And i cant understand why it has Commander Command/Engeering station?
Shouldnt it be a Commander Command/Tactical station...
And the two on the other ships
SCI - Commander Command/Science station
ENG - Commander Command/Engineering
But instead we have
SCI - Commander Command/Engineering station
ENG - Commander Command/Engineering station
TAC - Commander Command/Engineering station
Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
Just an off the top of my head thought but maybe it's because...
They want all the people driving the new super cruisers to use the new command/engineering combi boffs to tank up with new super cool command super powers, rather than fly builds tailored to their Captain type.
That's why they gave away a free purple quality cmd/eng boff in a recent 'featured episode'.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
Just take the thing outside ESD, and try turning.. you'll quickly see it's not an escort
I mean I hate to be the one that says this, but didn't you read a description of what you were going to purchase? Or you one of those shoppers that goes to a store and flings things into your cart because it had pretty packaging?
It's not like it's a bad purchase, the starship trait is quite nice...
Didn't say it was a bad purchase, I think the command ships are pretty nice overall, specially the romulan designed ones, kdf eh not so much. But hey its 3 consoles that are actually quite nice to have.
I was merely looking at the facts that the OP bought a ship thinking it was tactical escort something other because all he read was Tactical Command.
I am sure an aircraft carrier has a tactical slot too..
I have to say, I was thinking the same thing.
Not to bash on the OP, not at all.. in fact, I sincerely hopes he ends up enjoying the fantastic ship he just bought, but all the information is readily available before purchase.
The full description is right there with the turn rate, hull and shield strength, console and BoFF layout.. everything. When you go to the C-Store, there are even pretty pictures from multiple angles. There is simply no way someone could purchase the Presidio thinking it was an Escort.
Again, OP.. it's a great ship.. my favorite one in the game and I really hope you like it. It would however, help you out a lot to research these things a bit before you buy them. Between the C-Store information, Wiki sites, Reddit, Youtube, and these forums the information is readily and easily accessible.