The older Doff missions have different text descriptions for how it turned out from Critical Failure up to Critical Success. I'm not sure when the cut off was, but I think they didn't bother including them with new Doff assignments around the time Legacy of Romulus came out, just a blank space beneath the bare minimum of how the assignment turned out. I rather like them myself when and where they actually are, they provide a deeper sense that your Doffs actually completed or failed at the particular assignment instead of just being another game feature. They could be amusing as well, such as when you Critically Fail at the 'Correlate Historical Record Using Digestive Remains' assignment.
Any possibility they could bring back assignment completion texts for the Doff assignments?
you can still read them. there's a details button for that.
Yes, but the more recent ones have no texts accompanying them, just blank spaces under 'Critical Success', 'Success', 'Failure', or 'Critical Failure'. None for Romulan Doff assignments, none for Solonae Sphere assignments, none for Delta Quadrant Assignments, and none for a lot of others in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants as well.
My character Tsin'xing