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Advice for end-game planning

ghostravynghostravyn Member Posts: 59 Arc User
I'm prepping to Delta up a Federation officer, and my goal isn't to top charts but be able to provide solid gameplay in both pugs and fleet activity. In other words, I don't want to be "that guy...", but unfortunately it appears that I have become him. Too many years of IRL role-play has me programmed to capturing a "cool" concept and clinging to it, which doesn't always match up with being the right teammate in conjunction with the current meta.

I am really liking the Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser. It's a beautiful ship, and it *seems* to fit my idea of a ship that can take a pounding and yet dish it out at the same time (visions of Battleship Yamato swim in my brain).

First off, is the ship viable to the Prime Statement? I'd like to be durable, but I want the durability to balance well with good firepower. Am I better served elsewhere, especially in regards to statement #1?

Secondly, which profession would better serve that concept? Should I go Engineer, and provide support buffs, or would I be better served with a Tactical (I'm thinking Tactical myself and let the ship provide the durability/team support).

Skills-wise, I'd be maxxing out weapons, speed/engines, then "three yellows" (I don't forum much so I don't know what the correct term for that would be - sorry), with any extra cap-offs going into damage support and then survivability. I don't think I'll try doing much in regards to science support outside of shield buffs at all. Specialization in Command/Pilot seems to be the way to go as well.

How do you feel about it? Again, am I better served going a different direction, and what direction would be your recommendation?

EDIT: For more aggressive gameplay I'm also aiming to add a Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier, but that's going to be harder to pull off. Overall I *am* thinking Xindi as my character concept.
Corrupted Souls, Mindflayer server
Post edited by ghostravyn on


  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Personally I'd say pull out the STOAcademy.com build planner, put the ship together ahead of time, figure out your layouts and how you can allocate skill points to do what you where you may have some surplus or come up short. And asking around here, there always someone willing to offer thoughts (some good, some bad, but theres always something).

    As for being 'that guy with the concept,' if people don't like it, TRIBBLE them. People who think 'if you're not minmaxing, you're not playing' are the bane of the game anyways, and you can totally take just about any concept and make it work. Maybe have to massage it a little bit, maybe not top any look-at-me charts, but just about anything can handily pull its weight in Advanced stuff. Make what you want, and there are plenty of people who'd be happy to help you get it to work while still being yours.

    As for your specifics, the Xindi ship looks pretty solid to be whatever you want it to be. If I flew one (I'm one of those people who sticks to faction-specific for theme), I'd set the LtCmdr Universal to Tac, which would result in both enough engineering to be plenty durable while enough tac to pack a good punch, and still able to squeeze in a Command power for two for the team support stuff. Tac or eng captain would both work. Tac would do a lot more damage of course, and it is DPS Online sadly, but Engineer would give you some extra abilities for soaking up a little more abuse (engies are underrated) and would make you nastier on the ground. I'd say pick whatever fits your character concept better.
  • ghostravynghostravyn Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the solid advice. I've not played in a while (its already gotten me in trouble in another thread, and perhaps rightly so) and I appreciate the Academy link.

    Edit: Do you use Driver Coil at all? I'm thinking anything spent there would be better diverted to buffing combat skills, with Quantum Slipstream and Transwarp, I think I can handle acting like a slug in sector space.
    Corrupted Souls, Mindflayer server
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The Ateleth is not an offensive powerhouse.. so if you're wanting to go all 'Yamato Cannon' on something, it's not going to happen with this ship. While its bridge seating can potentially match a Tactical Command Battlecruiser, you'd lose out on Command abilities and the ship is running only 3 tactical consoles. The ability to run OSS(via the intel seat) and Weapon's System Efficiency does mean it is at least competent as a beamboat, however.

    There are pros and cons for choosing X or Y class, but I think it's worth considering that you're going to be stuck with a bunch of engineering bridge seats with the ship - that means you'll have plenty of power generation and defensive abilities. A Tactical Captain would suppliment the ship by giving you more offensive options.

    Bluntly speaking, I think the Presidio would be a better all-purpose choice. If you're wanting to prioritize Form over Function, I'd say the Ateleth would probably be an enjoyable platform to run Dual Beam Banks on; running it as more of a 'lance' ship. It certainly has the power output to support it. Override Subsystem Safeties, Suppression Barrage, and Directed Energy Modulation to maximize your damage as much as possible.

    If you're wanting to stick with Xindi, the Narcine is still a very nice ship and will probably be a bit cheaper to obtain.

    The Olaen is basically a Flight-Deck Advanced Escort; very different playstyle - a little on the squishy side.
  • ghostravynghostravyn Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    szerontzur wrote: »
    Bluntly speaking, I think the Presidio would be a better all-purpose choice. If you're wanting to prioritize Form over Function, I'd say the Ateleth would probably be an enjoyable platform to run Dual Beam Banks on; running it as more of a 'lance' ship. It certainly has the power output to support it. Override Subsystem Safeties, Suppression Barrage, and Directed Energy Modulation to maximize your damage as much as possible.

    Solid, and thank you. I was reading the advice in the Presidio/Oddyssey thread after posting mine and that became a solid option. Your input is appreciated and will most likely become my group build. As for the Yamato, I was thinking less wave motion gun and more the "takes a beating but keeps on fighting", but the lance boat sounds kind of fun! Probably save that for single player though.
    Corrupted Souls, Mindflayer server
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The Ateleth is a fine ship, you're really just missing a 4th or 5th Tactical console and a Cdr Tac. However, you get access to OSS.

    With two purple Conn DOffs (so TT1 is on minimum cooldown), 2-3 Damage Control Engineers:

    Lt Tac: TT1/APB1
    Lt Intel: OSS1/OSS2
    Cdr Eng: ET1/EPtS2/EPtW3/AtSIF3
    Lt Sci: HE1/ST2
    LCdr Uni: FAW1/APB1/FAW3

    (If you have a Zemok, you could go FAW1/FAW2/APO1 on the LCdr Uni instead.)

    Defensively, you have TT1 (15s cooldown due to Conn DOffs) for shield redistribution, ST2 for shield recovery and EPtS2 providing shield hardness. Grab some Shield Distribution Officer DOffs and you'll be able to turn Brace For Impact into a fairly effective shield heal, Engineers would have RSF as well.

    For the hull, you have AtSIF3 giving good healing every 15s, with a good 10s damage resistance buff. HE1 to clear debuffs and heal over time in the rare case where AtSIF3 isn't enough, but you do not use ET1 as a heal unless you must. Instead, you use ET1 when OSS (either) is down to ~3 seconds, to negate it taking a subsystem offline.

    Offensively, you'd be cycling between FAW3/APB1 (or FAW2/APO1) and FAW1/APB1, backed by OSS. FAW3/APB1 at 165 Weapon Power hits hard.

    Tactical or Engineering captains should both do fine. So long as you know how to fly, you ought to pull over 10k, maybe over 20k with this.

    I'd recommend a Presidio over the Ateleth if you're willing to spend money though. The All Hands On Deck trait is awesome, plus it's an account-wide unlock.
  • ghostravynghostravyn Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    That is some seriously insightful advice DarkJeff! Thanks so much for providing it, I will be taking it to heart!
    Corrupted Souls, Mindflayer server
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