Every night, I go farm fleet marks. I farm for about 2 hours and can get a whole 150 out of it. After 2 hours ,that should be double. The devs need to increase the fleet mark prize so that we can actually BUILD our fleets when we don't have huge numbers of people adding to them.
If you're in a fleet where you are able to spend fleet marks,count yourself lucky. I find the fleets I'm in the fleet marks slot fills up fast,so fast my fleet marks pile up. If anything they need to do more ways to get fleet dilitium vouchers.
Yep, actually being able to use your marks? Lucky.
Do doffing. Once you reach tier 4, every 10K doff XP = 100 marks. That's about 25 of the better XP missions like EVA suit training even without any critical successes. Plus many of those missions pay 50 dil normally, 1K?? on critical
defera invasion zone 240 marks for 20 min but eh even thats pointlessly small on the scale that fleets require as for pve queues..man dont bother theres no fleet marks utter waste of time woo 40-50 fleet marks for 8+min? ******n excuse me while i race to do pves........they could seriously use a boost then you've got doffing which in the current great nerfapocalypse may be useless in the future to, you can turn 10k cxp once you've got 100k so 110k needed and turn that 10k into 75-100 fleet marks
so basically defera which kinda needs 3 people so a bit tricky if solo and its dead or doffing
that word didnt need edited >.<
Yep, actually being able to use your marks? Lucky.
Do doffing. Once you reach tier 4, every 10K doff XP = 100 marks. That's about 25 of the better XP missions like EVA suit training even without any critical successes. Plus many of those missions pay 50 dil normally, 1K?? on critical
Exactly this. Once you get your T4 doffing, you keep on going. After a while, those exchanges to turn in excess 10k doff xps add up.
I don't spam the queues anymore. I don't fixate on a specific queued instance to get Fleet Marks. I haven't chosen a Fleet Marks reward box in... I don't know... Years?
Turning in Fleet Marks in Fleet Projects? Lucky to do so, I'll concur. Because the FM portion of a project is the first one to get filled, guaranteed. First come, first served, you snooze, you lose.
Dil turn ins on the Fleet Projects works, but Dil is precious. But if you have extra, those parts of the Fleet Projects tend to be open somewhat.
The best, generally available means on earning Fleet Credits? Turning in DOFFs on the Fleet Projects. The DOFF section is commonly the last one to get filled. That's because it's a hassle to get the extra Common DOFFs for turn ins and the UI is a big PITA. But it's a reliable means on getting Fleet Credits. It's just time consuming fighting such an awful UI.
As far as getting the Common DOFFs? Academy NPCs, the Personnel Officer has several DOFF missions to get up to 2 Common/Uncommon DOFFs. The first and last ones however cost 1k Dil but everything in between are free. Do not forget the extra NPCs for an additional race focus for Common DOFFs:
- KDF: Gorn, Orion, Nausicaan
- Fed: Vulcan, Tellarite, Andorian
Sitting on thousands of fleet marks I can't dump. Those things are always the first to fill up, then the project sits idle for weeks till someone gets around to the tedium of filling up the doff requirements (and sure not buying extra doff slots just for that nonsense).
Exactly this. Once you get your T4 doffing, you keep on going. After a while, those exchanges to turn in excess 10k doff xps add up.
Where do you turn in the extra XP?
I have been T4 forever, and have a bunch of built up extra XP. I heard you can turn them in for Marks, but never was able to find out where/how to do this.
Yeah, my 5 max level toons all have 50k-75k marks gathering dust. I rarely get a chance to contribute to fleet projects. Shockingly, those queues fill up first. :eek: The only way I get fleet marks is with the CXP trade-ins. Not exactly the speediest way, but they do pile up after a year or so of not being able to get rid of them. Of course I also have millions of Fleet Credits I don't ever spend; so not really rushing to fill Fleet Mark queues either.
I figure I'd leave the queues for the people who need to earn credits. Wish some of the others in the fleet thought so. One guy just must really like being #1 cause his one toon has more contributed than all 5 of my toons combined! :rolleyes: I think he must either set the projects (so he's there when they start) or must set alarm clocks to wake him when one completes and another pops up.
Yep, actually being able to use your marks? Lucky.
Do doffing. Once you reach tier 4, every 10K doff XP = 100 marks. That's about 25 of the better XP missions like EVA suit training even without any critical successes. Plus many of those missions pay 50 dil normally, 1K?? on critical
its 75 marks, 100 on crit
But yea, check your department heads. Theres a bunch there which have 50 dil base rewards, 250 dil on crit. And since in fleet, head to the mine and do the two doff mission there. Lots of various xp you can turn into fleet marks on the starbase, console in the room you buy doffs in.
Doffs are always the bottleneck for starbase advancement. It was always a dumb idea to add doffs into the advancement requirements, but at least it's 'better' than the first implementation when you needed x amount of specific doffs. God what a nightmare that was.
Fleet marks should be the only thing you require for a starbase project.
Console at your fleet starbase. The Fed one is just to the right of the doorway in the room with the bank/mail terminals; for Klingon it's in the center of the raised platform to the left from the transporter (between the bank and mail terminals).
It offers an 8 hr DOFF assignment for 75 FMs (100 on crit) for each category in which you have over 110k points; the cost is 10k points and it ties up one DOFF and one assignment slot. You can do one per category simultaneously (so up to what? Ten at a time? If you really want to and have the points)... I often hit three to five at once.
Doffs are always the bottleneck for starbase advancement. It was always a dumb idea to add doffs into the advancement requirements, but at least it's 'better' than the first implementation when you needed x amount of specific doffs. God what a nightmare that was.
Fleet marks should be the only thing you require for a starbase project.
This way is better for large fleets since it's harder for one person to grab all the credits.
Right now I can earn fleet credits from EC (buying commodities) and from common doffs even after all the marks are nabbed. If it was just marks then almost never. For the KDF fleet I'm in the marks often get filled within a few seconds of the project becoming available.
why have fleet marks in the first place , they are a pain in the bloody TRIBBLE , my KDF guys have thousands of the bloody things as they never get the chance to spend them , why not just pay us in fleet credits and skip the marks altogether or have a console where you can just convert your marks into credits don't make them go through assignments that you very rarely get the chance to contribute to .
Young fleets, where the projects only need few doffs, are often starving on fleet marks, while old fleets, where the projects need ridiculous numbers of doffs, drown in them.
Not a good balance, but there are many ppl offering their FM for free (they get fleet credits out of thin air). Just ask in the right channels.
Over the course of this last week I racked up enough fleet marks to gain myself over 300,000 fleet credits.
I am in a fleet that has multiple smaller fleets attached to it though and jump from one fleet to another to fill up their projects then once done i return back to my home fleet.
How do I make so many marks so quickly? Deffera, disconnected, fleet alert, azure nebula, the STFs, I just spam those.
You should easily be able to make 500 or more fleet marks a day, minimal effort and minimal time.
If the people who run your fleet cannot find a way to make it so that you can contribute, then it is time for you to find a new fleet where they have people that are willing to accommodate you. If your fleet will not make accommodations for you, why are you even there? Friends make accommodations for their friends, if the people you are rolling with are not making accommodations for you then clearly they are not your friends.
Every single day, I have at least 6 of the doff assignments to turn in commendation XP available. My best tip is to always have a few doff assignments rewarding at least 600 on the go, and make sure they're likely to crit.
Every night, I go farm fleet marks. I farm for about 2 hours and can get a whole 150 out of it. After 2 hours ,that should be double. The devs need to increase the fleet mark prize so that we can actually BUILD our fleets when we don't have huge numbers of people adding to them.
What say you get in 2 hours is barely 2 runs of CE! In 2 hours I can easily get 600+ from STF's by running different ones concurrently.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
Yep, actually being able to use your marks? Lucky.
Do doffing. Once you reach tier 4, every 10K doff XP = 100 marks. That's about 25 of the better XP missions like EVA suit training even without any critical successes. Plus many of those missions pay 50 dil normally, 1K?? on critical
^- This.. if you do doff missions and max out the XP for reports at the starbase you'll be swimming in fleet marks like I am. One toon I had made about 3000 FMs just from all the excess doff XP I had for reports.
I figure I'd leave the queues for the people who need to earn credits. Wish some of the others in the fleet thought so. One guy just must really like being #1 cause his one toon has more contributed than all 5 of my toons combined! :rolleyes: I think he must either set the projects (so he's there when they start) or must set alarm clocks to wake him when one completes and another pops up.
Only one setting fleet projects in your fleet is me. If its who I think you're talking about, he actually made those outrageous contributions by filling our Starbase dilithium and KDF Shipyard dilithium.
What say you get in 2 hours is barely 2 runs of CE! In 2 hours I can easily get 600+ from STF's by running different ones concurrently.
I work for a living. I run CE 3 times a night (3 different characters, including one fed) but most of the time the KDF queues are empty. Every once in a blue moon the fleet defense will actually fill but I've sat there for 15 minutes before waiting for it to open. As it is, most of the week my time is limited.
All of my characters continuously run doff assignments. I've gotten several up to teir 4 on most of the doff categories, but some are lacking like recruitment and trade.
Well, if someone is looking for a reason to dump FM for FC my one-person starbase is more than happy to oblige.
I'm completing T3 on the Dilithium mine at the moment - the base itself is T2, everything else is Tier 1.
I had no plans to grow beyond that since I now have everything I need to provision and buy from maxed out starbases via the NoP channel. I say that to head off the usual trolling about "people wanting a free ride on their personal base" nonsense I've heard in the past. Not exactly a free ride if I'm providing everything *except* the FM!
Back to the OP, yeah I could really have used more FM sources as recently as a year ago. Doesn't matter to me now.
2 Things to help you and your fleet get more fleet marks:
1. Join NoP public service channel, every day their are people in that channel giving away free fleet marks.
2. Doff mission CXP. After a specialization reaches rank 4, everything over 100k, (in 10k sets) can be converted over to Fleet Marks. I personally make 3,000 to 6,000 Fleet marks this way every week.
Yeah, my 5 max level toons all have 50k-75k marks gathering dust. I rarely get a chance to contribute to fleet projects. Shockingly, those queues fill up first. :eek:
One guy just must really like being #1 cause his one toon has more contributed than all 5 of my toons combined! :rolleyes: I think he must either set the projects (so he's there when they start) or must set alarm clocks to wake him when one completes and another pops up.
I played for like 2 years until i finally joined a fleet and it was so i could get some fleet gear. And just like you i was shocked...actually i was "shocked" to see expertise and fleet marks fill up so fast. Seems like there is a conflict of interest (is that the right term to use?) for people who are starting the projects and then going in and immediately filling in the currencies that are easy for them to fill in. I actually did like you mentioned draco and i set *my* alarm clocks to remind me of when projects would finish. That way the instant it finished, i would see if a new one came up and i would beat other people to filling fleet marks, expertise and crafting mats on the projects.
Anyways because of the way the overall system is setup i only geared up 2 of my toons with fleet consoles. Actually one is finished, the other one is only partially finished. I would say "hey devs we need a better fleet mark system" but i'm sure people have been saying that for a long time now.
2 Things to help you and your fleet get more fleet marks:
1. Join NoP public service channel, every day their are people in that channel giving away free fleet marks.
Do they need to temporarily join to donate? I use NoP a lot and honestly it never occurred to me to test and see if I can donate FC as a visitor to a fleet map.
Do they need to temporarily join to donate? I use NoP a lot and honestly it never occurred to me to test and see if I can donate FC as a visitor to a fleet map.
Yes, they do have to temp join, a lot of people are willing to temp join, a lot of high level fleets understand.
Do doffing. Once you reach tier 4, every 10K doff XP = 100 marks. That's about 25 of the better XP missions like EVA suit training even without any critical successes. Plus many of those missions pay 50 dil normally, 1K?? on critical
so basically defera which kinda needs 3 people so a bit tricky if solo and its dead or doffing
that word didnt need edited >.<
Exactly this. Once you get your T4 doffing, you keep on going. After a while, those exchanges to turn in excess 10k doff xps add up.
I don't spam the queues anymore. I don't fixate on a specific queued instance to get Fleet Marks. I haven't chosen a Fleet Marks reward box in... I don't know... Years?
Turning in Fleet Marks in Fleet Projects? Lucky to do so, I'll concur. Because the FM portion of a project is the first one to get filled, guaranteed. First come, first served, you snooze, you lose.
Dil turn ins on the Fleet Projects works, but Dil is precious. But if you have extra, those parts of the Fleet Projects tend to be open somewhat.
The best, generally available means on earning Fleet Credits? Turning in DOFFs on the Fleet Projects. The DOFF section is commonly the last one to get filled. That's because it's a hassle to get the extra Common DOFFs for turn ins and the UI is a big PITA. But it's a reliable means on getting Fleet Credits. It's just time consuming fighting such an awful UI.
As far as getting the Common DOFFs? Academy NPCs, the Personnel Officer has several DOFF missions to get up to 2 Common/Uncommon DOFFs. The first and last ones however cost 1k Dil but everything in between are free. Do not forget the extra NPCs for an additional race focus for Common DOFFs:
- KDF: Gorn, Orion, Nausicaan
- Fed: Vulcan, Tellarite, Andorian
My fleet is practically done with everything.
Except the starbase, still need far too much precious dil and doffs to finish it up.
The fact that the DR thing gave old characters fleet marks as well doesn't help, that's for sure.
Where do you turn in the extra XP?
I have been T4 forever, and have a bunch of built up extra XP. I heard you can turn them in for Marks, but never was able to find out where/how to do this.
I figure I'd leave the queues for the people who need to earn credits. Wish some of the others in the fleet thought so. One guy just must really like being #1 cause his one toon has more contributed than all 5 of my toons combined! :rolleyes: I think he must either set the projects (so he's there when they start) or must set alarm clocks to wake him when one completes and another pops up.
its 75 marks, 100 on crit
But yea, check your department heads. Theres a bunch there which have 50 dil base rewards, 250 dil on crit. And since in fleet, head to the mine and do the two doff mission there. Lots of various xp you can turn into fleet marks on the starbase, console in the room you buy doffs in.
Fleet marks should be the only thing you require for a starbase project.
Excellent.. just what I needed.
Thank you very much. :cool:
This way is better for large fleets since it's harder for one person to grab all the credits.
Right now I can earn fleet credits from EC (buying commodities) and from common doffs even after all the marks are nabbed. If it was just marks then almost never. For the KDF fleet I'm in the marks often get filled within a few seconds of the project becoming available.
Not a good balance, but there are many ppl offering their FM for free (they get fleet credits out of thin air). Just ask in the right channels.
I am in a fleet that has multiple smaller fleets attached to it though and jump from one fleet to another to fill up their projects then once done i return back to my home fleet.
How do I make so many marks so quickly? Deffera, disconnected, fleet alert, azure nebula, the STFs, I just spam those.
You should easily be able to make 500 or more fleet marks a day, minimal effort and minimal time.
If the people who run your fleet cannot find a way to make it so that you can contribute, then it is time for you to find a new fleet where they have people that are willing to accommodate you. If your fleet will not make accommodations for you, why are you even there? Friends make accommodations for their friends, if the people you are rolling with are not making accommodations for you then clearly they are not your friends.
What say you get in 2 hours is barely 2 runs of CE! In 2 hours I can easily get 600+ from STF's by running different ones concurrently.
^- This.. if you do doff missions and max out the XP for reports at the starbase you'll be swimming in fleet marks like I am. One toon I had made about 3000 FMs just from all the excess doff XP I had for reports.
Only one setting fleet projects in your fleet is me.
I work for a living. I run CE 3 times a night (3 different characters, including one fed) but most of the time the KDF queues are empty. Every once in a blue moon the fleet defense will actually fill but I've sat there for 15 minutes before waiting for it to open. As it is, most of the week my time is limited.
All of my characters continuously run doff assignments. I've gotten several up to teir 4 on most of the doff categories, but some are lacking like recruitment and trade.
I'm completing T3 on the Dilithium mine at the moment - the base itself is T2, everything else is Tier 1.
I had no plans to grow beyond that since I now have everything I need to provision and buy from maxed out starbases via the NoP channel. I say that to head off the usual trolling about "people wanting a free ride on their personal base" nonsense I've heard in the past.
Back to the OP, yeah I could really have used more FM sources as recently as a year ago.
1. Join NoP public service channel, every day their are people in that channel giving away free fleet marks.
2. Doff mission CXP. After a specialization reaches rank 4, everything over 100k, (in 10k sets) can be converted over to Fleet Marks. I personally make 3,000 to 6,000 Fleet marks this way every week.
I played for like 2 years until i finally joined a fleet and it was so i could get some fleet gear. And just like you i was shocked...actually i was "shocked" to see expertise and fleet marks fill up so fast. Seems like there is a conflict of interest (is that the right term to use?) for people who are starting the projects and then going in and immediately filling in the currencies that are easy for them to fill in. I actually did like you mentioned draco and i set *my* alarm clocks to remind me of when projects would finish. That way the instant it finished, i would see if a new one came up and i would beat other people to filling fleet marks, expertise and crafting mats on the projects.
Anyways because of the way the overall system is setup i only geared up 2 of my toons with fleet consoles. Actually one is finished, the other one is only partially finished. I would say "hey devs we need a better fleet mark system" but i'm sure people have been saying that for a long time now.
Yes, they do have to temp join, a lot of people are willing to temp join, a lot of high level fleets understand.