As you enter a room look at your mission menu to see what tasks you must complete and what optional (marked optional by them) you have, if any.
I've found it helps to first clear the room of enemies.
The Orion is located in the back left of the room, he is waving, yelling, and trying to get your attention.
Then you throw a heal or a couple of heals on the Orion Operative. I've even thrown heals on the Operative as the room is cleared and as I've escorted the Orion. The Orion has 1 to a few hit-points in it's natural state and if hit once, without receiving any heals, will expire/be ko'ed. Fully healing the Operative would take a while.
When the room is cleared and you have thrown the Operative a heal, then you engage the Operative by clicking F. He will mention that he is following you. That means if you stop and fight so will he, so please always move.
New enemies beam in. Run or Walk out of the alcove with the Operative and turn left. Please try your best to move quickly without fighting as the Operative will stop, fight (it is following you), and most likely die. Look for a higher platform with a walkway as you walk into the main room and bear left.
Walk or run up the platform. Then turn left, walk through a doorway arc (and by a device that needs to be deactivated later?), sometimes you might walk through energy as you move through the arc. Move down some steps to the end of the hallway to the small circle marked green on the map.
The Operative will follow you and beam out, indicating that he will put in a good word about you. The Escort Operative item line on the mission menu turns green, look for this change. As you hurry back the team can then begin to deactivate the devices.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and offering any tips and tactics for others. Good luck and have fun.
Question: is it possible to heal the Orion with nanite health monitor? Since he joins your team, will the ability trigger on him?
He doesnt join your team, nevertheless the abilty works. But I would still advice you to use it directly on him, that way you also have a backup for the way.
I was thinking about that. Perhaps and Engineer can set up a Medical Generator in the Operative area when the team first enters the room.
Maybe if you click on the Operative, not the "F" key to engage him, a hypo can be used on him.
He doesnt join your team, nevertheless the abilty works. But I would still advice you to use it directly on him, that way you also have a backup for the way.