
As far as wepons i prefer to have atleast cridx2 on all. Higher is better. i really like critdx3 run or critdx4!
I would be more than willing to help discuss more.
The price on them is equivalent to something like 2 million each for a Mk12 purple weapon, which since you can (mostly) choose your mods its not terrible. By comparison, Mk12 weapons with desirable mods can cost several times that (depending on flavor anyways). I admit I never looked at the upgrade costs because TRIBBLE that whole system, but as a Mk12 to Mk12 comparison, they're actually fair value for money and good for players on a budget.
The price on them is equivalent to something like 2 million each for a Mk12 purple weapon, which since you can (mostly) choose your mods its not terrible. By comparison, Mk12 weapons with desirable mods can cost several times that (depending on flavor anyways). I admit I never looked at the upgrade costs because TRIBBLE that whole system, but as a Mk12 to Mk12 comparison, they're actually fair value for money and good for players on a budget.
then i'd much rather pay 2 mil for each weapon. An alternate cost would be lovely
Well IMHO 95% of the Rep Store weapons aren't worth buying. The only exception being the probably the Romulan Rep weapons .
I have bought one or two of the others to put on various space builds, such as a couple of Protonic Polarons for a Polaron Dyson build and sometimes the CC ones for a Phaser build, or Tholian ones for Tet builds etc. but never bought any 'en masse', so the price has never really seemed an issue.
Ground weapons, I've never bothered with at all. They are all rubbish compared to Crafted/Rep Project/Loot Drop/Mission Reward and/or Upgraded weapons.
One issue i DO have though is the Omega Rep. Everything about it now is outdated and overpriced. The weapons are pointless, and the gear is now obsolete.
The Borg aren't he "bogey man" any more, so why is the Rep Project gear still the most expensive? If they added an Infinite Remodulation Chip to all the sets, it might be worth it and if Borg Space Ships "adapted" to weapons fire as well, then "maybe" it would have value, but I can't see that happening, so the whole "Join the Omega Force" thing is now a pointless joke.
So which weapons tend to be the best? I usually use reputation guns because most of them aren't horrible looking, but I've never considered their quality versus other weapons.
Everybody is always after the newest shinnies but you need to remember that the game is constantly changing and old items are affected by these changes as well as the new items. To answer your question, most all the reputation weapons are situational at best or have superior alternatives.
For example, Romulan Plasma was the be-all-end-all of weapons for a long time until Delta rising. Corrosive plasma are superior now, especially whenever they let us pick our final weapon modifier on upgrading. This would significantly improve all lockbox and reputation weapons BTW. That being said, Protonic Polaron are DEFINITELY worth a second look now. Put them on a Scryer drain build and watch everyone in Kerrat cry like babies! :cool:
Again, whenever they fix the flawed upgrade randomness and let us pick the final modifier we will have Protonic Polaron weapons with [CRTD]x3 which, when combined with Intel ships and SSIII will become impossibly powerful, particularly in PVP. The proc has a 25% chance every time you crit so with SSIII and gear pushing you to 55-60% crit (higher on Romulans) the proc will be activating constantly. It grants a 100% shield penetration Proton damage, which is nearly impossible to resist. With everyone and their mother running 60-75% resists this will be extremely potent.
Uprgrading any reputation equipment, whether from the Rep Store or Reputation Projects, is quite ghastly in costs. Rodenberry help you if you want to go to Mk XIV Epic.
I've found the Refracting Tetryon and RomPlas Rep Store weapons pretty useful for certain builds, with the Biomolecular weapons situationally useful.
Refracting for both the chance of extra damage to a nearby NPC and the shield-stripping, among other lovely things (great for building up easy aggro outside BFAW to use with Reciprocity).
RomPlas because of the dual Plasma and Disruptor procs, though I wish the Disruptor equivalent was available to all sides (mission reward weapon; IIRC, Romulan-only).
They could stand to be cheaper to both purchase and upgrade though.
I've found the Refracting Tetryon and RomPlas Rep Store weapons pretty useful for certain builds, with the Biomolecular weapons situationally useful.
Refracting for both the chance of extra damage to a nearby NPC and the shield-stripping, among other lovely things (great for building up easy aggro outside BFAW to use with Reciprocity).
RomPlas because of the dual Plasma and Disruptor procs, though I wish the Disruptor equivalent was available to all sides (mission reward weapon; IIRC, Romulan-only).
They could stand to be cheaper to both purchase and upgrade though.
Yeah, VR items should all be the same price realistically. I didn't know they were more expensive to upgrade as I've only recently returned to STO after a hiatus due to R/L issues.
That is something that definetly needs changing then. With the plethora of VR Mk XII/XIII/XIV weapons now available, this is unacceptable.
(ps. If you haven't seen it, read the lates patch notes for Tribble. There is some interesting stuff in there, and a small "win" for players for crafting)
So which weapons tend to be the best? I usually use reputation guns because most of them aren't horrible looking, but I've never considered their quality versus other weapons.
Think best weapons is somewhat relative but for me its those on exchange which originated from crafting system or in game drops.
Why? You get full set of mods to choose from and they remain account bound after being used so you can trade them between your chars.
One can give them easily to alts or new toons when ur main got one with better mods for a different build for example.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I've found the Refracting Tetryon and RomPlas Rep Store weapons pretty useful for certain builds, with the Biomolecular weapons situationally useful.
Refracting for both the chance of extra damage to a nearby NPC and the shield-stripping, among other lovely things (great for building up easy aggro outside BFAW to use with Reciprocity).
RomPlas because of the dual Plasma and Disruptor procs, though I wish the Disruptor equivalent was available to all sides (mission reward weapon; IIRC, Romulan-only).
They could stand to be cheaper to both purchase and upgrade though.
You mean the Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid DHC and Beam? They're open to any faction...they're just awarded on different missions for each faction.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
I can live with the cost on my first toon but the cost should be half on the others. I paid my dues and I still have to earn the marks on the others so cutting the cost would make my day, I do like the rep items but I dont use it anymore because of the cost of the dil it takes to get the gear. Exchange is my friend.
You mean the Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid DHC and Beam? They're open to any faction...they're just awarded on different missions for each faction.
Not forgetting the mission reward DHC and BA are "Disruptor" based weapons with an added plasma proc ...
Romulan Rep weapons are a "Plasma" based weapon with an added disruptor proc.
Be VERY careful no to confuse the two, because that can cost you a fortune if you buy the wrong Tac consoles.
The Mission Reward weapons also come with an Innate 7.5% Acc bonus so if you get another [Acc] mod when'if you upgrade them, it equals 17.5%. They are good weapons, until you reach lvl 50 + Tier 3 of the Romulan Rep.
Romulans get them as rewards for 'Smash n Grab" which is pretty quick and easy (though annoying because of Tovan prattling constantly) so I've actually gone back and re-run this mission at lvl 50 to get a full set of Mk XI's (this was before the upgrade system)
Feds and Klinks get them as a reward option for one of the Drozana, Planet Killer or Time Travel missions I think? (Somewhere around that level anyway) I can say from memory that getting a full set for a Fed/Klink is a PITA long mission though, so I never bother
The Mk XII price isn't too bad. It's the price to upgrade them to Mk XIV. They cost more than crafted weapon. In some cases, the Mk XII is a very tiny percentage worse than the Mk XIV when it comes to engines, shields, delfectors and consoles. For the huge upgrade price, you are getting no meaningful gains. The set bonus is the same for Mk XII as Mk XIV and it is the set bonus that is generally what I am after. I get that for no upgrade at all.
I upgraded the Omega set. It upgraded very nicely. Elite Fleet gear, ground gear anyway, upgraded nicely and my alts use it exclusively. There's no fancy set magic but they were much cheaper to upgrade and the pieces are nice.
In the end, it doesn't much matter for me what they add to future rewards. I spent my fortunes on my gear I have. It's going to have to be broken and OP and nerf-eluding for me to bother with any of it.
I myself, never upgrade ANY of the reputation & lockbox space weapons, as the cost becomes overburdening on the game wallet.
Ground weapons I don't mind so much but, not reputation space weapons, as the cost for repurchasing if a not so favored mod slips in during upgrading, is not worth the cost to re-obtain another 99.9% of the time.
Crafted weapons, not so bad, as you can craft thousands of them cheaply and, if they get a not so wanted mod, than they can either be trashed or, sold on the exchange.
The devs should add a new token to this game for alts once a full set is made on a character you get a free token that cuts the price of the same gear in half for all other characters.
Would work like this.
Main character completes the Omega Space Set. Now they get a new project that cost 25 marks that is account bound and can be traded to alts that cuts the cost of the same projects that helped make the token in half.
Another whiner I want it now without having to earn it thread WHAAA... WHAAA... IT"S TO EXPENSIVE ...WHAAA... WHAAA!
You most of us still get the stuff we want for alts, and some players cant spend the time in game on alts as others do. SO what you are telling me you would not use a system that reduces the cost of gear on alts.
You post does not help in either way, it is post like this that gives forum uses bad names. You could of agreed or disagreed that is fine, but right something useful before you become label a forum troll.
you mean of the reputation store weapons?
This is usually based on what you are trying to do. Look at weapons like the omega carbine, balst assualt, full auto rifles and the mini-gun. None of these have expliot attacks, these are expose weapons. If you want high DPS on the ground you need to find kits, kit powers, doffs, and guns that stack well together. Look at science captains they have a lot of expose powers, one of them a tric scan has real short cooldown. i always recommend expliots weapons, like compression pistol, high density beam, sniper, wide beam rifle, and split beams. I prefer scicne with a compression pistol and a split beam. Spilt beams hit hard and hit three targets, if you tric scan those three targets to expose them with the expliot damage is is not unheard of to vape three targets. For a proper weapons build need to knwo race, traits used, and class. this will help me pu to gether a cheap build. All captains have powers that expose, i prefer to use captains/kit powers to expose and weapons to expliot. If you are using boffs make sure they are augmented by your doffs. Now my boffs use expose weapons to help me do so. Boffs tend to use powers and secondary attacks at wrong times.
As far as kits use one that adds either crit d, crith, or expose chance.
Now some rep gear is awesome. The omega shield at mk14 give a 40% to dodge damage. with crouching and a gmabling device you are dodging 100% of your damage. Dodge is a damage reduction, not a miss. So in my opionion this is the best shield in the game.
Armor I would go with the [Advanced Fleet Recoil Compensating Armor Mk XIV [CrtD] [RegHP] [ResAll]x2] maybe change reghp for hp. Critting hard means targets dies faster. this armour is 80% to critd. I like it more than most but there are times you need others like a good polly weave.
As far as wepons i prefer to have atleast cridx2 on all. Higher is better. i really like critdx3 run or critdx4!
I would be more than willing to help discuss more.
then i'd much rather pay 2 mil for each weapon. An alternate cost would be lovely
I have bought one or two of the others to put on various space builds, such as a couple of Protonic Polarons for a Polaron Dyson build and sometimes the CC ones for a Phaser build, or Tholian ones for Tet builds etc. but never bought any 'en masse', so the price has never really seemed an issue.
Ground weapons, I've never bothered with at all. They are all rubbish compared to Crafted/Rep Project/Loot Drop/Mission Reward and/or Upgraded weapons.
One issue i DO have though is the Omega Rep. Everything about it now is outdated and overpriced. The weapons are pointless, and the gear is now obsolete.
The Borg aren't he "bogey man" any more, so why is the Rep Project gear still the most expensive? If they added an Infinite Remodulation Chip to all the sets, it might be worth it and if Borg Space Ships "adapted" to weapons fire as well, then "maybe" it would have value, but I can't see that happening, so the whole "Join the Omega Force" thing is now a pointless joke.
Everybody is always after the newest shinnies but you need to remember that the game is constantly changing and old items are affected by these changes as well as the new items. To answer your question, most all the reputation weapons are situational at best or have superior alternatives.
For example, Romulan Plasma was the be-all-end-all of weapons for a long time until Delta rising. Corrosive plasma are superior now, especially whenever they let us pick our final weapon modifier on upgrading. This would significantly improve all lockbox and reputation weapons BTW. That being said, Protonic Polaron are DEFINITELY worth a second look now. Put them on a Scryer drain build and watch everyone in Kerrat cry like babies!
Again, whenever they fix the flawed upgrade randomness and let us pick the final modifier we will have Protonic Polaron weapons with [CRTD]x3 which, when combined with Intel ships and SSIII will become impossibly powerful, particularly in PVP. The proc has a 25% chance every time you crit so with SSIII and gear pushing you to 55-60% crit (higher on Romulans) the proc will be activating constantly. It grants a 100% shield penetration Proton damage, which is nearly impossible to resist. With everyone and their mother running 60-75% resists this will be extremely potent.
Refracting for both the chance of extra damage to a nearby NPC and the shield-stripping, among other lovely things (great for building up easy aggro outside BFAW to use with Reciprocity).
RomPlas because of the dual Plasma and Disruptor procs, though I wish the Disruptor equivalent was available to all sides (mission reward weapon; IIRC, Romulan-only).
They could stand to be cheaper to both purchase and upgrade though.
Yeah, VR items should all be the same price realistically. I didn't know they were more expensive to upgrade as I've only recently returned to STO after a hiatus due to R/L issues.
That is something that definetly needs changing then. With the plethora of VR Mk XII/XIII/XIV weapons now available, this is unacceptable.
(ps. If you haven't seen it, read the lates patch notes for Tribble. There is some interesting stuff in there, and a small "win" for players for crafting)
Think best weapons is somewhat relative but for me its those on exchange which originated from crafting system or in game drops.
Why? You get full set of mods to choose from and they remain account bound after being used so you can trade them between your chars.
One can give them easily to alts or new toons when ur main got one with better mods for a different build for example.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
You mean the Plasma-Disruptor Hybrid DHC and Beam? They're open to any faction...they're just awarded on different missions for each faction.
Not forgetting the mission reward DHC and BA are "Disruptor" based weapons with an added plasma proc ...
Romulan Rep weapons are a "Plasma" based weapon with an added disruptor proc.
Be VERY careful no to confuse the two, because that can cost you a fortune if you buy the wrong Tac consoles.
The Mission Reward weapons also come with an Innate 7.5% Acc bonus so if you get another [Acc] mod when'if you upgrade them, it equals 17.5%. They are good weapons, until you reach lvl 50 + Tier 3 of the Romulan Rep.
Romulans get them as rewards for 'Smash n Grab" which is pretty quick and easy (though annoying because of Tovan prattling constantly) so I've actually gone back and re-run this mission at lvl 50 to get a full set of Mk XI's (this was before the upgrade system)
Feds and Klinks get them as a reward option for one of the Drozana, Planet Killer or Time Travel missions I think? (Somewhere around that level anyway) I can say from memory that getting a full set for a Fed/Klink is a PITA long mission though, so I never bother
I upgraded the Omega set. It upgraded very nicely. Elite Fleet gear, ground gear anyway, upgraded nicely and my alts use it exclusively. There's no fancy set magic but they were much cheaper to upgrade and the pieces are nice.
In the end, it doesn't much matter for me what they add to future rewards. I spent my fortunes on my gear I have. It's going to have to be broken and OP and nerf-eluding for me to bother with any of it.
Ground weapons I don't mind so much but, not reputation space weapons, as the cost for repurchasing if a not so favored mod slips in during upgrading, is not worth the cost to re-obtain another 99.9% of the time.
Crafted weapons, not so bad, as you can craft thousands of them cheaply and, if they get a not so wanted mod, than they can either be trashed or, sold on the exchange.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Would work like this.
Main character completes the Omega Space Set. Now they get a new project that cost 25 marks that is account bound and can be traded to alts that cuts the cost of the same projects that helped make the token in half.
You most of us still get the stuff we want for alts, and some players cant spend the time in game on alts as others do. SO what you are telling me you would not use a system that reduces the cost of gear on alts.
You post does not help in either way, it is post like this that gives forum uses bad names. You could of agreed or disagreed that is fine, but right something useful before you become label a forum troll.