i see when people give ideas about science ships they sometime liset partgen or +grav
i am using a grav well build and i thought that all the +part would be the best i thought +grav was for repulsers and things like that and +part was for grav well
+grav increases the pull and radius of the grav-well afaik.
+partg is for the damage the thing does.
So for scenarios where mobs are packed already somewhat close, the +partg will be better since you don't need that much of an area of effect, while +grav will let the grav-well work at greater distances.
Personally, i've never tried a +grav build (and probably never will), because +partg improves the damage of other exotic damage abilities and i'd rather use these in combination of grav-well.
Furthermore, the baseline resistances against movement debuffs and push/pull effect for every mob in the game seems to be the same and only mobs who use specific abilities that soft counter (as in increase the resistances towards pull/push abilities) grav-well exist. But these soft-counter abilites make most nearly immune against grav-well anyways, so +grav isn't of much use there.
i have been using +part but am about to start start my particle emission torp build so i i wanted to be sure which one to get i am going to go with +partgen on all 5 science consoles and +plasma on the 3 tac ones
then try to get some set for +torp damage since i am rom/kling i guess the maco is out so i iwll have to kling one
Personally, 6 points into Starship Graviton Generators and high Aux Power is more than enough to do the CC you need to do in this game. I would devote the rest to as much Starship Particle Generators as you can. Not to mention these things will perform better with higher Particle Generators.
- Exotic Damage abilities (GW, TBR, PSW, etc)
- Science R&D Lv15 trait "Particle Manipulator"
- Dyson Grav Torp rift damage
- Plasma Particle Emission Torp's plasma burns
And others that I've forgotten to mention.
To fulfill the CC duties of a group, you really don't need a Mega-Grav Well Build of Doom. They're nice but they won't be doing as much damage as a Particle Generator oriented version of GW that can still do the job of collecting up NPCs. And if you doff for GW aftershocks, it's still all the same.
I just found it easy enough to focus mostly on the PrtG side of things, but using gear that also happens to help out on GravGens anyways.
Honor Guard / Adapted MACO deflector. Deflector itself boosts both skills and a bit of Flow Caps besides, and the 2-piece boosts aux and torp damage.
Secondary Deflector, get one that boosts both skills.
Assimilated Module, you want for the crit bonuses anyways, and it adds a GravGens bonus.
Particle Exciter, the +PrtG one is really nice but is crazy expensive, while one that boosts GravGens is a fraction of the cost.
And I'm sure others I'm forgetting...
Little stuff like that can still get your GravGens approaching 200 while still loading up on PartiGen consoles in your sci slots. It does cost you a bit of your potential PrtG total, but still leaves you with very good holds (especially if you have the Psychological Warfare trait) while pouring on plenty of PrtG-based damage.
As those have said above, P.Gens will keep boosting your DPS the more you add. This makes them the choice science skill for enemies in small numbers or compact spaces.
However this thread has been noticeably free of G.Gen advocation. Lets be clear about this. In the right content a ship with stacked G.Gens will reach DPS numbers higher then a ship with P.Gens ever could.
At 100 G.Gens a GW3 is 9km from side to side.
At 200 G.Gens a GW3 is 12km from side to side.
At 300 G.Gens a GW3 is 15km from side to side.
At 400 G.Gens a GW3 is 18km from side to side.
Every ship you can catch is multiplying the damage you do. Hear is a simplified theoretical example. You have a gravity well doing 900 damage per tick.
With 1 enemy its doing 900
With 2 enemies its doing 1800
With 3 enemies its doing 2700
With 4 enemies its doing 3600
With 5 enemies its doing 4500
With 10 enemies its doing 9000
Now if your building a P.Gen boat you want to throw in other damaging science abilities, but a G.Gen boat, usualy referd to as a Mega Well build is a different animal, whilst a P.Gen build may or may not use a torpedo spread a Mega Well build without one is a sad bunny.
Mega Well builds capitalize on stacking multiple AoE hazards and resistance debuffs in the same space at the same time. That means a Particle Emission torpedo spread or Gravimetric Torpedo spread is a must. Every one of the rifts/plasma clouds spawned by the spread will be in the same space (at the centre of the well where the enemies are) so every one is benefiting from the same multiplication effect as the gravity well is.
Lets say your well caught 10 ships. Your spread produces 6 hazards doing another 900 per tick each. Now your looking at 7 X 900 X 10 = 63,000 Damage per tick
Throw in some ionic turbulence or destabilizing resonance beam for AoE resistance debuffs and your multiplying the damage of these abilities even more.
Thanks to the benefit of multiplication (and concentrated warp core breaches) a Mega Well ship can whipe out multiple groups of enemies more quickly by far then any P.Gen build.
Of course this is entirely dependant upon the number and location of enemies. against two or three targets, which is often the case a G.Gen build is serviceable, but a P.Gen build is undeniably better.
From the wiki-
+partg is for the damage the thing does.
So for scenarios where mobs are packed already somewhat close, the +partg will be better since you don't need that much of an area of effect, while +grav will let the grav-well work at greater distances.
Personally, i've never tried a +grav build (and probably never will), because +partg improves the damage of other exotic damage abilities and i'd rather use these in combination of grav-well.
Furthermore, the baseline resistances against movement debuffs and push/pull effect for every mob in the game seems to be the same and only mobs who use specific abilities that soft counter (as in increase the resistances towards pull/push abilities) grav-well exist. But these soft-counter abilites make most nearly immune against grav-well anyways, so +grav isn't of much use there.
then try to get some set for +torp damage since i am rom/kling i guess the maco is out so i iwll have to kling one
- Exotic Damage abilities (GW, TBR, PSW, etc)
- Science R&D Lv15 trait "Particle Manipulator"
- Dyson Grav Torp rift damage
- Plasma Particle Emission Torp's plasma burns
And others that I've forgotten to mention.
To fulfill the CC duties of a group, you really don't need a Mega-Grav Well Build of Doom. They're nice but they won't be doing as much damage as a Particle Generator oriented version of GW that can still do the job of collecting up NPCs. And if you doff for GW aftershocks, it's still all the same.
Honor Guard / Adapted MACO deflector. Deflector itself boosts both skills and a bit of Flow Caps besides, and the 2-piece boosts aux and torp damage.
Secondary Deflector, get one that boosts both skills.
Assimilated Module, you want for the crit bonuses anyways, and it adds a GravGens bonus.
Particle Exciter, the +PrtG one is really nice but is crazy expensive, while one that boosts GravGens is a fraction of the cost.
And I'm sure others I'm forgetting...
Little stuff like that can still get your GravGens approaching 200 while still loading up on PartiGen consoles in your sci slots. It does cost you a bit of your potential PrtG total, but still leaves you with very good holds (especially if you have the Psychological Warfare trait) while pouring on plenty of PrtG-based damage.
However this thread has been noticeably free of G.Gen advocation. Lets be clear about this. In the right content a ship with stacked G.Gens will reach DPS numbers higher then a ship with P.Gens ever could.
At 100 G.Gens a GW3 is 9km from side to side.
At 200 G.Gens a GW3 is 12km from side to side.
At 300 G.Gens a GW3 is 15km from side to side.
At 400 G.Gens a GW3 is 18km from side to side.
Every ship you can catch is multiplying the damage you do. Hear is a simplified theoretical example. You have a gravity well doing 900 damage per tick.
With 1 enemy its doing 900
With 2 enemies its doing 1800
With 3 enemies its doing 2700
With 4 enemies its doing 3600
With 5 enemies its doing 4500
With 10 enemies its doing 9000
Now if your building a P.Gen boat you want to throw in other damaging science abilities, but a G.Gen boat, usualy referd to as a Mega Well build is a different animal, whilst a P.Gen build may or may not use a torpedo spread a Mega Well build without one is a sad bunny.
Mega Well builds capitalize on stacking multiple AoE hazards and resistance debuffs in the same space at the same time. That means a Particle Emission torpedo spread or Gravimetric Torpedo spread is a must. Every one of the rifts/plasma clouds spawned by the spread will be in the same space (at the centre of the well where the enemies are) so every one is benefiting from the same multiplication effect as the gravity well is.
Lets say your well caught 10 ships. Your spread produces 6 hazards doing another 900 per tick each. Now your looking at 7 X 900 X 10 = 63,000 Damage per tick
Throw in some ionic turbulence or destabilizing resonance beam for AoE resistance debuffs and your multiplying the damage of these abilities even more.
Thanks to the benefit of multiplication (and concentrated warp core breaches) a Mega Well ship can whipe out multiple groups of enemies more quickly by far then any P.Gen build.
Of course this is entirely dependant upon the number and location of enemies. against two or three targets, which is often the case a G.Gen build is serviceable, but a P.Gen build is undeniably better.