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Need advice

erikmodierikmodi Member Posts: 144 Arc User
edited April 2015 in Federation Discussion
So, I took a break recently, came back, and. . . WOW, the Advanced Borg STFs are HARD. Before, I did reasonably well (I thought), but now, I'm just shy of useless. So, I wanted to ask for feedback on making myself a bit more formidable.

I'm currently using a Mirror Escort Retrofit. Because I'm RPing my Fed toon as a Romulan, I'm using Romulan equipment (it's kind of a hybrid/joint Republic/Federation testbed, in my headcanon.)

Fore Weapons: Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array, Romulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher, Romulan Plasma Dual Beam Bank Mk XII (Acc, CrtD), Romulan Plasma Dual Beam Bank Mk XII (Acc, Dmg).

Aft Weapons: Romulan Plasma Beam Array Mk XII (CrtD, CrtH), Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk XII (CrtH, Dmg x2), Kinetic Cutting Beam Mk XII (Dmg x3)

Other: Romulan Advanced Prototype Deflector Dish Mk XII, Romulan Advanced Prototype Impulse Engines Mk XII, Field Stabilizing Warp Core Mk XI (Rep, A->E, WCap, SST), Romulan Advance Prototype Covariant Shield Array Mk XII, RCS Accelerator Mk X (blue), Electroceramic Hull Plating Mk XI (purple), Biofunction Monitor Mk XI (green), Emitter Array Mk XI (purple), Shield Refrequencer Mk XII (+ShReg), Assimilated Module, Zero-Point Energy Conduit, Plasma Infuser Mk XI (purple), Ambiplasma Envelope Mk XI (purple.)

First. . . should I be flying a different ship? Funds are limited at the moment, but if there's something better I can upgrade into, I'll look into it. Otherwise, comments on weapons loadouts, upgrades, whatever else will help me actually be helpful.
Post edited by erikmodi on


  • edited March 2015
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  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    if you can i woould look at going to a fleet ship if ya can and upgrading it since both items are found in the exchange

    you could buy them for no actual money and have a competitive ship if you have a big reserve of EC go after the new

    lockbox ships those ships can tear it up as well as looking cool but if ya have around $30 you could go after the

    Phantom which is the go-to fed escort if you want single target destruction. Those are the choices available that i know

    of but really that escort of yours is half decent just on the squishy side at 60.

    West also has some pretty good ideas so ya might listen to him before taking my suggestions
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • erikmodierikmodi Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    D'Oh. . . knew I should have added something else!

    Torpedo: Spread I, Torpedo: High Yield II, Beam Array: Fire At Will III, Attack Pattern Omega II, Tactical Team I, Beam Array: Overload II, Engineering Team I, Reverse Shield Polarity I, Science Team I, Polarize Hull II, Gravity Well I, Tachyon Beam I.

    For Traits: my slotted Engineer and one of my slotted Tacs has Leadership, and that's it.
  • edited March 2015
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  • erikmodierikmodi Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Salvage? Didn't think we were THAT bad off :)

    I'm not adverse to getting a different ship, once the paychecks start coming (just got a new assignment with the temp agency), so that is an option at some point. Checked out Omni-beams in the Exchange. . . need a little bit more XP and a LOT more EC to get one. But I'm working hard on my R&D, what level do you need to make them yourself?
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,693 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    erikmodi wrote: »
    Salvage? Didn't think we were THAT bad off :)

    I'm not adverse to getting a different ship, once the paychecks start coming (just got a new assignment with the temp agency), so that is an option at some point. Checked out Omni-beams in the Exchange. . . need a little bit more XP and a LOT more EC to get one. But I'm working hard on my R&D, what level do you need to make them yourself?

    Level 15. For the plain Very Rare Omni-beams, you can usually sell the stuff (whether raw materials or components) for more than what it takes to buy off the exchange. R&D stuff is decent source of EC, and CCA is nice and easy that very rarely fails and gives a Radiogenic Particle that's worth 80-100k EC each, plus you might get valuable Z-Particles and Rubidium which can double your take on that box. Crafting to save/make money is very rarely a winning proposition, and you really need to be a full level 20 and have the best DOffs to make things like Ultra-Rare Omni-Beams with any regularity, and then the extra mod is random. It is worthwhile to go for level 15 in certain things anyway for Traits. Beams School gives a Trait that gives a damage boost each time you use a beam enhancing ability. The biggest seems to be Science gives Particle Manipulator Trait that gives an increased Crit chance based on your Particle Gens which is excelent if you decide to fly a Sci boat.
  • edited March 2015
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  • erikmodierikmodi Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    tom61sto wrote: »
    and CCA is nice and easy that very rarely fails and gives a Radiogenic Particle

    Sorry, not up on my acronyms. CCA?

    Crafting has mostly been a leisure pursuit, and making some things for my alts and a friend who's just joined the game. I've been mostly looking at getting good gear sets (like the New Romulus and Task Force Omega) to gear up with. I probably won't be crafting for profit, but like doing it for myself, thanks for the advice.
    westmetals wrote: »
    I'll agree that crafting for profitable sale is very rarely possible, with the exceptions of superior upgrades and Mk II weapons with good mods.

    That said... crafting for your own use can be a huge EC-saver over buying such items on the Exchange, if you are generating the materials yourself. Level 20 is hardly necessary for this - level 15 with white-quality crafting doffs is the minimum need to make anything and is certainly sufficient for anyone who would otherwise have to go without due to excessive cost.

    Kind of what I was thinking, thanks!

    [QUOTE=westmetals;23003641"Salvage" was tongue-in-cheek; these kind of threads very often (far too often in my opinion) devlove into one or more players advising the original poster to retire their ship, get a new ship (either Fleet T5U or T6, lately), then suggesting a build for that, which in quite a few cases bears little or no relation to the originally posted concept. I've seen cases where a player with a phaser-cannon-armed Defiant was advised to switch to an antiproton-beam-Guardian, etcetera. While it is true that you might be able to get mathematically better results with a different ship... that wasn't the question you asked. You asked how to fix the ship you have.[/quote]

    I took it as rather tongue-in-cheek, but appreciate the explanation, and certainly appreciate the thought about keeping with what I enjoy playing.

    [QUOTE=westmetals;23003641If you do decide to get a different ship... there's only one T6 escort at the moment (the Phantom); otherwise, you're looking at T5, in which case I would advise the following plan: purchase the Zen version of whichever ship you prefer, then apply a Starship Upgrade Requisition (you can get these on the Exchange or for Zen) to unlock the T5U upgrade. If you're in a fleet that has the unlocks for it, then pick up the Fleet version of that ship using the Zen-ownership discount (it will drop to one Fleet Ship Module, fleet credits will be unchanged. These modules are also available on the Exchange or for Zen); the Fleet ship should also qualify for a free upgrade once you've unlocked it on the Zen version (I have a Fleet Defiant T5U that I got this way). Exchange price for both of those items should be around 7-10 million EC each, and that'd save you about 1000-1200 Zen while still allowing you to get the best available version of your chosen ship. (The base price for T5 will be 2000-2500, but the two upgrades can be gotten in-game and keep the cost to that.)[/QUOTE]

    I was looking at the Phantom. I'm not terribly impressed with the design, but if I get thirty bucks to spare, I might nab one. I wasn't aware of the trick with, I guess, multiple upgrades, I might check into that. Thanks again!
  • erikmodierikmodi Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So, checking out "best weapons" in another thread, I have, I guess, a follow-up question.

    Assuming I redo my weapons loadout completely, should I keep the Romulan and Borg sets? Or are their bonuses not worth it?
  • erikmodierikmodi Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So, a friend bought me some Fleet Ship Modules in thanks for helping her learn the game, and I got a Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier. Loving it! Still wondering if I should keep the Borg/Romulan sets on board, or use something else.
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