I'm trying to figure out how to make this work with the game and the default button setup..... makes no sense at all. After tinkering with custom bind commands for a few minutes I managed to bind +1 accelerate to button 5, and accelerate toggle to button 2, but.... How do you get it to work right?
What I want to do is setup:
trigger to be energy weapons fire
button 2 as fire torpedos
button 4 as decelerate
button 5 as accelerate
button 3 as throttle toggle
the other six buttons and the scroll wheel I'm not planning to use.
Anyways, after a lot of tinkering.... I've even though managed to get accelerate to work, and throttle toggle to work on button 2, I can't seem to get decelerate to work no matter what I do.... or energy weapons.
I tried using the console command: /bind Joy4 "throttleadjust -.25"
but.... even though it lists it in the joystick commands it doesn't actually work.
I painstakingly went through all the key bindings for the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, and came up with a "translation" for the controller binds. They are not in order of the list at the beginning of page 1 of this thread or in my quote of it in my prior post.
Leaving them AS DEFAULT, here's what the button assignments REALLY are, in joystick button numerical order: (( though I'm beginning to think it's like this for almost all sticks ))
Button 01 = Ab
Button 02 = Bb
Button 03 = Xb
Button 04 = Yb
Button 05 = Lb
Button 06 = Rb
Button 07 = Ltrigger
Button 08 = Rtrigger
Button 09 = Select (( in game, it would be the "cancel button" ))
Button 10 = Start (( in game, it would be the "accept button" ))
Button 11 = Lstick
Button 12 = Rstick
For the view switch nob... perfect for routing power to individual shields I think
Dpad up = Joypad_up
Dpad down = Joypad_down
Dpad left = Joypad_left
Dpad right = Joypad_right.
Simple binding command for those who don't quite know what to do... open your chat window to local or zone, then open your options window and go to key binds. Hover your mouse over the function you want, like, Fire All Phasers, you should see a tool tip appear under you cursor, that says "Use manually with /FirePhasers" To bind that to say... button 1... type into the chat window:
/bind Ab FirePhasers
and for forward shields:
/bind Joypad_up +power_exec Reroute_Shields_Forward
No need for the / to go before the name of the function like in the tool tip bubble. Just repeat the process for each desired function until you have the config you want.
Hmm... interesting thoughts. I'll have to tinker with it.
On my joystick, I have a trigger, buttons labeled 2-5 on the stick, buttons labeled 6-11 on the base, and a round thing with a + and -.
Attempting to map "Button3" or "Joy4" to something almost inevitably failed. I was only able to ever get 2 of the buttons to work when trying it that way.
spafmagic's post gave me an idea that I needed to figure out what names the software used internally for the buttons.
But as I mentioned we can't reliably use "Button4" for a keybind.
Instead, we need to look to see what it translates to in the joystick setup. For that, I'm gonna take the list I posted earlier9 from my joystick config file) and rearrange it by button #(and leave out the non-button entries).
I had to put each of these in manually, but you should be able to use /bind_save and /bind_load to copy the setup to another character after you get it to work once.
Wow. THANK YOU for this. It works pretty well once one figures out what is going on. A few questions though:
Has anyone figured out a way to get a slider to work with the throttle? STO doesn't seem to recognize the scaling on the slider and only activates whatever is assigned to it when the slider hits the 100% mark.
Is anyone using a POV hat? I am trying to set the camera to either jump or rotate to certain view points whenever I press a corresponding direction on the hat. I have tried AdjustCamPitch, AdjustCamYaw, camMouseLook, camRotate and a bunch of other "cam" things, but without even the simplest documentation, I am not even sure which one I should be trying to use to attempt to get it to work.
Is there a way to follow a target once in combat range? I know one can be followed outside of combat, but as soon as the player's ship gets within 10k of the target, the autopilot returns control back to the player.
It is really sad and completely asinine that we have to go through this just to get joystick support ... in a game about flying ... flying space planes in combat.
Oh, also, Cryptic, because I had to go through all of this and learn so much about key binds and my controllers, I was able to make that "press to win" button that your "multiple keypress key binds" were designed to avoid. In fact, except for actual movement and targeting, my ship's combat functions are completely automated and can be toggled with four buttons. So .... cheers for that :P
lol, Well, if it's any help my joystick has a +/- roll thingy. STO automatically bound it to zoom in/zoom out. STO seems to recognize only 3 positions for it. +/-/neutral. moving it out of the neutral position at all is like holding the joystick to the side. It uses the associated function constantly.
Joysticks in general don't play well with STO. The multistep process I outlined on page 1 was very unintuitive, and took me weeks to figure out.
But, I'm not one to say if this brand is best. I use mine because I found it for cheap in a thrift store. (aside from one button that must be mashed to work it works perfectly, and I don't even need that button. ) I'm not sure what that says about their reliability, but the only issue I've had with it was figuring out how to make it work. and that was an issue with STO.
Don't despair, joysticks are GREAT in STO, I can't imagine flying w/o one. I use a Logitech Extreme 3DPRO. This is what I do.
-X and Y axis are automatically mapped to to game by turning on the joystick function on the controller page of 'options' of 'main menu'
- I have placed all other options I want to use into trays and assigned keyboard keys; I then mapped the joystick button to those keys. It doesn't seem to work to try and map STO to the joystick buttons. on the controller page. I.E. I have the POV on the top of my joystick mapped to DOWN-torpedo spread, UP-fire torpedos, LEFT/RIGHT - Cannon modifiers. I have never figured out how to use the throttle function on the joystick, so instead I have a G13 for that.
-You also have to make sure that you're running the Logitech software as your playing the game.
It should work...I can't imagine flying a starship w/o a joystick...been doing so since 2010
Don't despair, joysticks are GREAT in STO, I can't imagine flying w/o one. I use a Logitech Extreme 3DPRO. This is what I do.
-X and Y axis are automatically mapped to to game by turning on the joystick function on the controller page of 'options' of 'main menu'
- I have placed all other options I want to use into trays and assigned keyboard keys; I then mapped the joystick button to those keys. It doesn't seem to work to try and map STO to the joystick buttons. on the controller page. I.E. I have the POV on the top of my joystick mapped to DOWN-torpedo spread, UP-fire torpedos, LEFT/RIGHT - Cannon modifiers. I have never figured out how to use the throttle function on the joystick, so instead I have a G13 for that.
-You also have to make sure that you're running the Logitech software as your playing the game.
It should work...I can't imagine flying a starship w/o a joystick...been doing so since 2010
Um, thanks, but, did you read the last post on page 1? :P
Mine already works. I have weapons and throttle control on my joystick.
On my joystick, I have a trigger, buttons labeled 2-5 on the stick, buttons labeled 6-11 on the base, and a round thing with a + and -.
Attempting to map "Button3" or "Joy4" to something almost inevitably failed. I was only able to ever get 2 of the buttons to work when trying it that way.
spafmagic's post gave me an idea that I needed to figure out what names the software used internally for the buttons.
But as I mentioned we can't reliably use "Button4" for a keybind.
Instead, we need to look to see what it translates to in the joystick setup. For that, I'm gonna take the list I posted earlier (from my joystick config file) and rearrange it by button #(and leave out the non-button entries).
I had to put each of these in manually, but you should be able to use /bind_save and /bind_load to copy the setup to another character after you get it to work once.
I believe that was the joystick I had in the past, but couldn't get all the freakin' keybinds to work. Granted that was back when STO first came out, so with all of this new information, I'm going to try it again. Anything would be better on my hands than pounding on my keyboard!
This has been an ongoing thing since beta, I don't think cryptic has gamers to fully understand how a joystick is suppose to work ingame. I opted out by using my old logitech profiler instead of the joystick option ingame because number one it doesn't make sense. If you are using all your buttons on things like: accept, exit, and whatever then how are you suppose to bind real UI powers to them?
I fail to see why this joystick option is here...It does not detect the joystick at all. Sure it tells you which stick you are using but what does D-pad have to do with a joystick? That's a gamepad command not joystick. It has been years now and for some reason I don't believe this will ever be understood by this company. Kind of sad though they could have implemented a lot of cool stuff in this game to make it Number 1 years to come instead they seem to have taken the easy way out and just made a total mess out of it. Simple rule for any game company: 1. Game detects joystick. 2. Game uses basic structure of joystick's brand name. 3. Let players input their own commands for joystick. In other words they really did a poor job of their joystick option. And if you got some way out long winded workaround then I hate to tell you this but that should not even be the case at this point.
I would have loved for them to experimented with voice commands while a player is in his/her ship, I use it and it's fun. Nothing like commanding your ship by voice "Shields up" and you get a feedback of whatever you type which in my case is "Emergency Power to shields: Engaged".
Well, If you use the procedures I outlined, you CAN bind whatever random commands you wish to the buttons on your joystick. Yeah it's not easy but.... enh.
I was thinking of purchasing a joystick to make my life easier when flying ships... but from what I've read here, it seems a pain in the butt to find the right bind commands.
Markhawkman, did you manage to get the basic joystick functions (pitch, yaw) to work right from the start?
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
STO automatically mapped the basic ship movement commands. But only that.
To simplify my previous explanation.. It's really only a 3-4 step process, and for the first few steps you don't need to do the buttons individually. It's only the last step that needs to be handled individually. I say 3-4 because while 2 of the steps are technically separate you can do them simultaneously. Also those two steps are really there just to make sure the game has all of your buttons associated with something(mine didn't). If you want to save time you could just open the joystick config file and use the left column entries to map to... this reminds me.... I didn't explain how to find that....
After you save the configuration file, find the file in the live folder mine is: C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live. It's named controller.cfg.
And, you really only need to do it once. Then you can just save the configuration and keybinds and load it on all of your other characters.
The vast majority of the player base has been getting along perfectly fine using mice and keyboards. We don't need the devs wasting efforts on joystick controls for a few special snowflakes.
The vast majority of the player base has been getting along perfectly fine using mice and keyboards. We don't need the devs wasting efforts on joystick controls for a few special snowflakes.
I use this: http://joytokey.net/en/ program to play with a joystick on STO. Though I only really use it for space combat. It has proven to be a bit buggy in my estimation. However, it is easy to use and works well. I even managed to set up autofire on it. Which sometimes make my character jump up and down when on a ground map. But that is a small price to pay. Oh also it is not freeware it is shareware, so every once in a while it will nag you about buying a licence. So far I have been able to use it without doing that though.
I tried using the console command: /bind Joy4 "throttleadjust -.25"
but.... even though it lists it in the joystick commands it doesn't actually work.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
My character Tsin'xing
here is further info: http://sto.gamepedia.com/List_of_console_commands
I'm still working on creating a fully functional setup. I'm really not sure WHY my current attempts aren't working either.
I can get +throttle and throttletoggle to work but FirePhasers doesn't.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
On my joystick, I have a trigger, buttons labeled 2-5 on the stick, buttons labeled 6-11 on the base, and a round thing with a + and -.
Attempting to map "Button3" or "Joy4" to something almost inevitably failed. I was only able to ever get 2 of the buttons to work when trying it that way.
spafmagic's post gave me an idea that I needed to figure out what names the software used internally for the buttons.
trigger = button0
2 = button1
3 = button2
4 = button3
5 = button4
But as I mentioned we can't reliably use "Button4" for a keybind.
Instead, we need to look to see what it translates to in the joystick setup. For that, I'm gonna take the list I posted earlier9 from my joystick config file) and rearrange it by button #(and leave out the non-button entries).
AB Button0
LStick Button1
XB Button2
YB Button3
LB Button4
RB Button5
LeftTrigger Button6
RightTrigger Button7
Select Button8
Start Button9
RStick Button11
now the label to the left of Button is what you need to map to.
which brings me to the other list I posted above
/bind AB "FirePhasers"
/bind XB "throttletoggle"
/bind YB "throttleadjust -.25"
/bind LB "throttleadjust .25"
I had to put each of these in manually, but you should be able to use /bind_save and /bind_load to copy the setup to another character after you get it to work once.
My character Tsin'xing
Has anyone figured out a way to get a slider to work with the throttle? STO doesn't seem to recognize the scaling on the slider and only activates whatever is assigned to it when the slider hits the 100% mark.
Is anyone using a POV hat? I am trying to set the camera to either jump or rotate to certain view points whenever I press a corresponding direction on the hat. I have tried AdjustCamPitch, AdjustCamYaw, camMouseLook, camRotate and a bunch of other "cam" things, but without even the simplest documentation, I am not even sure which one I should be trying to use to attempt to get it to work.
Is there a way to follow a target once in combat range? I know one can be followed outside of combat, but as soon as the player's ship gets within 10k of the target, the autopilot returns control back to the player.
It is really sad and completely asinine that we have to go through this just to get joystick support ... in a game about flying ... flying space planes in combat.
Oh, also, Cryptic, because I had to go through all of this and learn so much about key binds and my controllers, I was able to make that "press to win" button that your "multiple keypress key binds" were designed to avoid. In fact, except for actual movement and targeting, my ship's combat functions are completely automated and can be toggled with four buttons. So .... cheers for that :P
My character Tsin'xing
But, I'm not one to say if this brand is best. I use mine because I found it for cheap in a thrift store. (aside from one button that must be mashed to work it works perfectly, and I don't even need that button.
My character Tsin'xing
Don't despair, joysticks are GREAT in STO, I can't imagine flying w/o one. I use a Logitech Extreme 3DPRO. This is what I do.
-X and Y axis are automatically mapped to to game by turning on the joystick function on the controller page of 'options' of 'main menu'
- I have placed all other options I want to use into trays and assigned keyboard keys; I then mapped the joystick button to those keys. It doesn't seem to work to try and map STO to the joystick buttons. on the controller page. I.E. I have the POV on the top of my joystick mapped to DOWN-torpedo spread, UP-fire torpedos, LEFT/RIGHT - Cannon modifiers. I have never figured out how to use the throttle function on the joystick, so instead I have a G13 for that.
-You also have to make sure that you're running the Logitech software as your playing the game.
It should work...I can't imagine flying a starship w/o a joystick...been doing so since 2010
BSG-Benne Gesserit Consortium
Mine already works. I have weapons and throttle control on my joystick.
My character Tsin'xing
BSG-Benne Gesserit Consortium
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
I fail to see why this joystick option is here...It does not detect the joystick at all. Sure it tells you which stick you are using but what does D-pad have to do with a joystick? That's a gamepad command not joystick. It has been years now and for some reason I don't believe this will ever be understood by this company. Kind of sad though they could have implemented a lot of cool stuff in this game to make it Number 1 years to come instead they seem to have taken the easy way out and just made a total mess out of it. Simple rule for any game company: 1. Game detects joystick. 2. Game uses basic structure of joystick's brand name. 3. Let players input their own commands for joystick. In other words they really did a poor job of their joystick option. And if you got some way out long winded workaround then I hate to tell you this but that should not even be the case at this point.
I would have loved for them to experimented with voice commands while a player is in his/her ship, I use it and it's fun. Nothing like commanding your ship by voice "Shields up" and you get a feedback of whatever you type which in my case is "Emergency Power to shields: Engaged".
My character Tsin'xing
Markhawkman, did you manage to get the basic joystick functions (pitch, yaw) to work right from the start?
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
To simplify my previous explanation.. It's really only a 3-4 step process, and for the first few steps you don't need to do the buttons individually. It's only the last step that needs to be handled individually. I say 3-4 because while 2 of the steps are technically separate you can do them simultaneously. Also those two steps are really there just to make sure the game has all of your buttons associated with something(mine didn't). If you want to save time you could just open the joystick config file and use the left column entries to map to... this reminds me.... I didn't explain how to find that....
After you save the configuration file, find the file in the live folder mine is: C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios\Star Trek Online\Live. It's named controller.cfg.
And, you really only need to do it once. Then you can just save the configuration and keybinds and load it on all of your other characters.
My character Tsin'xing
Hey, that's just my opinion.
You NEARLY necro'd the thread. XD