-space trait passive outgoing damage % heals hull? boy im glad I bought my valdor console eh? wonder if that stacks
-particle trait... guys, sci doesn't need more particles...
-radiant dent matrix, add rad damage and remove buffs off targets when shooting?
-when damaged gain immunity to all damage?
-the iconian resistance space set and ordnance set is off the hook too, energy weapons having a chance to boost damage for you and team/ the ordnance blast: more damage the lower the target hit points
..... upcoming season..
think im good, yup-
think im good
look- NONE of this stuff is even remotely needed to own the computer.. at all
fighting the computer in stfs, missions, etc..
ya was enjoying a wee break away from the lag, the glitches, the etc there for a couple weeks- even this delta recruit stuff.... I was like "eh, got enough toons as is, Ill pass..."
season 10? summer event?
think im going to expand this little break a lot longer then originally intended, still reading the same disappointed views, seeing a lot of folks not happy with delta, edalgo"s response of "being disconnected a pile of times just starting a new toon for delta" sealed the deal for me if it would even be worth the effort to create a toon for low level pvp...
would love to, but if my bridge officers still will be unseating themselves, if Im going to crash daily while doing map transfers, if the lags so bad that a person cant even enjoy a dumb stf... really whats the point right?
it really was a lot of fun and my hopes and dreams go out to those eager and willing to soldier on- I wish you all the best
im sure the new risean ship is going to be so worth all those races:P im sure the new season 10 rep and gear is really well balanced and whatever is broken will get fixed shortly after release
and the new upcoming lockbox... I bet that's going to have some really good gear that will be excellent additions to the game:)
I would say when they release this ship...or that ship... I will log on that second, t6 mvam, t6 avenger, t6 brel... favorite ships right there.... but;
why? to do the same laggy pve content? to do the same tired pvp? try and get something going when so many are hell bent on having it all end this moment?
as far as im concerned those are the 3 things that need fixing the most- how...when... why... who cares, don't care
don't believe at this time that It can be fixed- I think cryptic did a great job creating an excellent mmo for casual mmo players to enjoy flying their favorite star trek ships- sadly the games content is no longer enough to justify spending anymore money or massive amounts of time to enjoy from my view, I was looking forward to that t6 mvam tho:)
to those new delta recruits eager to take on pvp in sto my advice is this... don't listen to the complainers, have your fun- make your builds- do your matches-
because this is your free time, these are your pvp matches, do not be afraid to leave that fleet and seek out new friends, to boldly go where you haven't went before- is that not at least at the heart of what star trek is? what any mmo is?
in the end, don't let some nerd from pvp's past tell you if your having fun or not doing pvp in sto- that's for you to decide:)
You hardly ever get to have fun in PvP right now. If STO's funny for you it can easily be for other means. The fact that PvP is unplayable doesn't mean the whole game is ruined. Still, it's sad.
You hardly ever get to have fun in PvP right now. If STO's funny for you it can easily be for other means. The fact that PvP is unplayable doesn't mean the whole game is ruined. Still, it's sad.
See at some point it just becomes piling on how is it that PVP is unplayable? They have addressed a lot of things that we complained about DR, either fixed it out right or Nerfed it into the ground, at least since salami inferno has taken over the devs talk now on the forums give input on the forums try to listen better to our input on the forums, is it perfect? No, they are at least making an effort now somewhat.... don't disappear for 6,7 or eight months, then come back and start whining again, without even make an effort to see what if anything has been done to simply come back crying your tears and say it's unplayable without even acknowledging that they have fixed some stuff and are trying to fix others is either stupidity, folly, or just not wanting to see something because you've grown so accustomed to bytchin.....maybe you have been gone too long ....maybe its you not the ship
See at some point it just becomes piling on how is it that PVP is unplayable? They have addressed a lot of things that we complained about DR, either fixed it out right or Nerfed it into the ground, at least since salami inferno has taken over the devs talk now on the forums give input on the forums try to listen better to our input on the forums, is it perfect? No, they are at least making an effort now somewhat.... don't disappear for 6,7 or eight months, then come back and start whining again, without even make an effort to see what if anything has been done to simply come back crying your tears and say it's unplayable without even acknowledging that they have fixed some stuff and are trying to fix others is either stupidity, folly, or just not wanting to see something because you've grown so accustomed to bytchin.....maybe you have been gone too long ....maybe its you not the ship
You just don't understand. The next lockbox is coming up. Season 10 is also coming.
They just fix the bugs and balance issues from the last batch of stuff to make you believe things are getting better just before dropping more unbalanced and broken stuff on the game.
It's their business model and it's not changing.
So continue believing 'things are getting better', I know better.
You just don't understand. The next lockbox is coming up. Season 10 is also coming.
They just fix the bugs and balance issues from the last batch of stuff to make you believe things are getting better just before dropping more unbalanced and broken stuff on the game.
It's their business model and it's not changing.
So continue believing 'things are getting better', I know better.
im left with no choice but to pull this card then .....they why does everybody stay ?? we must like punishment because here we are ...even people that admit to not even having the game installed still come back still complain still cry... Why help me understand the human psyche of is something causes people such mental anguish and/or physical pain and they think it is so awful why do they still play why they still here? You are right I just don't understand
im left with no choice but to pull this card then .....they why does everybody stay ?? we must like punishment because here we are ...even people that admit to not even having the game installed still come back still complain still cry... Why help me understand the human psyche of is something causes people such mental anguish and/or physical pain and they think it is so awful why do they still play why they still here? You are right I just don't understand
I'll let the exaggeration go (physical pain? :rolleyes: )
The reason I still look at the forums is because when STO was not so bad as now it has awesome PvP. It's the only MMO I ever regularly played. I'm a nostalgic guy and reading the forums is actually more fun than playing the game for me.
BTW I have STO installed and I do still play once per month.
You hardly ever get to have fun in PvP right now. If STO's funny for you it can easily be for other means. The fact that PvP is unplayable doesn't mean the whole game is ruined. Still, it's sad.
umm, thats exactly what i t means. the pve largely isn't worth playing in and of itself, it was always a means to grind out all the power so you could better compete in pvp. if pvp is ruined, there's no reason to do the pve grind, resulting in the whole game being ruined.
its sort of disingenuous to imply that pvp being totally and irrevocably ruined is an opinion and not a fact.
It will remain an opinion and not fact as long as people actively PvP.
It may be half-dead, close to death, dying, ruined, hopeless. But people still participate in it. And as long as they do, it's objectively not dead.
And so, it may never die, at least not until Cryptic either removes it like they did with exploration clusters (good riddance), or the game is closed down.
But dead doesn't mean that anything is done for it. It's in a vegetative state, basically. It's an orphan (by Geko's own admission. And he may have some ambition to change it, but if this decision is also subject to bean counter analysis, who could convince them that there is something to gain here?)
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Its dead... and lets be honest the game is pretty much dead as well. I would bet that this delta server wide reward thing will have its bar lowered with in the first few weeks. Lets be honest the morons that bothered leveling yet another toon for some reason are going to get bored soon enough if they aren't already.
I think it would be fantastic if the server doesn't even hit T1 in a few weeks. Perhaps then they can take there metrics and stick them... in there mouths and chew em up.
Its dead... and lets be honest the game is pretty much dead as well. I would bet that this delta server wide reward thing will have its bar lowered with in the first few weeks. Lets be honest the morons that bothered leveling yet another toon for some reason are going to get bored soon enough if they aren't already.
I think it would be fantastic if the server doesn't even hit T1 in a few weeks. Perhaps then they can take there metrics and stick them... in there mouths and chew em up.
Your sister's a moron. Keep those lines for yourself dude. I was overly skeptical on Delta Recruit after levelling seven characters. No, gotta recognize the temporal thing is very well orchestrated. The future-self during tutorial, Scotty's tip for how to save himself on the Jenolan Sphere and so on.
Your sister's a moron. Keep those lines for yourself dude. I was overly skeptical on Delta Recruit after levelling seven characters. No, gotta recognize the temporal thing is very well orchestrated. The future-self during tutorial, Scotty's tip for how to save himself on the Jenolan Sphere and so on.
So your saying they sucked you in with 5 hours of dev time. LMAO congrats. Thanks for doing your part in giving them no reason to ever really put any effort into the game.
I will hold out for the Iconian recruit promo... you know the Time traveler that lets us know the first time traveler was really working for the wrong side of the temporal cold war. hahha
So your saying they sucked you in with 5 hours of dev time. LMAO congrats. Thanks for doing your part in giving them no reason to ever really put any effort into the game.
I will hold out for the Iconian recruit promo... you know the Time traveler that lets us know the first time traveler was really working for the wrong side of the temporal cold war. hahha
Rule's simple, if you don't like it don't play. There's difference between criticism and your useless rant.
turns out that you can't tell-because if you don't play FED you don't show up on the scoreboard, the queues were active for the first weekend...and now, they're displaying a firm "zero", meaning that whomsoever WAS playing (and Pugging) isn't anymore.
Ker'rat's a graveyard filled with nothing but NPC's, after a promising start.
all I see now, are people grimly grinding, grinding, grinding...for what? is anyone still there?
answer has become no.
Actually you're totally wrong. The reason the queues are empty is because we're all grinding delta alts to 60 so we can get our paradox correctors, and our temporal insight traits to improve our builds.
That's technically wrong. You need to finish all the missions in the storyline up to cold storage. After that it's up to you whether i reach level 60 or not. So far nearly 54 and I've just started Breen Invasion. I really can't throw away a Joined Trill tbh
Actually you're totally wrong. The reason the queues are empty is because we're all grinding delta alts to 60 so we can get our paradox correctors, and our temporal insight traits to improve our builds.
Just more broken **** that will make PvP that much more unplayable. Yay, chained immunity + white flash + the stupid fed heal trait + super-resist/damage debuff command bs. This game is such a joke. I haven't PvP'ed for like 2 weeks and I'm better off for it.
I was overly skeptical on Delta Recruit after levelling seven characters. No, gotta recognize the temporal thing is very well orchestrated. The future-self during tutorial, Scotty's tip for how to save himself on the Jenolan Sphere and so on.
You were more then sceptical. Month ago you were here with edna to call people that play STO stupid and you called Cryptic worst developers ever after they banned you and your numerous alts. Now STO is best thing evah all of a sudden?
yes, don't listen past pvp nerds, sto is the best pvp game
Ironically, we (the nerds from PvP's past) are the ones posting the most in the PvP forums
See at some point it just becomes piling on how is it that PVP is unplayable? They have addressed a lot of things that we complained about DR, either fixed it out right or Nerfed it into the ground, at least since salami inferno has taken over the devs talk now on the forums give input on the forums try to listen better to our input on the forums, is it perfect? No, they are at least making an effort now somewhat.... don't disappear for 6,7 or eight months, then come back and start whining again, without even make an effort to see what if anything has been done to simply come back crying your tears and say it's unplayable without even acknowledging that they have fixed some stuff and are trying to fix others is either stupidity, folly, or just not wanting to see something because you've grown so accustomed to bytchin.....maybe you have been gone too long ....maybe its you not the ship
You just don't understand. The next lockbox is coming up. Season 10 is also coming.
They just fix the bugs and balance issues from the last batch of stuff to make you believe things are getting better just before dropping more unbalanced and broken stuff on the game.
It's their business model and it's not changing.
So continue believing 'things are getting better', I know better.
im left with no choice but to pull this card then .....they why does everybody stay ?? we must like punishment because here we are ...even people that admit to not even having the game installed still come back still complain still cry... Why help me understand the human psyche of is something causes people such mental anguish and/or physical pain and they think it is so awful why do they still play why they still here? You are right I just don't understand
I'll let the exaggeration go (physical pain? :rolleyes: )
The reason I still look at the forums is because when STO was not so bad as now it has awesome PvP. It's the only MMO I ever regularly played. I'm a nostalgic guy and reading the forums is actually more fun than playing the game for me.
BTW I have STO installed and I do still play once per month.
umm, thats exactly what i t means. the pve largely isn't worth playing in and of itself, it was always a means to grind out all the power so you could better compete in pvp. if pvp is ruined, there's no reason to do the pve grind, resulting in the whole game being ruined.
It may be half-dead, close to death, dying, ruined, hopeless. But people still participate in it. And as long as they do, it's objectively not dead.
And so, it may never die, at least not until Cryptic either removes it like they did with exploration clusters (good riddance), or the game is closed down.
But dead doesn't mean that anything is done for it. It's in a vegetative state, basically. It's an orphan (by Geko's own admission. And he may have some ambition to change it, but if this decision is also subject to bean counter analysis, who could convince them that there is something to gain here?)
I think it would be fantastic if the server doesn't even hit T1 in a few weeks. Perhaps then they can take there metrics and stick them... in there mouths and chew em up.
Your sister's a moron. Keep those lines for yourself dude. I was overly skeptical on Delta Recruit after levelling seven characters. No, gotta recognize the temporal thing is very well orchestrated. The future-self during tutorial, Scotty's tip for how to save himself on the Jenolan Sphere and so on.
So your saying they sucked you in with 5 hours of dev time. LMAO congrats. Thanks for doing your part in giving them no reason to ever really put any effort into the game.
I will hold out for the Iconian recruit promo... you know the Time traveler that lets us know the first time traveler was really working for the wrong side of the temporal cold war.
Rule's simple, if you don't like it don't play. There's difference between criticism and your useless rant.
Actually you're totally wrong. The reason the queues are empty is because we're all grinding delta alts to 60 so we can get our paradox correctors, and our temporal insight traits to improve our builds.
Just more broken **** that will make PvP that much more unplayable. Yay, chained immunity + white flash + the stupid fed heal trait + super-resist/damage debuff command bs. This game is such a joke. I haven't PvP'ed for like 2 weeks and I'm better off for it.
You were more then sceptical. Month ago you were here with edna to call people that play STO stupid and you called Cryptic worst developers ever after they banned you and your numerous alts. Now STO is best thing evah all of a sudden?
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