First, I did not make this. It's a found vid.
This was not made for STO, but if I'm not mistaken, it covers all ( or nearly all ) of the Fed ships Cryptic has made, that can be seen in game, if not playable in game.
Do you guys notice any ship classes, from this vid, that are missing from the game?
Oberth is the only one I do not remember seeing in game. I'm sure I missed another or two.
Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Totally missed that. I'll have to check that out.
- Soyuz (decommissioned, but that doesn't mean we can't have it at low tier, they did include the vastly obsolete Constitution from TOS after all)
- Sydney
- Challenger
- Freedom
- New Orleans
- Niagara
- Norway (before you say it, no the Oslo isn't the same)
- Springfield
- Yeager
So there are still plenty of canon designs left for the game, including the Curry class that was not seen in this video.
"Let them eat static!"
most of those are not canon, since they only appear in fan fiction or other games. This is also the reason we will probably never see them ingame, since there are copyright issues involved with those designs.
Yeager, please NO...burn it with fire!!:mad:
Actually, all those he listed are canon as they appeared in episodes/movies. With the exception of Norway, they are kitbashes of existing studio models.
I completely forgot about the Sydney, which had even rather "prominent" screentime. The Wolf 359 graveyard ships easily esape one's perception, though. But as you said, all are on-screen canon.
I especially like the Sydney. It's like a TMP-era runabout/heavy shuttlecraft. I like it
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Niagara, Challenger, Cheyenne, Springfield, freedom and New Orleans were all seen in the graveyard scene in BoBW part 2, some more clearly than others, but they all are canon. it just may be hard to see.
You look at the model features, it is way to big for a even an runabout. and if it was a runabout, the Enterprise would have still been in the Jenolen sphere when we entered it, instead of the U.S.S. Gold. A runabout is nowhere near large enough to hold the doors open wide enough for the Enterprise.
True, but the model used is a shuttle model and it woud look very good in that role. As an enlarged transporter it works of course, but looks kind of "bloated" in my opinion.
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