So I patched Star Trek Online and was going to play season 10 this evening and every time I would launch the game the boot client would crash and say it was something to do with my drivers. I updated my NVidia drivers about six months ago and had no issues while playing this game or any other game. I have tried various fixes, including but not limited to reinstalling the game completely, full patch scan after a crash, modifying the NVidia CDUA - GPUs to none, starting the game in Safe Mode and nothing I have done is able to get the game to run pre season 10.
I understand that there will be an emergence patch update tomorrow to hopefully resolve some issues. However, when season 10 was on the PTR it did the same thing and I sent my logs in and hoped that the issue would be addressed. Any help or ideas to help fix my issue would be appreciated.
They buggered something up good. I'm also having trouble with my Nvidia card. Setting CUDA to none helped for a while, but now it's not working at all. It is definitely something to do with STO Season 10. Never had these problems before with the game and my card.
Same issues here. I was really hoping to play after work even got off a bit early to play.
GTX 770 here, latest drivers. I tried all the so called fixes, including safe mode and even deleting the config file (forces the game to default out settings). Nothing at all works. If this patch doesn't fix it tomorrow, I'm going to be really pissed off.
I run an AMD Radeon and I've had probs ever since the pre-patch for Season 10 started. Game crashes a lot and the error report points to a file that doesn't exist - atidxx32.dll. Never had this problem at all till the pre-patch.
So I patched Star Trek Online and was going to play season 10 this evening and every time I would launch the game the boot client would crash and say it was something to do with my drivers. I updated my NVidia drivers about six months ago and had no issues while playing this game or any other game. I have tried various fixes, including but not limited to reinstalling the game completely, full patch scan after a crash, modifying the NVidia CDUA - GPUs to none, starting the game in Safe Mode and nothing I have done is able to get the game to run pre season 10.
I understand that there will be an emergence patch update tomorrow to hopefully resolve some issues. However, when season 10 was on the PTR it did the same thing and I sent my logs in and hoped that the issue would be addressed. Any help or ideas to help fix my issue would be appreciated.
Bad news... I've got a GTX 570 with the latest drivers, and STO crashed just now, after the patch, when I was just standing around spacedock. I literally hadn't moved.
confirmed : nothing whatsoever regarding this isue was fixed ...same crash ( even when using dx9 in launcher ) . Straight CTD with little bug submission application . Back to guild wars 2 ,it is
Same issue here.
Yesterday after patch, I had the same problem but I updated the driver of my NVidia GT620 to version 350.12 and I could actually play. Today new patch, 3d driver incident during game launch and I obviously can't update my driver more .
Is there a secret trick that works ?
I've Found A Way To Fix It Lot Of Messing Around But It Worked For Me & I Got Nvidia Driver Hope It Works For Yas:
1: Download Latest Nvidia Driver For You Computer
2: Uninstall All Nvidia Drivers & Products From Your Computer Restarting When Required.
3: Go To Computer->Local Disk(C)->Delete Nvidia Folder->Got To Program Files->Delete Nvidia Corporation Folder->Go Back To Local Disk(C)->Go To Windows->Got To Folder Named Temp->Select & Erase All Files Possible In Temp Then Restart Your Computer.
4: Start Star Trek Online Launcher You Will Be Prompted To Either Run The Game With Lowered Graphics Settings Or Default Graphics Settings Select Lowered Graphic Settings Allow Game To Load When It Crashs & Says Nvidia Driver Kernel Mode Has Crashed Close Star Trek Online.
5: Install Nvidia Drivers Make Sure You Use Custom Settings(Advanced) & Perform A Clean Instillation When Done Restart Computer Then Open Star Trek Online Launcher & Should Work Fine.
Greetings fellow Captain! I understand that you are having difficulties with game. Kindly open your Champions Onlnie/Neverwinter/Star Trek Online folder and delete the file ""gameprefs.pref"". All your settings in-game will be reset, from your graphics settings to your keybind settings. This should solve the issue you encountered and start fresh.
Thanks for getting back to me so promptly, I do appreciate it.
I have followed your advice and tried the suggested path, and was tooling about on ESD after the patch getting my main ready for war, when suddenly, I got the same error. The game crashed, the Cryptic error handler kicked in and sent off a ticket (I'm sorry, but I'm at a loss to the ticket number.)
I tried verifying all files, and lauching the game in "Safe Mode" and not unsurprisingly, I get the following error;
It'll be helpful to us if you could tell us some of your computer's information. Please submit a dxdiag log by following the steps below:
A. What is the make and model number of your computer?
B. Please also tell us whether you are running a 32bit or 64bit version of Windows.
a. You can find out in Windows by going here: Start > Control Panel > System & Maintenance > System.
b. Then look under System > System Type.
c. It will then display 32bit Operating System or 64bit Operating System.
d. Include that info with the info we ask for below.
C. To create a dxdiag log:
1. Open the DirectX Diagnostic tool
* Windows 8.1
a. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap "Search"; or point your mouse to the upper-right corner of your screen, move the mouse pointer down, click "Search"
b. Type "dxdiag" (without quotation marks), and then tap or click "dxdiag"
* Windows Vista/7
a. Click the Windows "Start" button.
b. Type "dxdiag" or "dxdiag.exe" (without quotation marks) in the search box.
c. Select "dxdiag" or "dxdiag.exe".
* Windows XP
a. Click the Windows "Start" button.
b. Click "Run".
c. Type "dxdiag" (without quotation marks) in the Run window then press "Enter".
2. Click on "Save All Information as a text file" and save it on your desktop.
3. Additionally, if you have a 64bit system, please click on the "64bit Dxdiag/DirectX" button to save the correct log file.
4. Attach the dxdiag.txt that you saved in your reply.
Thank you for your patience. I will wait for your reply.
Followed the instructions, attached the requested information and after a good 24hours analyzing the information Kelias got back to me.
I have checked the DxDiag logs that you have provided. As we know this MMORPG is a living and evolving experience. As such, the Game will continue to change as we implement and polish new features.
With that said, some of the features of the game requires a much higher specification that may not be able to provide by your computer. Based on what I have seen on the DxDiag logs, your current system is at the minimum.
At this point, we advise that you ask a technician or engineer to have a look at your PC setup to help resolve the issue. This is useful and quicker as they will be able to find what's causing the issue you've encountered on-the-spot.
They should be able to help you setup and/or tend to your other issues as well.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
So, in summary, thanks for the information, we've made the game too heavy for your machine: Thanks for the two years, but either buy a new machine or your STO experience is over....
I'm not a ranter, I love this game, and usually the Devs and the Cryptic team are amazing at responding to feedback and though: Thanks for all the Fish, seems to the be the response.
SO I've been having this issue since the pre-patch and the game became unplayable last night after the patch.
So, I couldn't see issues with this on the forums and decided to raise a support ticked with Cryptic:
Tried that, no good.
So Kelias was good enough to get back to me with this;
Followed the instructions, attached the requested information and after a good 24hours analyzing the information Kelias got back to me.
So, in summary, thanks for the information, we've made the game too heavy for your machine: Thanks for the two years, but either buy a new machine or your STO experience is over....
I'm not a ranter, I love this game, and usually the Devs and the Cryptic team are amazing at responding to feedback and though: Thanks for all the Fish, seems to the be the response.
not all that sure where that leaves me...
if u got a nvidia based pc try the fix i said it worked for me each time i had the problem might work for u
Drivers are updated. Fine yesterday and this AM before their last patch.
I try now, it buggers out at the Title Screen. Getting same error as all of you.
I've been able to run this game with all settings on HIGH with no problem.
I refuse to believe my PC can't handle this game.
SO I've been having this issue since the pre-patch and the game became unplayable last night after the patch.
Followed the instructions, attached the requested information and after a good 24hours analyzing the information Kelias got back to me.
So, in summary, thanks for the information, we've made the game too heavy for your machine: Thanks for the two years, but either buy a new machine or your STO experience is over....
I'm not a ranter, I love this game, and usually the Devs and the Cryptic team are amazing at responding to feedback and though: Thanks for all the Fish, seems to the be the response.
not all that sure where that leaves me...
Need to reply back and tell them until you can find a new comp that will automatically fix all the bad model data, repair busted code, move their ancient busted servers, and force fix any leftovers to be directx 11 compatible using arcane "001100010010011110100001101101110011" magic, they need to fix their freaking game.
Constant finger pointing at player hardware, all players hardware, is a good indicator of just how fail their dev team is, and it's getting old, with systems 2x their recommended setting bugging out exactly like systems with bare minimum specs.
Now more than ever you can see the tentacles of PWE destroying this game by the constant stacking of bad code on more bad code till it all falls down...
I have checked the DxDiag logs that you have provided. As we know this MMORPG is a living and evolving experience. As such, the Game will continue to change as we implement and polish new features.
With that said, some of the features of the game requires a much higher specification that may not be able to provide by your computer. Based on what I have seen on the DxDiag logs, your current system is at the minimum.
At this point, we advise that you ask a technician or engineer to have a look at your PC setup to help resolve the issue. This is useful and quicker as they will be able to find what's causing the issue you've encountered on-the-spot.
They should be able to help you setup and/or tend to your other issues as well.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.
Ah Ha! So, in the past, when I have said to many a person having trouble with their computer playing STO, that they should take it to a shop with a good reputation and have it looked at by a PROFESSIONAL computer builder, I'm either: A) Completely in the dark because the Poster with the Problem has "installed all the latest drivers" so the issue must be on the Game's side, or Poster with the Problem IS a professional computer assembler and I'm an idiot for suggesting they take it to someone who actually IS a Professional Computer Repair Person.
I'm not aiming any of this at you, Bobsled. You have simply provided for me the information I have secretly known to be true: 99 percent of the people who claim they are experts at computers are in fact liars, and the problem does NOT lie on the side of the Game Dev's or the Game itself. Thank you for posting honestly.
So You Guys Are Too Busy Moaning Bout It To Actually Try To Fix It Or You Know Try The Fix I Posted On Page 1 Well I`ll Go Play The Game Now Have Fun Twiddling Ya Thumbs
I Found 2 Ways To Sort It 1 Worked Then Stopped Workin But Other Worked So Heres The Two Fixs:
1: Download Latest Nvidia Driver For You Computer
2: Uninstall All Nvidia Drivers & Products From Your Computer Restarting When Required.
3: Go To Computer->Local Disk(C)->Delete Nvidia Folder->Got To Program Files->Delete Nvidia Corporation Folder->Go Back To Local Disk(C)->Go To Windows->Got To Folder Named Temp->Select & Erase All Files Possible In Temp Then Restart Your Computer.
4: Start Star Trek Online Launcher You Will Be Prompted To Either Run The Game With Lowered Graphics Settings Or Default Graphics Settings Select Lowered Graphic Settings Allow Game To Load When It Crashs & Says Nvidia Driver Kernel Mode Has Crashed Close Star Trek Online.
5: Install Nvidia Drivers Make Sure You Use Custom Settings(Advanced) & Perform A Clean Instillation When Done Restart Computer Then Open Star Trek Online Launcher & Should Work Fine.
Go To Computer->Control Panel->Change The Theme->Select Windows Classic->Open Your Nvidia Control Panel->Go To Adjust Image Settings With Preview->Click Use My Preference Emphasising->Set To Performance & Apply->Go To Set Physx Configuration->Select CPU & Apply->Start Star Trek Launcher & Should Work.
SO I've been having this issue since the pre-patch and the game became unplayable last night after the patch.
So, in summary, thanks for the information, we've made the game too heavy for your machine: Thanks for the two years, but either buy a new machine or your STO experience is over....
I'm not a ranter, I love this game, and usually the Devs and the Cryptic team are amazing at responding to feedback and though: Thanks for all the Fish, seems to the be the response.
not all that sure where that leaves me...
I am using an old computer and since Season 10 the game has become largely unplayable for me. I'm not getting crashes but framerate, lag and a host of other issues makes it all but impossible to do anything other than doff missions from ESD or suffer terrible lag/rubberbanding while getting from point A to point B. I basically need to double my RAM and upgrade to a video card that isn't several generations old. It might also help if I wasn't running an ancient OS.
The situation is unfortunate for those of us with older systems but I understand that MMO's try to adapt to new technology to continually provide a more robust experience for players as time goes on. In some cases the older hardware can limp along with reduced performance but at some point there will inevitably be a cutoff. A dynamic system can't remain backwards compatible forever without suffering decreases in performance for everyone and creating logistical nightmares for developers. It's actually amazing that the game runs as well as it does when using the absolute minimum required hardware or OS.
If the graphics remained the same as they were two years ago (or since release) a ton of people would be complaining that it looks horrible and isn't keeping up with the times or taking advantage of newer hardware and drivers.
In short, yes, it sucks... but nobody can expect a "living" MMO to support older hardware forever. Upgrading a gaming system every couple years to keep up with new developments is not unreasonable.
I Found 2 Ways To Sort It 1 Worked Then Stopped Workin But Other Worked So Heres The Two Fixs:
1: Download Latest Nvidia Driver For You Computer
2: Uninstall All Nvidia Drivers & Products From Your Computer Restarting When Required.
3: Go To Computer->Local Disk(C)->Delete Nvidia Folder->Got To Program Files->Delete Nvidia Corporation Folder->Go Back To Local Disk(C)->Go To Windows->Got To Folder Named Temp->Select & Erase All Files Possible In Temp Then Restart Your Computer.
4: Start Star Trek Online Launcher You Will Be Prompted To Either Run The Game With Lowered Graphics Settings Or Default Graphics Settings Select Lowered Graphic Settings Allow Game To Load When It Crashs & Says Nvidia Driver Kernel Mode Has Crashed Close Star Trek Online.
5: Install Nvidia Drivers Make Sure You Use Custom Settings(Advanced) & Perform A Clean Instillation When Done Restart Computer Then Open Star Trek Online Launcher & Should Work Fine.
Go To Computer->Control Panel->Change The Theme->Select Windows Classic->Open Your Nvidia Control Panel->Go To Adjust Image Settings With Preview->Click Use My Preference Emphasising->Set To Performance & Apply->Go To Set Physx Configuration->Select CPU & Apply->Start Star Trek Launcher & Should Work.
That's all well and good if you have an NVidia card, but it's not the freaking card that is the problem. I have a Radeon HD 7310 and I get the EXACT same error. And have gotten it daily since the Season 10 patch.
I am using an old computer and since Season 10 the game has become largely unplayable for me. I'm not getting crashes but framerate, lag and a host of other issues makes it all but impossible to do anything other than doff missions from ESD or suffer terrible lag/rubberbanding while getting from point A to point B. I basically need to double my RAM and upgrade to a video card that isn't several generations old. It might also help if I wasn't running an ancient OS.
The situation is unfortunate for those of us with older systems but I understand that MMO's try to adapt to new technology to continually provide a more robust experience for players as time goes on. In some cases the older hardware can limp along with reduced performance but at some point there will inevitably be a cutoff. A dynamic system can't remain backwards compatible forever without suffering decreases in performance for everyone and creating logistical nightmares for developers. It's actually amazing that the game runs as well as it does when using the absolute minimum required hardware or OS.
If the graphics remained the same as they were two years ago (or since release) a ton of people would be complaining that it looks horrible and isn't keeping up with the times or taking advantage of newer hardware and drivers.
In short, yes, it sucks... but nobody can expect a "living" MMO to support older hardware forever. Upgrading a gaming system every couple years to keep up with new developments is not unreasonable.
I was able to play on medium now I can't even play on low with everything turned off, cryptic screwed up the game and ur blaming ur self.........
I Found 2 Ways To Sort It 1 Worked Then Stopped Workin But Other Worked So Heres The Two Fixs:
1: Download Latest Nvidia Driver For You Computer
2: Uninstall All Nvidia Drivers & Products From Your Computer Restarting When Required.
3: Go To Computer->Local Disk(C)->Delete Nvidia Folder->Got To Program Files->Delete Nvidia Corporation Folder->Go Back To Local Disk(C)->Go To Windows->Got To Folder Named Temp->Select & Erase All Files Possible In Temp Then Restart Your Computer.
4: Start Star Trek Online Launcher You Will Be Prompted To Either Run The Game With Lowered Graphics Settings Or Default Graphics Settings Select Lowered Graphic Settings Allow Game To Load When It Crashs & Says Nvidia Driver Kernel Mode Has Crashed Close Star Trek Online.
5: Install Nvidia Drivers Make Sure You Use Custom Settings(Advanced) & Perform A Clean Instillation When Done Restart Computer Then Open Star Trek Online Launcher & Should Work Fine.
Go To Computer->Control Panel->Change The Theme->Select Windows Classic->Open Your Nvidia Control Panel->Go To Adjust Image Settings With Preview->Click Use My Preference Emphasising->Set To Performance & Apply->Go To Set Physx Configuration->Select CPU & Apply->Start Star Trek Launcher & Should Work.
I find this stuff to be utter "non-solutions "and I'll explain why . STO is for most folks the only game on their PC which is throwing these directx errors in their general direction every 30 minutes or so . No amount of fiddling around with drivers is going to help in that case . It's even not advisable to go about throwing away Nvidia folders or resorting to downloading antique drivers b/c that might affect your overall PC performance and - in a worst case scenario- have your OS bugged . you can also have a case where STO is the only game still playable if you mess around with drivers etc.
The one and only solution to these errors is for Cryptic devs to produce a fix .
Anyone claiming that low spec computers are the sole reason for the errors is a fool. While there is a case to be made that *eventually* STO will outpace older cards (I made a post in another thread to this effect), I am currently running a beastly system that is having the same crashing, graphical lag, artifacts, and general instability with STO.
Something got broken in the last patch. It's a fact. As with every other major sound and graphics issue in the history of STO, there will most likely be no acknowledgement, and if we are very lucky, a stealth "fix" sometime in the next month.
My guess is "hope" keeps people not playing but posting on the forums. For others, its a path of sad realization and closure. Grieving takes time. The worst "haters" here love the game, or did at some point.
Old hardware/software cannot possibly be the (only) answer to this. Why? Because then I should be crashing too. I'm playing on a laptop that is close to archaic and was never designed for gaming in the first place and apart from the (almost required) lag and rubber banding I'm doing just fine.
So far I haven't crashed once (touch wood).
So no, old computer/graphic card/driver is not the core issue here.
Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it.
Interesting... Been reading all this and wondering if maybe there's commonality between the manufacturer of the particular nVidia cards having troubles.
I'm running an ASUS made GeForce GTX 750Ti and not having any problems at all getting into the game.
Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code
(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) wile checking sync query
Technical Details: Sync query 7 0x864a8c0 GetData ==0x887a0005 0 NF
D3D11 Device removed due to DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG 0x887a0006
Guess this is the end for me then as looks as tho they have killed that game oh well it is cryptic after all
At what point are you getting this error?
If it's a black screen instead of the character select screen, I've had that issue with my old GPU.
Run safe mode from the launcher. At the character select screen, open the options before loading a character, change the Direct 3D setting to 9 instead of 11 and restart the game. That should clear it up.
Interesting... Been reading all this and wondering if maybe there's commonality between the manufacturer of the particular nVidia cards having troubles.
I'm running an ASUS made GeForce GTX 750Ti and not having any problems at all getting into the game.
At what point are you getting this error?
If it's a black screen instead of the character select screen, I've had that issue with my old GPU.
Run safe mode from the launcher. At the character select screen, open the options before loading a character, change the Direct 3D setting to 9 instead of 11 and restart the game. That should clear it up.
Okay, I see people posting about archaic computers and temp fixes. I've tried all of the above and even some more invasive fixes I have learned in my 10+ years of building computers. My spec for my rig is:
CPU i7-4770 @3.40 GHz
RAM 16.0 GB
Hard drive Solid state for OS & 2.0 TB for games and music
GPU NVidia GeForce GTX 970 ACX 2.0
Power supply Corsair CS Series 850 Watts
NIC 10/100/1000 card
CD/DVDR combo drive
Dual monitors 1920x1080 @ 24" (23.6" to be technical)
So I don't believe its my computer or any of my hardware. This is the only game that is crashing upon load. I have given up trying to play this game until the devs do something to fix this issue. Prior to season 10 I had no, zero, issue aside from the occasional rubber banding.
None of my other games have this issue and to say its my hardware is ridiculas. Battlefield 4, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars Old Republic and even WoW (won't allow me to type full name) ALL work fine with zero issues. I can adjust the details to ultra and run it without any problems or I can run it at low and have zero issues. This is the only game that has been giving me issues.
I started getting this about 3-4 weeks ago. But it was sporadic, about once a week. Every time there was a patch it got more and more frequent, once a day and then every time with season 10.
It seemed to start when I went onto tribble to look at the Pilot spec and got the Tribble code.
I have has maybe 5 video cards over the life of the game and all could run it on high - until about the time they added Voth and then I have to turn everything down on teamed maps to prevent stop action animation.
My current card was bought specifically to play Skyrim and other new DX11 releases. Its only about 2 1/2 years old. I cant imagine STO is more intensive than Arkham or Assassins Creed.
I started getting this about 3-4 weeks ago. But it was sporadic, about once a week. Every time there was a patch it got more and more frequent, once a day and then every time with season 10.
It seemed to start when I went onto tribble to look at the Pilot spec and got the Tribble code.
I have has maybe 5 video cards over the life of the game and all could run it on high - until about the time they added Voth and then I have to turn everything down on teamed maps to prevent stop action animation.
My current card was bought specifically to play Skyrim and other new DX11 releases. Its only about 2 1/2 years old. I cant imagine STO is more intensive than Arkham or Assassins Creed.
No STO is pretty much not GPU demanding.
The only Thing it realy is chewing through is GPU framebuffer and Memory bandwith but even then it never allocates more then 2000MB as in 2k not 2GB of grafics Memory.
What STO depends on is dumb None futureproof coded singlecore Performance most of the game is not multithreaded and pretty much every single added function is further slowing it down.
STO is one of the best examples why Mantle was pushed by AMD and finaly DX12 and Vulkan are praised into the heaven.
It makes no diffrence if you run on a unlocked Aniversary Edition Pentium overclocked beyond Imagination or if you run the game on a several times more expensive i7 as the game appears to not make use of more then Two threads anyway.
I would love to see someone correct me on that but we all do see the Problems as what they are.
And to make it even worse the the way the Client and Server handles requests causes with all the uber stacking and effect/power spam mechanics to lockup your Client as your Client waits for a Response of the Server and the Server denies any replies as you locked out allready having reached a request Limit that had been decided to be put in place to prevent boting or just plain spaming as i recall from back in the ATARi Forum Days.
So for the love of Spock Cryptic aknowledge the bad design decisions and start changing the underlying System.
Picking up Vulkan would go a Longway allready and completly removing the bad FPS Count on
mid and highend Systems aswell as alowing lowend System to Play smoother ad moderate Settings.
The last remaining Problem still remains the Netcode and well you can't just fix that automagicly over night.
So start getting rid of most of your game elements like procs and Multi stackable dots, buffs, debuffs and rather go with incrementing and refreshing effects or in case of procs just flat stat mods like Antiprotonweapons allready have compared to the other damage types.
Less extra conditions to check and track is less time sensitive and repeated load on your Server side.
And ofcourse you might not see any inhouse Problems as you test those mechanics because you don't have the means to test diffrent latency situations in Group Content or General high poulation load.
This is clearly to be noticed as soon as the EU goes into prime time some laging starts and as soon as the Eastcost joins on the fun the Server is tanked hard until late in the night Westcoast time.
Do i have numbers to back this up ofcourse not as Cryptic is not communicating anything about the underlying mechanics and no buisness usualy does.
Is this a plausible case yes it is just doing forensic Research looking in other Tech related issues of other Projects or just having the of what challenges Network Software has to face under hard load.
GTX 770 here, latest drivers. I tried all the so called fixes, including safe mode and even deleting the config file (forces the game to default out settings). Nothing at all works. If this patch doesn't fix it tomorrow, I'm going to be really pissed off.
Really glad I read your post!!! I've been having this same issue and was about to try a reinstall:( now I will hold on and hope for a fix !
Cryptic please fix this I want my STO back !!!!
So, the issue is NOT resolved.
Yesterday after patch, I had the same problem but I updated the driver of my NVidia GT620 to version 350.12 and I could actually play. Today new patch, 3d driver incident during game launch and I obviously can't update my driver more
Is there a secret trick that works ?
1: Download Latest Nvidia Driver For You Computer
2: Uninstall All Nvidia Drivers & Products From Your Computer Restarting When Required.
3: Go To Computer->Local Disk(C)->Delete Nvidia Folder->Got To Program Files->Delete Nvidia Corporation Folder->Go Back To Local Disk(C)->Go To Windows->Got To Folder Named Temp->Select & Erase All Files Possible In Temp Then Restart Your Computer.
4: Start Star Trek Online Launcher You Will Be Prompted To Either Run The Game With Lowered Graphics Settings Or Default Graphics Settings Select Lowered Graphic Settings Allow Game To Load When It Crashs & Says Nvidia Driver Kernel Mode Has Crashed Close Star Trek Online.
5: Install Nvidia Drivers Make Sure You Use Custom Settings(Advanced) & Perform A Clean Instillation When Done Restart Computer Then Open Star Trek Online Launcher & Should Work Fine.
So, I couldn't see issues with this on the forums and decided to raise a support ticked with Cryptic:
Tried that, no good.
So Kelias was good enough to get back to me with this;
Followed the instructions, attached the requested information and after a good 24hours analyzing the information Kelias got back to me.
So, in summary, thanks for the information, we've made the game too heavy for your machine: Thanks for the two years, but either buy a new machine or your STO experience is over....
I'm not a ranter, I love this game, and usually the Devs and the Cryptic team are amazing at responding to feedback and though: Thanks for all the Fish, seems to the be the response.
not all that sure where that leaves me...
Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
if u got a nvidia based pc try the fix i said it worked for me each time i had the problem might work for u
I try now, it buggers out at the Title Screen. Getting same error as all of you.
I've been able to run this game with all settings on HIGH with no problem.
I refuse to believe my PC can't handle this game.
Need to reply back and tell them until you can find a new comp that will automatically fix all the bad model data, repair busted code, move their ancient busted servers, and force fix any leftovers to be directx 11 compatible using arcane "001100010010011110100001101101110011" magic, they need to fix their freaking game.
Constant finger pointing at player hardware, all players hardware, is a good indicator of just how fail their dev team is, and it's getting old, with systems 2x their recommended setting bugging out exactly like systems with bare minimum specs.
Now more than ever you can see the tentacles of PWE destroying this game by the constant stacking of bad code on more bad code till it all falls down...
Ah Ha! So, in the past, when I have said to many a person having trouble with their computer playing STO, that they should take it to a shop with a good reputation and have it looked at by a PROFESSIONAL computer builder, I'm either: A) Completely in the dark because the Poster with the Problem has "installed all the latest drivers" so the issue must be on the Game's side, or
I'm not aiming any of this at you, Bobsled. You have simply provided for me the information I have secretly known to be true: 99 percent of the people who claim they are experts at computers are in fact liars, and the problem does NOT lie on the side of the Game Dev's or the Game itself. Thank you for posting honestly.
Best regards,
1: Download Latest Nvidia Driver For You Computer
2: Uninstall All Nvidia Drivers & Products From Your Computer Restarting When Required.
3: Go To Computer->Local Disk(C)->Delete Nvidia Folder->Got To Program Files->Delete Nvidia Corporation Folder->Go Back To Local Disk(C)->Go To Windows->Got To Folder Named Temp->Select & Erase All Files Possible In Temp Then Restart Your Computer.
4: Start Star Trek Online Launcher You Will Be Prompted To Either Run The Game With Lowered Graphics Settings Or Default Graphics Settings Select Lowered Graphic Settings Allow Game To Load When It Crashs & Says Nvidia Driver Kernel Mode Has Crashed Close Star Trek Online.
5: Install Nvidia Drivers Make Sure You Use Custom Settings(Advanced) & Perform A Clean Instillation When Done Restart Computer Then Open Star Trek Online Launcher & Should Work Fine.
Go To Computer->Control Panel->Change The Theme->Select Windows Classic->Open Your Nvidia Control Panel->Go To Adjust Image Settings With Preview->Click Use My Preference Emphasising->Set To Performance & Apply->Go To Set Physx Configuration->Select CPU & Apply->Start Star Trek Launcher & Should Work.
I am using an old computer and since Season 10 the game has become largely unplayable for me. I'm not getting crashes but framerate, lag and a host of other issues makes it all but impossible to do anything other than doff missions from ESD or suffer terrible lag/rubberbanding while getting from point A to point B. I basically need to double my RAM and upgrade to a video card that isn't several generations old. It might also help if I wasn't running an ancient OS.
The situation is unfortunate for those of us with older systems but I understand that MMO's try to adapt to new technology to continually provide a more robust experience for players as time goes on. In some cases the older hardware can limp along with reduced performance but at some point there will inevitably be a cutoff. A dynamic system can't remain backwards compatible forever without suffering decreases in performance for everyone and creating logistical nightmares for developers. It's actually amazing that the game runs as well as it does when using the absolute minimum required hardware or OS.
If the graphics remained the same as they were two years ago (or since release) a ton of people would be complaining that it looks horrible and isn't keeping up with the times or taking advantage of newer hardware and drivers.
In short, yes, it sucks... but nobody can expect a "living" MMO to support older hardware forever. Upgrading a gaming system every couple years to keep up with new developments is not unreasonable.
That's all well and good if you have an NVidia card, but it's not the freaking card that is the problem. I have a Radeon HD 7310 and I get the EXACT same error. And have gotten it daily since the Season 10 patch.
I was able to play on medium now I can't even play on low with everything turned off, cryptic screwed up the game and ur blaming ur self.........
I find this stuff to be utter "non-solutions "and I'll explain why . STO is for most folks the only game on their PC which is throwing these directx errors in their general direction every 30 minutes or so . No amount of fiddling around with drivers is going to help in that case . It's even not advisable to go about throwing away Nvidia folders or resorting to downloading antique drivers b/c that might affect your overall PC performance and - in a worst case scenario- have your OS bugged . you can also have a case where STO is the only game still playable if you mess around with drivers etc.
The one and only solution to these errors is for Cryptic devs to produce a fix .
Something got broken in the last patch. It's a fact. As with every other major sound and graphics issue in the history of STO, there will most likely be no acknowledgement, and if we are very lucky, a stealth "fix" sometime in the next month.
Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code
(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) wile checking sync query
Technical Details: Sync query 7 0x864a8c0 GetData ==0x887a0005 0 NF
D3D11 Device removed due to DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG 0x887a0006
Old hardware/software cannot possibly be the (only) answer to this. Why? Because then I should be crashing too. I'm playing on a laptop that is close to archaic and was never designed for gaming in the first place and apart from the (almost required) lag and rubber banding I'm doing just fine.
So far I haven't crashed once (touch wood).
So no, old computer/graphic card/driver is not the core issue here.
Fatal Error: Direct3D driver returned error code
(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) wile checking sync query
Technical Details: Sync query 7 0x864a8c0 GetData ==0x887a0005 0 NF
D3D11 Device removed due to DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG 0x887a0006
Guess this is the end for me then as looks as tho they have killed that game
I'm running an ASUS made GeForce GTX 750Ti and not having any problems at all getting into the game.
At what point are you getting this error?
If it's a black screen instead of the character select screen, I've had that issue with my old GPU.
Run safe mode from the launcher. At the character select screen, open the options before loading a character, change the Direct 3D setting to 9 instead of 11 and restart the game. That should clear it up.
Will try it now thanks
CPU i7-4770 @3.40 GHz
RAM 16.0 GB
Hard drive Solid state for OS & 2.0 TB for games and music
GPU NVidia GeForce GTX 970 ACX 2.0
Power supply Corsair CS Series 850 Watts
NIC 10/100/1000 card
CD/DVDR combo drive
Dual monitors 1920x1080 @ 24" (23.6" to be technical)
So I don't believe its my computer or any of my hardware. This is the only game that is crashing upon load. I have given up trying to play this game until the devs do something to fix this issue. Prior to season 10 I had no, zero, issue aside from the occasional rubber banding.
None of my other games have this issue and to say its my hardware is ridiculas. Battlefield 4, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars Old Republic and even WoW (won't allow me to type full name) ALL work fine with zero issues. I can adjust the details to ultra and run it without any problems or I can run it at low and have zero issues. This is the only game that has been giving me issues.
It seemed to start when I went onto tribble to look at the Pilot spec and got the Tribble code.
I have has maybe 5 video cards over the life of the game and all could run it on high - until about the time they added Voth and then I have to turn everything down on teamed maps to prevent stop action animation.
My current card was bought specifically to play Skyrim and other new DX11 releases. Its only about 2 1/2 years old. I cant imagine STO is more intensive than Arkham or Assassins Creed.
No STO is pretty much not GPU demanding.
The only Thing it realy is chewing through is GPU framebuffer and Memory bandwith but even then it never allocates more then 2000MB as in 2k not 2GB of grafics Memory.
What STO depends on is dumb None futureproof coded singlecore Performance most of the game is not multithreaded and pretty much every single added function is further slowing it down.
STO is one of the best examples why Mantle was pushed by AMD and finaly DX12 and Vulkan are praised into the heaven.
It makes no diffrence if you run on a unlocked Aniversary Edition Pentium overclocked beyond Imagination or if you run the game on a several times more expensive i7 as the game appears to not make use of more then Two threads anyway.
I would love to see someone correct me on that but we all do see the Problems as what they are.
And to make it even worse the the way the Client and Server handles requests causes with all the uber stacking and effect/power spam mechanics to lockup your Client as your Client waits for a Response of the Server and the Server denies any replies as you locked out allready having reached a request Limit that had been decided to be put in place to prevent boting or just plain spaming as i recall from back in the ATARi Forum Days.
So for the love of Spock Cryptic aknowledge the bad design decisions and start changing the underlying System.
Picking up Vulkan would go a Longway allready and completly removing the bad FPS Count on
mid and highend Systems aswell as alowing lowend System to Play smoother ad moderate Settings.
The last remaining Problem still remains the Netcode and well you can't just fix that automagicly over night.
So start getting rid of most of your game elements like procs and Multi stackable dots, buffs, debuffs and rather go with incrementing and refreshing effects or in case of procs just flat stat mods like Antiprotonweapons allready have compared to the other damage types.
Less extra conditions to check and track is less time sensitive and repeated load on your Server side.
And ofcourse you might not see any inhouse Problems as you test those mechanics because you don't have the means to test diffrent latency situations in Group Content or General high poulation load.
This is clearly to be noticed as soon as the EU goes into prime time some laging starts and as soon as the Eastcost joins on the fun the Server is tanked hard until late in the night Westcoast time.
Do i have numbers to back this up ofcourse not as Cryptic is not communicating anything about the underlying mechanics and no buisness usualy does.
Is this a plausible case yes it is just doing forensic Research looking in other Tech related issues of other Projects or just having the of what challenges Network Software has to face under hard load.