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Suggest: R&D recipes

daka86daka86 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
In a previous podcast was discus some upcoming changes to the R&D here a some ideas.
The Quad Cannons can be a epic recipes and some others items from the c-store ships.
Evan we may have thews Aux Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons ore just add Aux option to all type of weapons.
And can you add the andorian phasers so we can craft :D
Aft Tempest Tail Gun and so on .........
What do you think and what recipes like to see in-game?
Post edited by daka86 on


  • orion0029orion0029 Member Posts: 1,122 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Crafting Quad cannons or Aux weapons would diminish C-Store sales of the Defiant Refit and Vesta IF they didn't require said ships for the recepies.

    If quad cannon and aux weapon recepies were unlocked with the purchase of the C-store ships that have them, I'd be more than happy to craft those beastly weapons!

    Also, said weapons would probably be character bind on pickup, just to prevent people from transferring crafted quad cannons to players that didn't unlock them via C-Store first*, and vice versa, which would admittedly give me pause when deciding to craft one or not...

    *And to prevent an exploit allowing a Fed (with Defiant refit) from crafting a Quad Disruptor and transferring it to a KDF toon (without the Quad cannon BoP), or similar such transfers.

    I'd personally love to be able to reverse engineer some lockbox weapon designs, or purchase designs to craft them. Really wanna make myself some Phased Biomatter Beam Arrays!!! :D
  • daka86daka86 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Then will be good to have some of them drop items on elite what do you think?
    Perhaps can have some to be unlock when you hit level 20 on the R&D, but some people will scream a lot.
  • borticuscrypticborticuscryptic Member Posts: 2,478 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.
    Jeremy Randall
    Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
    "Play smart!"
  • frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    By weapons, do you mean space weapons? There are several categories of equipment that are missing:

    (a) melee weapons
    (b) kits
    (c) kit modules

    There is also no way to craft Romulan-faction guns.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think weapons only get brought up so frequently because there are mods we can't currently get on reputation/lockbox weapons, and the trend of upgrading lots of low mark weapons until we get the mod combos we actually want. I wouldn't care about crafting these weapons if there was another way to get the crafting mods on them.

    As for some suggestions, I'd like to see more hybrid consoles like the Exotic Field Exciter.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.
    I think weapons only get brought up so frequently because there are mods we can't currently get on reputation/lockbox weapons, and the trend of upgrading lots of low mark weapons until we get the mod combos we actually want. I wouldn't care about crafting these weapons if there was another way to get the crafting mods on them.

    As for some suggestions, I'd like to see more hybrid consoles like the Exotic Field Exciter.

    Just make recipes for special stuff that you otherwise can't make. For things that are specific to certain reps or lockboxes, you could do stuff like adding a recipe for crafting a Shield HP console that gives bonus damage resist vs Antiproton maybe.

    Omega rep = consoles with bonus plasma resist(maybe both/either kinds of plasma?)
    Tholian = Tetryon/Tricobalt resist
    Romulan = Disruptor/plasma Torp?
    Voth this one already has special kinds of consoles, so add recipes for those.
    Undine = Antiproton/plasma torp?

    As for equivalents for lock boxes... Maybe add recipes for making certain set gear items?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • zaalbarzaalbar Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    To keep your current revenue models going you could update all existing and new special weapon packs (phased biomatter, nanite disruptor, etc) to have a very rare chance of dropping a crafting recipe. Use that drop and you can now craft your own lock box weapons on whatever character you used that item on. That way people still need to get lucky with the lock boxes and weapon packs before they can start crafting their own versions. As stated above also permit crafting of ship-specific weapons after purchasing that ship. (I want my crafted Andorian phasers too.)

    You could also tie reputation gear into the crafting system to give other schools things to work with. Most reputation gear comes with built-in modifiers that don't show up in the item name, maybe crafted versions can have some of those baked-in mods replaced by randomized mods as with other crafted gear. This should give plenty of additional items to craft in all R&D schools.

    As for specific items I would want to craft:

    Andorian phasers. Because blue phasers are just better. Would also like Andorian ground weapons.

    Aux phasers. If I can craft them I will buy a Vesta.

    Special weapons from that Romulan vendor: Plasma Piercing Rifle, Long Range Assault Minigun, etc

    Kits and kit modules, complete with R&D specific versions (upgrades too)

    Ground weapons with custom skins. I would *really* like a gun that looks like a Fed elite fleet weapon that fits into one of my ground sets. Maybe keep the skins in specific categories so if I craft an antiproton pulsewave I can make it look like a fleet pulsewave but not a fleet sniper rifle or fleet assault minigun.
  • orion0029orion0029 Member Posts: 1,122 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    Aye, didn't think of other R&D schools...

    Although, I'd personally love to be able to craft some ground devices, maybe the Photonic Generator used by the Cardassian in the 'Badlands' mission? Or the Photon grenade turrets? Or better yet, how about a Cryonic Mortar like the Breen NPC's use? Those are friggin awesome!!

    I'd even enjoy using different 'themed' energy turrets, like a pulsewave turret, or a blast cannon turret... though those would likely be engineer's fabrication modules and difficult to implement in a crafing school. :(

    Perhaps some craftable 'fighter devices' would be able to be done? I have some of the Scorps from 'The Vault' and I think there are some Peregrines/To'duj fighters available from an older lockbox...

    In fairness, though, there is little in terms of selection for shields, projectiles, or other equipment found in lockboxes, it's usually just weapons and a console or two... lol?
  • daka86daka86 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    That was a good one :) here are some idea.
    You can make the set from missions into a schematic.
    The set recipe (item) can just unlock schematic and you need to make it just like the officer training.
    One of the problems whit the Solanae Dyson Science Destroyer and the integrated turret was that you can not have all you weapons slot whit one type of dmg (very cool effect on that one and that you can change from beams to cannons whit the dayson armament set and..... yet feel a bit short).
    You can make the set into schematic that unlock all the items ore you need to replay the mission for single item(schematic unlock) from the set, add the warpcore in the loby store so more people can get the full set whit out getting the ships.
    For the Eng, Sci and Projectile you can make a armament set to be fill that gap.
    For the ground i`me lost sory :D
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    There is the variable of creating non weapons that would be useful. A few examples would be like say making a console that for b'rel and romulan enhanced battle cloak ships to create a flash instead of a fully decloaked ship with litteraly no defenses lol.

    Then another idea that is non-weapon related or could be weapon related depending on how you look at it. Say you own a nebula with tachyon grid and say you also own some random console from another faction if it were made to be able to combine them to make a cross faction alliance console that would be cool too. Idea for the tachyon grid would be like maybe instead of a detection grid it could be used as a team cloaking field since they don't get battle cloak but still rewarding you in a way if you also play kdf or romulan with this idea. The other idea is taking the grid and the isometric charge for a bigger boom.
  • katelrickatelric Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    One of the things I would love to be able to craft is a kit. For example for my science captain it would be really great to be able to choose what kind of slots to have and then randomly roll up the bonuses on the kit. This would also be a great way to add in the possibility of kits with 6 slots or something like that. Crafting module upgrades would be nice too or a specific set of modules that are big school projects.

    I also think it would be nice to have a ground set that is craft-able kind of like the aegis set for space. It could be spread across the different schools as well for each piece as it makes sense for it to be there.

    We could also have crafting for consumables. Things like super batteries and hypos or what not could be crafted for use on both ground and space as well as new unique items. Any number of things for device slots for both space and ground could be craft-able allowing further customization of ships and characters. Or R&D recipes that will alter some part of your characters appearance when you have a device equipped or have consumed something. All of those are things I know at least some of the players would go for.

    The recipes themselves, for some of the things, could be purchasable through the c-store and offer a new, possibly smaller, but still there form of revenue. Some of them could be offered for events as rewards or purchasable with other in game currency. Still others could just be added to the game as something more for people to craft.
  • illilililiillililili Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    There is there only some of the science consoles available in the Fleet Romulan Embassy shuttlebay. The two most useful ones (to me, for PvE), the Field Generator MK XII and the Shield Emitter Amplifier MK XII not available as plasma infused.

    From a PvE standpoint this kind of sucks, because right now escorts use science slots for universal consoles. If we are going to switch our universals to eng slots then I would like to not be a complete glass cannon, and Field Generators help with that significantly.

    Anyhow. I would suggest making the missing options craftable in the future. These new consoles should be Bind on Account, and the recipes to craft them should come from lockboxes (to keep the revenue model going) and the recipes themselves should be sellable on the exchange.
  • illilililiillililili Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    To add to this by quoting my own previous post:
    illililili wrote: »
    I see on my BO that they also have Traits in a box similar to my Captain. Is the point of this so that in the next expansion we can change out traits on BOs?

    If that is the plan, that is a great idea, and that would go a long ways towards restoring balance between Roluman BOs and all the rest. Personally, I think all of my BO would be half Romulan/half Orion, instead of full Romulan.

    I know others have been discussing Nausicaan, Terran, Lethean; but what would be necessary is for Cryptic to put in more than 4 viable "best" choices (much as they have done with consoles and Captain traits) to allow players choice.

    Crafting suggestion: if you put this option of training traits into the next expansion (I think podcast said was borg playable expansion this fall, so having Borg able to switch traits as learning from newly assimilated species would make sense, then other factions could copy borg and use learning nanites to accomplish the same thing) then you could make each of the Bridge Officer traits craftable, with current traits in game craftable and new craftable traits being dropped via lockbox or special Bridge Officers with new traits being included with specific new ships.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Everyone focuses on crafting Weapons during this type of discussion, but what about parity for the other schools?

    If we created a way for players to craft Fluidic Antiproton (or other Lock Box weapons), what do the Shield, Engineering, Science, and Projectile schools get as their special additions?

    To be clear, we have definitely considered releasing additional Recipes. But we want to do so in a manner that is equitable, and in a way that wouldn't have a negative impact on our revenue models.

    I'd love to see more hybrid gear- we've already gotten some in the rep schools- the engines with +35 to a tac or sci skill, the iconian shields with built in +kinetic resist. Crafting high level gear in those fields that isn't the Aegis (and actually has a use for those specialization doffs) would be pretty nice.

    better functionality tac consoles, and access to mods for consoles would be cool.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited May 2015
    What if we were able to unlock recipes or item requisitions through doffing from the bridge?

    Like when the warp cores were released you could run a special mission from your bridge to craft the warp/singularity cores. But doffing from the bridge would unlock the recipe/item requisitions for certain items.

    So say certain hybrid items similar to the Field exciter console, conductive rcs, special deflectors, engines, shields, ground weapons, unique hybrid ground/space weapons could be unlocked or a certain amount of item requisitions could be earned through doffing.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Reps\fields| Beams| cannons| engineering| ground| projectiles| science| shields|
    Omega| [Borg] anti-proton| [Borg]| | [Borg] AP| [Borg] torps|

    beams: beam array, DBB, beam consoles
    cannon, DC, DHC, SC, turret, cannon consoles
    Projectiles: torpedos, mines, torp/mine consoles
    >Obviously this is where the weapons go. But for the consoles... Maybe things with (for example) bonus plasma resist or an extra [Borg] proc?

    engineering: consoles, ground armor, impulse engines, warp/sing cores
    >Hmmm... not sure exactly on this. Consoles could get some sort of bonus mod.

    ground weapons: yeah... that.
    >yeah, we have lots of those too.

    Science: deflectors, secondaryD, science console
    >see eng

    shields: ground/space
    >ok not sure here either, but maybe recipes for shields that have guaranteed resists?

    Lobi stuff:
    Things like the Biotech armor and wrist blaster would be awesome to be able to craft. Maybe make it so buying the item gives the recipes also? Since the item is CBoP, then anything you make with the recipe would be CBoP too.

    I'm not sure what all the various reps have as their stuff. I know Nukara rep has those EV suits. That'd go under engineering. Dyson rep has the tac and sci consoles.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • x10110100x10110100 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'd like it if the new lockbox bridge officer skills unlocked into the crafting so you can craft them for multiple bridge officers (even if you can't sell the crafted skill book).

    But more on topic, I wouldn't mind if you added some kind of craftable side grade items.

    This would be a big project, but as long as you made them easily accessible (so as to not widen the gap between players too much) and retrofit the old items (no obsoleting the old gear and with out making this system limited to gold items or something), I "might not" mind if you added a slot to items and created some sort of a plug in system to add minor effects to items. (And please for the love of all that's good in the universe no more refining)


    Shield: when you get hit by energy damage 2.5% chance to reflect damage.

    Engine: 2.5% chance to dodge next torpedo

    Science: 2.5% chance on exotic damage to add a disable

    Weapon: Add a 2.5 chance of non weapon class proc (plasma proc on phaser)

    In this way you could add any number of weird effects to any item in the game.

    How much I would like or totally despise this would depend on how overpowered you made them, how expensive you make them and how difficult for new/casual players you make it.

    For example, crafting skill books, was reasonably priced, crafting actual items is hardly worth the cost. (due to random nature) especially for new/casual players.

    As an easier alternative you could make more craftable sets like aegis.
  • thelvinaer1thelvinaer1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would really like to see melee weapons added for ground combat, seems like a glaring omission for some reason.
  • daka86daka86 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I would really like to see melee weapons added for ground combat, seems like a glaring omission for some reason.

    no point the borg elit drons have absurd knock back
  • daka86daka86 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    How about to have station for the R&D where you can bye stuff from vender's.
    That was discus on some podcast.
    Have a warp field simulation on warp cores in some test chamber ore hologram and other stuff like this.
    Ore for the Fleet functions just make a R&D holding.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    daka86 wrote: »
    no point the borg elit drons have absurd knock back
    and yet I kill them with melee enyways. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    daka86 wrote: »
    In a previous podcast was discus some upcoming changes to the R&D here a some ideas.
    The Quad Cannons can be a epic recipes and some others items from the c-store ships.
    Evan we may have thews Aux Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons ore just add Aux option to all type of weapons.
    And can you add the andorian phasers so we can craft :D
    Aft Tempest Tail Gun and so on .........
    What do you think and what recipes like to see in-game?

    I see what your aim is now. This is another one of those old requests for a Complete Set of OP Aux Based Weapons, just reworded a bit.

    Hell no.
  • daka86daka86 Member Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I see what your aim is now. This is another one of those old requests for a Complete Set of OP Aux Based Weapons, just reworded a bit.

    Hell no.

    Yes it`s part of it, what do you think about the Quad Cannons and Andorian Phasers.
    What about make the Solanae set so we can craft it.
    Aaa.... and lets add the Proton energy type of dmg.
  • freenos85freenos85 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    • I'd like to see some new high end crafting recipes. Maybe somethign only available if you've reached level 20 in a school. Something that adds power in very small increments and doesn't really justify the cost to create it.
      In fantasy mmo terms: an enchantment that gives you 0.5% CrtD or 1% extra exotic damage, but each application of the enchantment to an item decreases the chance of success to apply another one.
    • I'd also like tactical (or whatever) consoles that buff certain underused damage types like radiation or physical damage. In turn some of the more devastating sci abilities could be balanced around the existence of these kinds of consoles.
    • I'd like tokens to be introduced that allow the reroll of a modifier or actually set one of the modifiers, but these should only work on weapons since they have the most permutations available. Crafting mods should be excluded from the list.
    • I would like the emission torp to be able to get the [Spr] mod.
    • I'd like the [Arc] mod for torps. Maybe make it less potent than the one we have now for torps, but make it happen. I'd like to fly my cruisers in a somewhat canon fashion and the only thing i have acces to now is the Regent class' torp or the Bulwark's torp. Other factions are limited to one option.
    • I'd like hybrid damage types for torp crafting.
    • I'd like another set to be introduced to R&D. We've got a few good tanking sets, some that enhance tactical orientated playstyles, but most sciency sets seem rather underwhelming. Certain parts (the solanae deflector is imho a staple in nearly every partg focused build since it enhances exotic damage and increases your hull strength and thus negates a disatvantage sci ships have and increases their implicit strength) are great, but i've yet to see a set bonus that actually gives a decent passive bonus to sci damage. Even if it's just a situational proc or triggered ability.
    • I'd like the lobi store involved in crafting. It shoudn't be too intrusive.
      For example: kemocite weapons (the training manual) are stupidly expensive right now, due to their limited availablitly, nearly no opportunity cost to use them, great effect and probably some market speculation. My point is, it's a base ability. No pilot, intel or command ships required. I'd rather see crafting recipes that could produce account bound manual in the lobi store then ever again in the actual lockbox.
    • I'd like melee weapons to be craftable.
    • I'd like reverse crafting (salvaging) to be implemented. Destroy a very rare piece of equipment and you get a rare ingredient and so on. The chance for that happening would improve with mark level and there could be a chance to get multiple mats at once. All this is highly debatlebale, because the market for suboptimal gear might be compromised and players who are on a budget might get shafted that way.
    • I'd like the "Officer Training" tab in the R&D interface to be more clear. Introduce drop down features, just like the ones for doff spezialization.
    • I'd like for some of the older hybrid weapons to be introduced to crafting. Maybe it can start 10 lockboxes back or something.
    • I'd like there to be conversion options for certain underused currencies in the game. Let me convert expertise to specilization xp at a 100:1 rate, via crafting. OR let me burn dilithium to gain specilization xp ... i really hate to grind for spec points. Maybe these could even be sellable or transfarable through your account bank.

    That's pretty much all i can think of. :)
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