Are the odds of them launching with Season 10 good?
I've been recently thinking about what ship may be good for my DR...I've been considering the Faeht or something Escort like...but then I thought about Pilot ships (Assuming the Romulans would get one) and it may be good.
I suppose with Tom Paris the odds are better...
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Well if it's where I think it is...not seeing anything that would give me hopes of a Romulan Pilot ship as of yet...
I know! I was considering the Faeht and giving it the borg deflector when I get my omega rep up, but I'm curious about the roll out of the Romulan Pilot ship. Personally, I want a T'varo update appearance wise so that I can swap ship parts on it to give it a more personal touch. But I won't know until it comes out.
If the designs I saw are what were getting, you can count me out on those sales. Id rather fly a tier 1 ship against the Iconians then what I saw earlier.
It kinda worries me to be honest...less than a week to go and so far nothing of it...makes me wonder if Romulans are going to get the shaft.
Well, for what it's worth... the wise sages from that site that knows things did NOT mention anything about a T6 D'deridex, prior to the release of the Iconics.
And we have a T6 D'deridex. I wouldn't worry too much.
Kinda like the Defiant went to Risa, found a nice corvette and had a baby with it. I'm a fan of the Defiant/Phantom type looks so this one could be a nice ship for my Fed Tac.
Kinda like the Defiant went to Risa, found a nice corvette and had a baby with it. I'm a fan of the Defiant/Phantom type looks so this one could be a nice ship for my Fed Tac.
Its not bad...but I wasn't a fan of that Deflector on the Pathfinder nor am I a fan of it on this ship either.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Odds are good.
I know! I was considering the Faeht and giving it the borg deflector when I get my omega rep up, but I'm curious about the roll out of the Romulan Pilot ship. Personally, I want a T'varo update appearance wise so that I can swap ship parts on it to give it a more personal touch. But I won't know until it comes out.
Hopefully this means the summer event will have a T6 Risian Corvette Pilot ship.
When I first saw the fed one, I was worried that it was a shuttle craft for a moment.
I thought a Defiant had a baby with a Bajoran shuttlecraft.
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To me it looks a mixture of Defiant and Risan Corvette. I'm still hoping it's just another costume for the Defiant variants.
Well, for what it's worth... the wise sages from that site that knows things did NOT mention anything about a T6 D'deridex, prior to the release of the Iconics.
And we have a T6 D'deridex. I wouldn't worry too much.
Kinda like the Defiant went to Risa, found a nice corvette and had a baby with it.
Its not bad...but I wasn't a fan of that Deflector on the Pathfinder nor am I a fan of it on this ship either.
The Fed one looks ugly as sin, which is a downright shame, because my main (Fed) is going to specialize in Pilot. :mad:
I'm partly worried about the Romulans, but I highly doubt the devs would pass them up. Keep the faith!
Looks more like a Pathfinder got ahold of a Defiant.