I want a Doctor Pulaski story line before she passes. The greatest part of the online world is that it gives another life to artist. I would love to see STO pursue voice actors to preserve star trek history.

I mean it would be awesome. But one up and talk about this. Polaski was the second "Bones" we have tasha back. I want me some Polaski.
Yeah, I always liked Pulaski too. I don't know how everyone else felt about her though. I always got the impression that Crusher was the fan favorite.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
"Go and have a wee, the second act gets considerably weirder." -Tim Minchin
Plus the whole reason for the character to be on the show in the first place was because Gates McFadden was being harassed by Maurice Hurley, so while that's not a reason to hate Pulaski it is a reason to hate the circumstances that forced the show to have Pulaski.
"Go and have a wee, the second act gets considerably weirder." -Tim Minchin
I still maintain though that what they were trying to go for - the Bones/Spock bickering dynamic - was ill-conceived. EDIT Actually looked this up on Memory-Alpha and their section on her relationship with Data reminded me of a whole lot more examples of her being mean to him.
Don't get me wrong, I think Diana Muldar did a great job in the role, but I can't stand the character.
For crying out loud, she gets told she's saying Data's name wrong and just doesn't care when she gets corrected.
A Romulan Strike Team, Missing Farmers and an ancient base on a Klingon Border world. But what connects them? Find out in my First Foundary mission: 'The Jeroan Farmer Escapade'
Its the same reason i liked Lwaxana, because she always knew how to push Picard's buttons to force him to see reality as well.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius