Soooo, a while ago my fleet got rid of our old leader. All was well. We kept his toons on at reduced rank in case he came back in respect for what he had done starting and maintaining the fleet.
After a 6 month hard absence and 3-6 months of sporadic presence before that, he logged back on yesterday. He preceded to kick everyone in the fleet who was a rank below him.
Soooo, we lost about 375 members, many of whom have been with and contributed to the fleet for a long time. We've been able to recover those who've logged on and were friends with fleet leadership (or people we've been able to already track down), as well as a few others who logged on and WTF'd? us via PM or mail. We're still down a lot of those people.
I was able to get a partial list of the people kicked out from the "news" tab from the fleet screen, but that only provides toon names, not
@handles. However, I was able to imperfectly use that list to get
@handles from the leaderboard tables.
But thats about it. The general leaderboard is way, way too long to use. We've been a 400-500 member fleet for a few years with at least one prior schism, so there are a *lot* of people on the leaderboard, and I don't want to spam several thousand people who were only ever peripherally involved, or *were* involved and might not really like to see a mass mail from us.
So, any other suggestions? Is there any possible archive of the "news" feed? Anything else? (Ok, anything else other than: "don't do that again")
And, yeah, removing the ability to kick people out of the fleet was the first thing we did. Major mistake on our part
Another way to get round this happening again is set up a fleet chat sep to the standard one, this would mean anyone who was "kicked" could ask for invite without being totally cut off from the fleet if that makes sense.
A separate fleet chat is an interesting idea. But many of us are kinda in other friendly fleet's generic fleet chats, and we'd always just used the officer chat as the standard alternative to normal fleet chat. So, again, we kinda messed it up.