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Save the game: Rollback to Pre-DR

dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
Any chances this is happening? Or at least a separated Pre-DR shard?

7 out of 8 members of my PvP pre-made team left the game at or shortly after release of DR (including me). My fleet dropped from 50 active members to about 1 or 2 every day. PvP and PvE queues are pretty much dead. The insane grind (you get 5% xp of what it maybe should be) + the unbalanced and never tested OP stuff + the insane upgrade costs making Delta Rising truely the biggest and most epic fail in video game history.

If I was a dev involved in any way in DR I simply couldn't stand this epic fail and would probalby kill myself - that's how bad this expansion is. It really is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life and I've seen a lot of ****.

Is there any chance that everyone at cryptic get's at least replaced, or STO getting sold?

Oh man, I can hardly express my entire feelings about the devs messing up my favorite game and failing THAT hard. Really ANYTHING since DR is even trying to get on top of the last epic fail. The fail in this expansion is really really really strong and everyone involved should feel very very bad for the rest of life.

Ahhh god, this game sux now :mad:

Let's just roll back to a pre-DR game and we'll just forget this epic fail and massive pile of **** ever happened!
Post edited by dgdolph on


  • adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    No disrespect but I offer a counter to your point of view.

    I have a ton of friends....all are still active......

    We pug daily....we do missions daily.....

    My fleet has not lost a player since DR launched.......

    I will agree the several channels I join seem very dead.....

    It is the ebb and flow of games..especially online types.
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
  • empireofsteveempireofsteve Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You want...

    20x the XP you get now....
    Think everyone at cryptic involved should be fired and/or kill themselves...
    STO sold to another company...
    "most epic fail in video game history"...
    They should feel bad for the rest of their life..

    Perhaps I should make an actual signature picture for this one.
  • orion0029orion0029 Member Posts: 1,122 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Umm, yikes, I wouldn't say DR is the worst ever...

    It certainly could use some 'fine tuning' in places, such as specialization experience, upgrade costs, and VR material drops, but aside from those things I don't see anything terribly wrong with the DR expansion. I liked many of the episode missions and even the patrol 'filler' episodes were ok (perhaps a few too many of them, but eh).

    The whole T5-U thing is a real head-scratcher for me... a 'fresh 50' character has no reason to buy a T5 ship, since they can just buy aT6 and skip a Tier? WTF? :confused:

    As for a Pre-DR rollback? I don't see this happening. Ever.

    Cryptic would lose out on all the T6 ship sales, Operations Pack sales, Upgrade Token sales, etc...
    Not to mention all the expense already put into DR, which would be wasted if a rollback was done.

    Personally I believe that DR could be a worthwhile expansion if a few of the more 'grindy' aspects of it were addressed, perhaps not as good as LoR but decent enough...:)
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    how about no9 roll back and u leave the game too?
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, posts like this makes DR really worthwhile.

    Too lazy to adapt? Just whine on the forums.
    So PvP has died the thousandst time now? Its finally, totally dead? Or still ongoing, maybe in channels with rules to cover for gamechanges (because pvpers hate changes in the game, season 1.2 ftw).
  • seriousxenoseriousxeno Member Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Most epic fail in gaming history? I dunno what games you have been playing but the following examples are clearly fails that were epic. DR was just underwhelming.

    These are actual failures (this is just games mind you, not including some of the godawful consoles and peripherals we had to endure):

    - ET

    - Pacman (Atari version)

    - Sim City (the latest one)

    - Daikatana

    - Ultima 9

    - Big Rigs

    - Aliens: Colonial Marines

    - Ride to Hell Retribution

    - The Slaughtering Grounds (unspeakably awful)

    - Star Trek Trexels (if thought STO has paywalls, check this out...)

    These are just the ones on the top of my head, theres bound to be more many more.
    "Let them eat static!"
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I vote against a roll-back. There have been some great ideas.

    Wait, can we roll back to the launch day of DR? That first week or so was awesome. I've got tons of those Mk XII VR Acc x3 phaser beam arrays.
    Free Tibet!
  • edited March 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    To be honest, why would they?

    All their latest ships and equipment post DR are selling. All those Command ships, Lockbox/Lobi Ships, Promotional Ships, and Intel ships flying around with regularity. Neutronics are still in regular use. The Delta queues are still being run regularly.

    The only loss is to the PvP crowd and change-resistant players, but there's still new players (both actually new and alts) coming in and working their way up.

    As far as metrics go, DR was a success; enough so that PW/PWE/Cryptic did not have to revert the system, only refine it and move forward. If it wasn't, they'd have long ago reverted the changes. But whatever metrics they use, whether it's financial or specific, they hit and flew past the make or break line.

    Sure, there's issues I still have, such as reduced XP gains post 50, but it's gotten more tolerable. If they'd just boost XP gains across the board, DR and the upcoming S10 would be even more of a success (for most players anyway).
  • jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    I don't think a rollback would make a significant difference. The game would get stale. There have been a number of great things. There have also been a number of things that went pretty terribly. But most of the problems can be changed, and do not have to be done at the expense of the actual changes to our end of things - be it gear, ships, or content.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

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  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You are 6 months behind schedule...see number of threads about this when DR launched back in October. Lots of white horses really thought this game had a chance...still remains to be seen but hope it is rescued somehow. Doubt it if they would do a rollback since similar requests were ignored a while back...it's a one way path to ...we DON'T KNOW :rolleyes:

    ... who needs to play the game for entertainment, the blogs and resulting forum storms are far more entertaining and free! Free 2 Laugh!

  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    How about NO.

    If your so dissatisfied with the game there is an easier solution, stop playing the game. I happen to over all like the expansion and the changes for season 10 are awesome. I look forward to continually playing this game and when you leave the rest of us can continue to enjoy the game without you.
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    well I was gonna ignore this thread but I gotta say it made me laugh out loud LoL

    anyone else find this funny? I dunno they put like a year or maybe more time of dev time into it and spent a ton of money and released a new quadrant. Its like.. trying to put a genie back into his bottle or something.

    just ignore DR dont play that content can't do much about the new content but I propose you just not look at or try any of the new content and just play normal q's and keep your old ships and gear and stay out of the delta quadrant then you have your rollback. :P
  • pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Aaaaaand closed.
This discussion has been closed.