Hello, just one question, it's been three days that I can not play because of maintenance so could you implement a calendar on which appeared the days we can play, I think it would be easier because there are more maintenance as of game time?
Maintenance is about 95% of the time on Thursdays. This week had a major update to the game on a Tuesday. Most big releases have a few daily maintenance after to fix all the new bugs that pop up. This is normal.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
Tuesday was New Season Maintenance. That only happens once or twice a year.
Wednesday was Emergency Maintenance. That usually happens after a New Season or new Expansion Pack.
Thursday is the regular Maintenance. The game has done this Maintenance on this day every week for years. It should not come as a surprise to anyone to see Thursday Maintenance happen each week.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
no what they need to do is when they have day after day of patching is to try and change the times of these.
it gets old real fast when only one groups of peoples playtime is interrupted day after day.
but heres hoping this is the last of them.
A company will perform its function during their normal business hours. Why would they alter that? Release the patch during the morning business hours so that they have the rest of the day's business hours to work on any new issues that said patch may have caused or missed.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
Next up: "Shouldn't maintenance be over by now? Its been, like, 6 hours."
Those should show up anytime now.
yep. Even though it's only been a little over an hour now.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
I sorta-kinda sympathize. While I understand the need for the extra maintenance cycles... it would at least be polite if they could actually stick to their ORIGINAL time estimates. This they have, so far, failed to do.
I will agree on this. Do the Scotty method. Over estimate so you always finish before the estimated time elapses. Makes the average player base praise you more.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
I'm very sure Cryptic would like to plan out it's emergency repairs, it's the simple fact of the servers or game not playing nicely and breaking when it's convenient. With regards to the times the weekly maintenance is done, I agree they could be better for some of us, but They do run on the time for which they are located, as to provide normal working hours for employees (I'm guessing) So that means, things happen on a (US) West Coast timetable and we get to complain about it on the forums every week.
Wrong. Cryptic should do their best to only take the servers down when the FEWEST number of customers will be affected.
When your customers are worldwide that's almost impossible, it's aleays prime time for someone somewhere and nobody will ever accept that their time zone had the fewest played.
As far as I can tell Maintenance has always been 2.5 hours. Give or take, as to what they encounter during this time. Take today for example. 2.5 hour down time. Alright, I've already went outside and done some yardwork. According to the timing, I used 2 hours of the 2.5 hours already. If maintenance runs a little longer. Well I still have more I can go do.
Not true at all. Yesterday's "emergency" maintenance was initially announced at 2.5 and then extended to 3.5. And I recall ones that were initially announced at 3 or 4 and ended up being extended to 6 or more.
Maintenance, not emergency. Regular scheduled maintenance is usually as he stated 2.5 hours, while EMERGENCY is a bit more fluxuating considering what it is, an emergency..
the issue here I see is, people complaining that they are trying to fix things this week. Id rather it go like this then have them do the update on a Friday and see no fixes until Monday, letting a whole weekend of broken things go.
And lets be honest, I have the same problem, the garbage guy always shows up around 1230 my time on Tuesdays and I cant get out of the driveway to head back to work, id really wish that he would change his schedule to effect the entire group just for me.
You people are ridiculous! Have any of you been around for at least 2 to 3 years? If you have you would know that Cryptic, like any other similar company works on their own time schedule. They're in California while US servers are in Boston. The servers don't have someone 24/7 that sits there with a pot of coffee waiting for Cryptic to call. That person has to be called at home at 3am, and has to drive to where the servers are to do any kind of work, if it's an emergency such as a crash or emergency hotfix. It takes time. Companies have work hours, cryptic and pwe are no different. They don't burn the midnight oil to get work done so we can be happy the next day. They are not here to grant every wish we want, or any wish at all for that matter. They may provide a service, but we choose to use it and agree to terms (EULA).
Considering the state of the game when it first launched over 5 years ago, it was terrible. A lot of people left. I chose to stay hoping it would get better. I admit there are bugs that drive me insane but I cannot, not be grateful. The models, graphics, and even the queue system, have been upgraded to where it basically is a new game but with the same early level missions. Plus it's free 2 play now. Those of us that started at launch had to sub every months for years, or get a lts which is what i got before launch and the game has paid for itself 2 or 3 fold. Cryptic isn't Blizzard and they don't have a staff of 500 people in an HQ working like clockwork.
We can wish and hope they sympathize as much as we want, but from their point of view. They show up to work everyday not knowing if pwe will lay them off or not. do as much work and multi-tasking as possible, sometimes miss lunch cause they're really dedicated, they are proud of their work, and here we are criticising them as if they're out to get us or intentionally making maintenance times when we want to play. I live in Central USA and they are on Pacific West Coat USA. Server's for USA are on Atlantic East Coast USA. From East to West there is a 3 hour time difference. From East Coast USA to London UK there is a 5 hour difference.
My question to you all is: Do you those of us in central and east USA expect them to get up at 4 or 5am to patch so that the east coast can play at 7am? And what about eastern europe? Do you europeans expect them to leave work at 0500 or 0600 then go back in at 2200 to start patching so you can play at 0700 GMT? Common people, these guys and gals are game designers, not utility or city employees that have to show up for work when it's still dark. You want them to commit to the above times I've listed because it's inconvenient or you miss out on a few hours of game time.
Say you're complaint is that you have limited time to play and these patches take some of that time. I understand and would be frustrated too. But you can't expect the staff at cryptic to wake up at these times because, say, 10% of the community's player's jobs or time zones conflict? If you're able, restructure your schedule so you can go to work and make up that missed play time. If you can't then you just have to accept the fact and stop complaining about it.
And for those of you in the rest of the world, especially places like Hawaii and Australia, I feel for you guys and gals. That's why a lot of players have formed fleets made up of people from your countries or time zones and I think it's great. But the fact is the game is made in the USA and so like any american worker, would want to go to work at standard work hours.
If we all played an MMO from, say, Germany, then would the rest of us in the USA expect them to wake up in the early morning or the same day they got off work to do patching? If they did then that would be a first that I've seen in MMO's in a very long time, and it would be about the nicest thing any MMO company has ever done for it's player base. But they should patch when it is convenient for them, during work hours. It's their country's game, made by a german company in their country of germany, and it gets to decide what time table they will work on.
Step pack and realize these things. I don't know what all of you do as a job or occupation. If you're nurses or doctors you're used to going in or being on call at 4AM so it might not be as frustrating since you're used to being pulled out of bed because you're needed. If you work behind a desk or are a contractor or labor worker, you might get to work early, and depending on your salary and position in your company, may go home at 5 to 6pm or 7 to 10pm, like if you are a government contractor or work at a restaurant or some place they stays open late.
With the above in mind, you're probably exhausted when you get home from work. Would you like it if you're called back to do something else after you got settled down at home? Or what if you just entered REM sleep and got a call to show up immediately to do something? Most of us don't want this and don't have to coupe with it. Please try to remember that the employees at pwe and cryptic are just like us. They get tired, problems to solve that stump and frustrate them, and trying to produce enough content to keep the wolves distracted. There are few people in this game that visibly show appreciation for their hard work.
Yeah the game isn't perfect, they don't have hundreds of millions of dollars to pour into our game, they have other games too that need just as much care as STO. I do strongly agree that some of their decisions have been bad or misguided at times, and it does seem like they are commiting highway robbery at times with zen prices. But that money goes somewhere useful. It pays salaries so devs can work. And it gives resources so that the dev's have more time and money to work and produce better content before they reach their release deadline. It's hypocritical sounding but the more money we give them, the more they can give back. It's a cycle. Since launch, ship details and models have been made more canon for us. The T6 Andromeda is an example. They were able to pay the modeler, animator, and texture artist to take extra time and attention to detail to try and make the post accurate reproduction they can in the shortest amount of time.
I used to think I was being robbed, but I thought about it more and realize that we usually think that all of the 99% of the profit goes to management and 1% goes to dev salaries and content. That isn't how it really is. Management do get paid a lot, but most of the profit goes back into the game, while some is saved as profit. This is how any successful business operates to some degree. As some of you know, I own my own, and I operate similar to the example above. Someone mentioned cryptic isn't a charity, they are a company and the goal is to make a profit while giving customers what they want for the most part.
How many internet service providers do you have in you're neighborhood? What about cellphone? Not many for most of us. We have limited options but have to chose one that isn't highway robbery or totally immoral. Sometimes, we only have one choice on a service provider and we are at their mercy because we all want connection or phone signal, and they can bend and warp us with price gouging and down time. What can we do about it? Complain to the city? They don't care unless their systems are affected. Complain to the Better Business Bureau? They really only care about companies that are committing crimes. Besides we signed contract with those service providers so they are legally protected.
This is a similar situation we are all in. There is only one Star Trek MMO. There is Star Wars The Old Republic, and a lot of people played it for a while, but quite a few just couldn't stay away from STO because they are a trekkie at heart. If they want our feedback they will listen, if they don't care what we think they will not ask or reply to inquiries about new content or bug fixes. They are not obligated at all to even communicate with us except via Customer Service. They can also ban any of us at any time without warning or explanation. It's listed clearly in the TOS and EULA and we agree to that contract. Every time we click "Engage," we have just given up any freedom of speech or expression, the right to protest and a bunch of other things.
We should be greateful that they are putting content out. For a long time a few years ago there was a year or more of content drought. I still firmly believe that someone needs to go through every line of code top to bottom, locate errors then assign a team to correct these errors. Once a solid and strong foundation is now in place. They can add more content, and have less of a chance that it messes existing things up. They will also have an easier time identifying how it messes things up because they know they can rule out parts of the game because they repaired everything to near 100%. Bugs can quickly be fixed and another solid layer is in place, ready for the next season. This is what they need to do. It's a very daunting task and will take a long time but I believe it is worth the wait. Imagine: 1 out 200 players experience a bug of some kind a month. That would make me want to sub if i was f2p probably because I would know the dev's take this very seriously and care about my gaming experience and that things can only get better.
I'll say "I'll believe it when I see it," but I really hope I will get to see it. It would make up for all the frustration I've personally endured. And then I could go back to being a "blind fanboi," again
"Being a troll myself, I classify this malcontent as a Type-2 Oblivious Troll. My reasons for coming to this conclusion are: The annoying colored text he deploys, the contradictory threads he creates, the excessive whining and foot stamping, the amusement factor of his threads, and the apparent lack of realization that he is in fact a troll, like me, and is not the heart broken, victimized, player, he sees himself as."
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
it gets old real fast when only one groups of peoples playtime is interrupted day after day.
but heres hoping this is the last of them.
"It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
Wednesday was Emergency Maintenance. That usually happens after a New Season or new Expansion Pack.
Thursday is the regular Maintenance. The game has done this Maintenance on this day every week for years. It should not come as a surprise to anyone to see Thursday Maintenance happen each week.
Those should show up anytime now.
A company will perform its function during their normal business hours. Why would they alter that? Release the patch during the morning business hours so that they have the rest of the day's business hours to work on any new issues that said patch may have caused or missed.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
yep. Even though it's only been a little over an hour now.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
I will agree on this. Do the Scotty method. Over estimate so you always finish before the estimated time elapses. Makes the average player base praise you more.
-Rule of Acquisition #113: Always have sex with the boss.
-I am one of the many victims from the hijacked Caspian Division.
I will not let the childish acts of a criminal ruin this game for me.
-The actions of Cryptic, on the other hand......
Message me in-game (@tm706) for help
1st Alpha Quadrant Fleet
When your customers are worldwide that's almost impossible, it's aleays prime time for someone somewhere and nobody will ever accept that their time zone had the fewest played.
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
Maintenance, not emergency. Regular scheduled maintenance is usually as he stated 2.5 hours, while EMERGENCY is a bit more fluxuating considering what it is, an emergency..
the issue here I see is, people complaining that they are trying to fix things this week. Id rather it go like this then have them do the update on a Friday and see no fixes until Monday, letting a whole weekend of broken things go.
And lets be honest, I have the same problem, the garbage guy always shows up around 1230 my time on Tuesdays and I cant get out of the driveway to head back to work, id really wish that he would change his schedule to effect the entire group just for me.
Considering the state of the game when it first launched over 5 years ago, it was terrible. A lot of people left. I chose to stay hoping it would get better. I admit there are bugs that drive me insane but I cannot, not be grateful. The models, graphics, and even the queue system, have been upgraded to where it basically is a new game but with the same early level missions. Plus it's free 2 play now. Those of us that started at launch had to sub every months for years, or get a lts which is what i got before launch and the game has paid for itself 2 or 3 fold. Cryptic isn't Blizzard and they don't have a staff of 500 people in an HQ working like clockwork.
We can wish and hope they sympathize as much as we want, but from their point of view. They show up to work everyday not knowing if pwe will lay them off or not. do as much work and multi-tasking as possible, sometimes miss lunch cause they're really dedicated, they are proud of their work, and here we are criticising them as if they're out to get us or intentionally making maintenance times when we want to play. I live in Central USA and they are on Pacific West Coat USA. Server's for USA are on Atlantic East Coast USA. From East to West there is a 3 hour time difference. From East Coast USA to London UK there is a 5 hour difference.
My question to you all is: Do you those of us in central and east USA expect them to get up at 4 or 5am to patch so that the east coast can play at 7am? And what about eastern europe? Do you europeans expect them to leave work at 0500 or 0600 then go back in at 2200 to start patching so you can play at 0700 GMT? Common people, these guys and gals are game designers, not utility or city employees that have to show up for work when it's still dark. You want them to commit to the above times I've listed because it's inconvenient or you miss out on a few hours of game time.
Say you're complaint is that you have limited time to play and these patches take some of that time. I understand and would be frustrated too. But you can't expect the staff at cryptic to wake up at these times because, say, 10% of the community's player's jobs or time zones conflict? If you're able, restructure your schedule so you can go to work and make up that missed play time. If you can't then you just have to accept the fact and stop complaining about it.
And for those of you in the rest of the world, especially places like Hawaii and Australia, I feel for you guys and gals. That's why a lot of players have formed fleets made up of people from your countries or time zones and I think it's great. But the fact is the game is made in the USA and so like any american worker, would want to go to work at standard work hours.
If we all played an MMO from, say, Germany, then would the rest of us in the USA expect them to wake up in the early morning or the same day they got off work to do patching? If they did then that would be a first that I've seen in MMO's in a very long time, and it would be about the nicest thing any MMO company has ever done for it's player base. But they should patch when it is convenient for them, during work hours. It's their country's game, made by a german company in their country of germany, and it gets to decide what time table they will work on.
Step pack and realize these things. I don't know what all of you do as a job or occupation. If you're nurses or doctors you're used to going in or being on call at 4AM so it might not be as frustrating since you're used to being pulled out of bed because you're needed. If you work behind a desk or are a contractor or labor worker, you might get to work early, and depending on your salary and position in your company, may go home at 5 to 6pm or 7 to 10pm, like if you are a government contractor or work at a restaurant or some place they stays open late.
With the above in mind, you're probably exhausted when you get home from work. Would you like it if you're called back to do something else after you got settled down at home? Or what if you just entered REM sleep and got a call to show up immediately to do something? Most of us don't want this and don't have to coupe with it. Please try to remember that the employees at pwe and cryptic are just like us. They get tired, problems to solve that stump and frustrate them, and trying to produce enough content to keep the wolves distracted. There are few people in this game that visibly show appreciation for their hard work.
Yeah the game isn't perfect, they don't have hundreds of millions of dollars to pour into our game, they have other games too that need just as much care as STO. I do strongly agree that some of their decisions have been bad or misguided at times, and it does seem like they are commiting highway robbery at times with zen prices. But that money goes somewhere useful. It pays salaries so devs can work. And it gives resources so that the dev's have more time and money to work and produce better content before they reach their release deadline. It's hypocritical sounding but the more money we give them, the more they can give back. It's a cycle. Since launch, ship details and models have been made more canon for us. The T6 Andromeda is an example. They were able to pay the modeler, animator, and texture artist to take extra time and attention to detail to try and make the post accurate reproduction they can in the shortest amount of time.
I used to think I was being robbed, but I thought about it more and realize that we usually think that all of the 99% of the profit goes to management and 1% goes to dev salaries and content. That isn't how it really is. Management do get paid a lot, but most of the profit goes back into the game, while some is saved as profit. This is how any successful business operates to some degree. As some of you know, I own my own, and I operate similar to the example above. Someone mentioned cryptic isn't a charity, they are a company and the goal is to make a profit while giving customers what they want for the most part.
How many internet service providers do you have in you're neighborhood? What about cellphone? Not many for most of us. We have limited options but have to chose one that isn't highway robbery or totally immoral. Sometimes, we only have one choice on a service provider and we are at their mercy because we all want connection or phone signal, and they can bend and warp us with price gouging and down time. What can we do about it? Complain to the city? They don't care unless their systems are affected. Complain to the Better Business Bureau? They really only care about companies that are committing crimes. Besides we signed contract with those service providers so they are legally protected.
This is a similar situation we are all in. There is only one Star Trek MMO. There is Star Wars The Old Republic, and a lot of people played it for a while, but quite a few just couldn't stay away from STO because they are a trekkie at heart. If they want our feedback they will listen, if they don't care what we think they will not ask or reply to inquiries about new content or bug fixes. They are not obligated at all to even communicate with us except via Customer Service. They can also ban any of us at any time without warning or explanation. It's listed clearly in the TOS and EULA and we agree to that contract. Every time we click "Engage," we have just given up any freedom of speech or expression, the right to protest and a bunch of other things.
We should be greateful that they are putting content out. For a long time a few years ago there was a year or more of content drought. I still firmly believe that someone needs to go through every line of code top to bottom, locate errors then assign a team to correct these errors. Once a solid and strong foundation is now in place. They can add more content, and have less of a chance that it messes existing things up. They will also have an easier time identifying how it messes things up because they know they can rule out parts of the game because they repaired everything to near 100%. Bugs can quickly be fixed and another solid layer is in place, ready for the next season. This is what they need to do. It's a very daunting task and will take a long time but I believe it is worth the wait. Imagine: 1 out 200 players experience a bug of some kind a month. That would make me want to sub if i was f2p probably because I would know the dev's take this very seriously and care about my gaming experience and that things can only get better.
I'll say "I'll believe it when I see it," but I really hope I will get to see it. It would make up for all the frustration I've personally endured. And then I could go back to being a "blind fanboi," again