As of today I have 7/14 crystal shards for the event, I was wondering if I will still continue getting shards after the event has expired seeing that I am still doing the reputation mission.... Thanks.
If you already started filling the project, this will not help you now, but it may help in the future.
What I like to do is go ahead and queue up the event project, but hold onto the shards I have till I have enough to fill the project completely. The reason for this is because something might come up that will keep me from completing it this time.
This will mean that I still have the shards I collected. Then, I can try to fill that project the next time, and also queue up the next one they offer.
The reason for keeping it empty is just in case I cannot finish two of them during the next event. This will allow me to drop this one if I like the rewards for the next one more, and not lose any shards. I have done this before when health problems interfered with being able to play the game.
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Keep it going and you can probably fill it at the next CE event. Get as many as you can now with the time you have left. The big events like this will run for a couple weeks, so you can possibly get enough on the next go around to finish this project and whatever the next one is.
"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. Except for a T5 Connie. That would be f*%#ing awesome." - Mr. Spock
This. But you may be waiting a while. Previous CE event was late summer, IIRC. Cryptic rotates several special events like CE, Mirror Invasion.
What I like to do is go ahead and queue up the event project, but hold onto the shards I have till I have enough to fill the project completely. The reason for this is because something might come up that will keep me from completing it this time.
This will mean that I still have the shards I collected. Then, I can try to fill that project the next time, and also queue up the next one they offer.
The reason for keeping it empty is just in case I cannot finish two of them during the next event. This will allow me to drop this one if I like the rewards for the next one more, and not lose any shards. I have done this before when health problems interfered with being able to play the game.