I get that the game-at least at endgame, is horrifyingly broken.
I get that everything I'm trying to do has failed in the hands of better men than me.
I get that.
I'm still going to try, because there is no cause so much fun to fight for, as one where you have nothing left to lose.
The "Lost Cause" is PvP in STO-at least, this week's lost cause. Kind of an adopted lost cause, since I'm also fighting hte lost cause for the KDF faction.
I think it's because I see the two as linked in their grievance.
TRIBBLE it, that's too navel-gazing.
I'm doing this because I'm a passive-aggressive SOB who's not happy with seeing stage after stage of this game dying, and I'm doing it because I'm stubborn to the point of stupid at times.
Maybe if I'd been a little better, or less ashamed of my inability to master Cryptic's inbuilt Keybind and shortcut systems, mabye if I'd been more willing to grind rep so I was "prepared" for PvP at top level...no.
NO. I'm a casual player who's found a reason to stick around-I play KDF because I like the faction, I want to play PvP because PvE bores me to tears after the thousandth re-run for time and always has.
Seems like all the 'big names' have packed their sports gear and gone elsewhere, only stopping by to remind people like me of what's been lost.
so...it's lost. It's a lost cause...
and I'm willing to take it up anyway, with my total lack of appropriate background and skill, lack of free time, lack of contacts, insight, and resources.
categorically the worst choice for even trying an effort.
I don't care. I'm stubborn, and maybe I can find a few others whom are also stubborn, maybe not.
I got into this game with low expectations-I'd expected, in 2012, that this was a shovelware game that was leaning on the rep of the IP, and I only did it because a friend talked me into it.
but I'm here now, and maybe I'll find a few more here and there, maybe I won't...but you can either accept defeat, or you can keep playing and make that defeat take as long as physically possible, changing tactics and direction and angles as often as you can.
which is why I guess I'm a PvP'er after all-I don't have Mad Skillz, I'm just stubborn and persistent.
Because of all the cheese monsters (cf: the "Radiation Terrorbomber" build thread over on the Fed forums) casual players who like Trek feel like they have no place in PVP at the moment.
OTOH, if those casuals were pitched against each other; they might enjoy it. I think you might be on to something with pushing for KDF-vs-KDF PVP as part of your "Blood and Fire" events.
Problem is, the self-styled PVP community are gradually exterminating themselves with their "Win At All Costs" mentality. PVP is a consensual activity, and it needs both parties to be having fun. Players whose stated aim is to force their opponents to quit PVP (HOBOs, Istvaan etc) are about the worst thing possible.
Perhaps being stubborn and persistent is one of the better qualities to have. But really, remember not to burn yourself out doing it. It's after all a simple game, not worth wrecking yourself too much over.
(What follows is simply brainstorming, I'm not sure I have the energy to argue for it, I'm not sure where else to put it, and I don't know how well a community would take it)
Maybe the problem with all the different private and/or public channels was because there were so many different ones. Perhaps it would be better to come up with a way to organize all the stuff in this game, and use shorthand to describe the levels. For example, what used to be Vanilla is one level, and T5U another, and so on. Let's see......
Level 1 - No doffs, or traits. Specializations only, since those can't be turned off. Mk XI Rare maximum, no universal consoles, no sets, episode or otherwise. Zilch. Zip. Nada. T5-9-console ships only. Slightly stricter than Vanilla standards?
Level 2 - Up to Mk XII VR equipment allowed. Otherwise same as Level 1.
Level 3 - Sets and universal consoles allowed. T5-10 console ships allowed. Otherwise same as Level 2.
Level 4 - Doffs and captain/reputation traits allowed. Otherwise same as Level 3.
Level 5 - All equipment now allowed. Otherwise same as Level 4.
Level 6 - T5U ships allowed. Otherwise same as Level 5. Corresponds to T5-U channel standards?
Level 7 - T6 ships and ship traits allowed. No holds barred, all allowed.
No restrictions on stuff besides what is absolutely and unarguably bugged or not WAI. Example is AtB cooling down D'Kora EMP or the latest lobi set bonus fiasco.
But then again, maybe I'm rambling and all this wouldn't make a difference where division of the playerbase is concerned.
I kinda wonder - what if we could have PvP matches with funny restrictions like forcing everyone to use the default weapon loadout? Would make for some pretty funny sights, I imagine.
It would be nice for a dev to show up and to give us a quick briefing about any possible PvP related plans, and maybe even share some metrics, such as player attendance etc.
It would be nice for a dev to show up and to give us a quick briefing about any possible PvP related plans, and maybe even share some metrics, such as player attendance etc.
It would be nice for a dev to show up and to give us a quick briefing about any possible PvP related plans, and maybe even share some metrics, such as player attendance etc.
Not sure if you're being serious or not here...
If a dev shows up it will be shame us in saying how we are all very negative, that we are not being constructive, imply it's our fault PvP sucks and then go back to the PvE parts of the forums.
STO is just one game in the myriad of titles available on this planet. To play it I need a good reason: it has to entertain me. Let's put it this way: Give me a good reason to stop playing Driveclub where I'm having endless entertainment instead of STO, which has as you know broken meta, null and dull PvP, toxic playerbase.
Answer is that you're not going to find any, so I'm staying with Driveclub. Ask the same question to those who are playing Elite dangerous right now, give them a good reason.
Let's put it this way: Give me a good reason to stop playing Driveclub where I'm having endless entertainment instead of STO, which has as you know broken meta, null and dull PvP, toxic playerbase.
Fine, there is one; the IP itself. Now, I appreciate that to a "pure" gamer, the game's the thing, and that is a very logical argument.
I enjoyed PVP a *lot* more when it was recognisably Federation and Klingon forces going hammer-and-tongs at each other. You're not just flying random cool spaceship X, it's a Klingon Bird of Prey. Or a Galaxy-class starship. That to me is why STO PVP *could* be an interesting prospect - as it used to be - in a way that EVE or Elite are not, regardless of how many people tell me they are brilliant.
And that "coolness" factor is worth something, or ADB and Wizkids wouldn't have viable Trek-based wargames.
One of STO's big problems is that, in the PVP arena at least, it has completely ignored the IP which ought to be its selling point.
Fine, there is one; the IP itself. Now, I appreciate that to a "pure" gamer, the game's the thing, and that is a very logical argument.
I enjoyed PVP a *lot* more when it was recognisably Federation and Klingon forces going hammer-and-tongs at each other. You're not just flying random cool spaceship X, it's a Klingon Bird of Prey. Or a Galaxy-class starship. That to me is why STO PVP *could* be an interesting prospect - as it used to be - in a way that EVE or Elite are not, regardless of how many people tell me they are brilliant.
And that "coolness" factor is worth something, or ADB and Wizkids wouldn't have viable Trek-based wargames.
One of STO's big problems is that, in the PVP arena at least, it has completely ignored the IP which ought to be its selling point.
Patrick, in all honesty, you might be best focusing on trying to get more attention for the KDF.
KDF at least has a chance of getting more stuff and help down the road. Even now they still get at least something once in awhile. Yes, it's usually the table scraps that they drop from the 'Fed table' to split between the KDF and the Romulans, but it's still better than the zilch they give PvP.
Trying to get help for the KDF is like trying to roll a boulder up a hill. To compare, trying to get help for PvP is like trying to roll the same boulder up a wall.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Patrick, in all honesty, you might be best focusing on trying to get more attention for the KDF.
KDF at least has a chance of getting more stuff and help down the road. Even now they still get at least something once in awhile. Yes, it's usually the table scraps that they drop from the 'Fed table' to split between the KDF and the Romulans, but it's still better than the zilch they give PvP.
Trying to get help for the KDF is like trying to roll a boulder up a hill. To compare, trying to get help for PvP is like trying to roll the same boulder up a wall.
I would play pre-50 PvP if there was a PvP ranking system.
'Cause all other things being equal, I am fully aware that I will be outclassed by the guys who work at perfecting their buildcraft and I'd rather duke it out with people who are a bit closer to my own skill level.
Outside of that, I would play casually with friends of any skill level and watch the pretty lights as I go boom and crack jokes on Teamspeak. I'm okay with that too, but I'm not going to go hardcore PvP nor put up with jerks trolling the PUG's nor waiting endlessly for queues to pop.
Call me impatient, lazy, and scared if you want. I'm just saying what would change my mind about playing PvP. And frankly I think an in-game ranking system would help PvP a lot, too. Any PvP system that throws rank newbies against veteran players in a PUG and expects it to be fun for everybody is just insane.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I would play pre-50 PvP if there was a PvP ranking system.
'Cause all other things being equal, I am fully aware that I will be outclassed by the guys who work at perfecting their buildcraft and I'd rather duke it out with people who are a bit closer to my own skill level.
Outside of that, I would play casually with friends of any skill level and watch the pretty lights as I go boom and crack jokes on Teamspeak. I'm okay with that too, but I'm not going to go hardcore PvP nor put up with jerks trolling the PUG's nor waiting endlessly for queues to pop.
Call me impatient, lazy, and scared if you want. I'm just saying what would change my mind about playing PvP. And frankly I think an in-game ranking system would help PvP a lot, too. Any PvP system that throws rank newbies against veteran players in a PUG and expects it to be fun for everybody is just insane.
Basically said pvpers would figure out how the rankings are calculated and manipulate their ranking accordingly. Also pvp would never pop with said ranking system as well. Ranking systems would also promote selfish play and phase out teamplay even further since the odds are dps would be weighted heavily into that equation. Selfish play would discourage people from sharing heals etc.... In order for a ranking system to be practical this game's pvp would need a ground up rebuild to make everything and every class balanced. I can see it now trolls purposely tanking their rating just to be matched up with newb pugs and then boom bye bye newbies.
Let's not forget the ground q's too quite frankly I would have nobody to pvp against
Basically said pvpers would figure out how the rankings are calculated and manipulate their ranking accordingly. Also pvp would never pop with said ranking system as well. Ranking systems would also promote selfish play and phase out teamplay even further since the odds are dps would be weighted heavily into that equation. Selfish play would discourage people from sharing heals etc.... In order for a ranking system to be practical this game's pvp would need a ground up rebuild to make everything and every class balanced. I can see it now trolls purposely tanking their rating just to be matched up with newb pugs and then boom bye bye newbies.
Let's not forget the ground q's too quite frankly I would have nobody to pvp against
You do have a point about selfishness being a factor.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I would play pre-50 PvP if there was a PvP ranking system.
'Cause all other things being equal, I am fully aware that I will be outclassed by the guys who work at perfecting their buildcraft and I'd rather duke it out with people who are a bit closer to my own skill level.
Outside of that, I would play casually with friends of any skill level and watch the pretty lights as I go boom and crack jokes on Teamspeak. I'm okay with that too, but I'm not going to go hardcore PvP nor put up with jerks trolling the PUG's nor waiting endlessly for queues to pop.
Call me impatient, lazy, and scared if you want. I'm just saying what would change my mind about playing PvP. And frankly I think an in-game ranking system would help PvP a lot, too. Any PvP system that throws rank newbies against veteran players in a PUG and expects it to be fun for everybody is just insane.
this is why leader boards are needed. not for epeen stroking, i'd rather it be invisible to players, but used to segregate the weekend warriors from the minmaxing 14 year olds. it should factor in how much rep, specialization, gear mark and everything else the character has too, not just their record in matches. no one wants to be stomped, and believe it or not, we don't want to stomp, no one of any quality would prefer an outcome other then a 14/15 score at the end of every match. problem is, they could probably never attract enough numbers to pvp to make that work, now. maybe a year ago, but its just over.
Because of all the cheese monsters (cf: the "Radiation Terrorbomber" build thread over on the Fed forums) casual players who like Trek feel like they have no place in PVP at the moment.
OTOH, if those casuals were pitched against each other; they might enjoy it. I think you might be on to something with pushing for KDF-vs-KDF PVP as part of your "Blood and Fire" events.
Problem is, the self-styled PVP community are gradually exterminating themselves with their "Win At All Costs" mentality. PVP is a consensual activity, and it needs both parties to be having fun.
(What follows is simply brainstorming, I'm not sure I have the energy to argue for it, I'm not sure where else to put it, and I don't know how well a community would take it)
Maybe the problem with all the different private and/or public channels was because there were so many different ones. Perhaps it would be better to come up with a way to organize all the stuff in this game, and use shorthand to describe the levels. For example, what used to be Vanilla is one level, and T5U another, and so on. Let's see......
Level 1 - No doffs, or traits. Specializations only, since those can't be turned off. Mk XI Rare maximum, no universal consoles, no sets, episode or otherwise. Zilch. Zip. Nada. T5-9-console ships only. Slightly stricter than Vanilla standards?
Level 2 - Up to Mk XII VR equipment allowed. Otherwise same as Level 1.
Level 3 - Sets and universal consoles allowed. T5-10 console ships allowed. Otherwise same as Level 2.
Level 4 - Doffs and captain/reputation traits allowed. Otherwise same as Level 3.
Level 5 - All equipment now allowed. Otherwise same as Level 4.
Level 6 - T5U ships allowed. Otherwise same as Level 5. Corresponds to T5-U channel standards?
Level 7 - T6 ships and ship traits allowed. No holds barred, all allowed.
No restrictions on stuff besides what is absolutely and unarguably bugged or not WAI. Example is AtB cooling down D'Kora EMP or the latest lobi set bonus fiasco.
But then again, maybe I'm rambling and all this wouldn't make a difference where division of the playerbase is concerned.
I kinda wonder - what if we could have PvP matches with funny restrictions like forcing everyone to use the default weapon loadout? Would make for some pretty funny sights, I imagine.
pvp-related plans? would you believe him?
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Not sure if you're being serious or not here...
If a dev shows up it will be shame us in saying how we are all very negative, that we are not being constructive, imply it's our fault PvP sucks and then go back to the PvE parts of the forums.
Answer is that you're not going to find any, so I'm staying with Driveclub. Ask the same question to those who are playing Elite dangerous right now, give them a good reason.
That's why nobody cares anymore. Lost cause.
Fine, there is one; the IP itself. Now, I appreciate that to a "pure" gamer, the game's the thing, and that is a very logical argument.
I enjoyed PVP a *lot* more when it was recognisably Federation and Klingon forces going hammer-and-tongs at each other. You're not just flying random cool spaceship X, it's a Klingon Bird of Prey. Or a Galaxy-class starship. That to me is why STO PVP *could* be an interesting prospect - as it used to be - in a way that EVE or Elite are not, regardless of how many people tell me they are brilliant.
And that "coolness" factor is worth something, or ADB and Wizkids wouldn't have viable Trek-based wargames.
One of STO's big problems is that, in the PVP arena at least, it has completely ignored the IP which ought to be its selling point.
IP's only in the logo currently.
So no, it's invalid for me, pick something else.
KDF at least has a chance of getting more stuff and help down the road. Even now they still get at least something once in awhile. Yes, it's usually the table scraps that they drop from the 'Fed table' to split between the KDF and the Romulans, but it's still better than the zilch they give PvP.
Trying to get help for the KDF is like trying to roll a boulder up a hill. To compare, trying to get help for PvP is like trying to roll the same boulder up a wall.
I might add that the PvP boulder is square. :P
still, would be nice
'Cause all other things being equal, I am fully aware that I will be outclassed by the guys who work at perfecting their buildcraft and I'd rather duke it out with people who are a bit closer to my own skill level.
Outside of that, I would play casually with friends of any skill level and watch the pretty lights as I go boom and crack jokes on Teamspeak. I'm okay with that too, but I'm not going to go hardcore PvP nor put up with jerks trolling the PUG's nor waiting endlessly for queues to pop.
Call me impatient, lazy, and scared if you want. I'm just saying what would change my mind about playing PvP. And frankly I think an in-game ranking system would help PvP a lot, too. Any PvP system that throws rank newbies against veteran players in a PUG and expects it to be fun for everybody is just insane.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Basically said pvpers would figure out how the rankings are calculated and manipulate their ranking accordingly. Also pvp would never pop with said ranking system as well. Ranking systems would also promote selfish play and phase out teamplay even further since the odds are dps would be weighted heavily into that equation. Selfish play would discourage people from sharing heals etc.... In order for a ranking system to be practical this game's pvp would need a ground up rebuild to make everything and every class balanced. I can see it now trolls purposely tanking their rating just to be matched up with newb pugs and then boom bye bye newbies.
Let's not forget the ground q's too quite frankly I would have nobody to pvp against
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
You do have a point about selfishness being a factor.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
this is why leader boards are needed. not for epeen stroking, i'd rather it be invisible to players, but used to segregate the weekend warriors from the minmaxing 14 year olds. it should factor in how much rep, specialization, gear mark and everything else the character has too, not just their record in matches. no one wants to be stomped, and believe it or not, we don't want to stomp, no one of any quality would prefer an outcome other then a 14/15 score at the end of every match. problem is, they could probably never attract enough numbers to pvp to make that work, now. maybe a year ago, but its just over.