2 purple connection 3purple technicians.
I'm quite proud to finally be able to have a decent build with decent dps. I'm still saving up for the spire crth consoles but for now I'm happy with the build.
I am always looking for improvement though. Any suggestions would be helpful to improve dps
Unless you are running Marion Frances Dulmer, I would speculate that EPtW3 is better than DEM2. Maybe even if you have Marion.
Im at work so I dont remember off hand, but do the Mobulai (sp?) frigates spam Attack Pattern Beta? If so then theyd be an upgrade as well. In general, if a ship can slot frigates, it should slot frigates. Thats not universal, but usually the counter argument revolves around Elite Swarmers.
Oh WOW another Antiproton Beam Fire at will build! SO ORIGINAL, SO NEW.
This must have taken so much effort to make.
I'm sorry that was uncalled for but seriously every DPS build in the game is just the same damn copied FAW Antiproton Beam, Dual Omni, Cutting Beam build and it's getting boring I don't bother to watch the Sarcasm Detector's videos any more because every ship is the same thing.
Yet, you have obliquely provided a helpful hint: to look at what sarcasmdetector has done with this ship for uber dps.
SO - @strykerhawke86 - do a forum search for a post made my sarcasmdetector. I think it's also the "Gawain" build.
Good luck.
Well done . . . if you're happy with the build, grats.
As a long-time Narcine driver, a couple of points to consider
- yes, spire consoles will be your friend. If you want something to aim for next, get as many of these as you can afford
- no, A2B builds on a carrier are not your friend. As you may or may not know, the hit to aux power will kill your hangar recharge rate for as long as it takes to come back up.
Here is my own humble build . . . USS Kraken
If your build is aimed at PvE more than PVP, then a couple of other things to consider
- ST2 instead of TS2. You;ll get a slightly better shield heal AND science buffs removed at the same time
- APB3 instead of APO3. This is always open for debate, but I've generally found in PvE that team debuffs via APB3 instead of personal buffs via APO3 will give you a better return
- when the opportunity arises, check out a fleet warp core with AMP bonus. As an engi i don't normally have an issue with power flows, as a tac you might find that a fleet core will help with those levels more than the Obelisk core
I still enjoy the Narcine after just over a year of flying her - she's the main ship on my main toon. Look me up in-game (@brok3nmind) if there's anything else you wanted to know