Hello, community! First and foremost, I would like to say I had no idea where exactly I should have put this. Please correct me if I am wrong.
On to the topic of discussion:
Is there any reason [T5U] ships don't get hybrid command/intel slots? Because as of now, buying a tier 5 ship (2,500 ZEN), and then buying an upgrade (700 ZEN), costs more than just buying a tier 6 ship in the first place. In which case, you are actually paying more for notably less. Tier 6 ships usually get some form of glorious starship trait. That can stay exclusive to tier 6, but why not give tier 5 ships a hybrid slot upon upgrading?
Basically, anyone who likes their tier 5 ship/is looking for a new ship, is forced to either A) get a tier 6 ship, or
settle for tier 5 at a loss of command or intel abilities. Personally, I really like the support play style command abilities imply, but I don't want to move on from my Vesta just because of a few bridge officer abilities.
I mean, after all we are paying 3,200 ZEN in total for a [T5U] whathaveyou, so why can't we get some hybrid stations and still just lose out on starship traits? Seems like more fair of a tradeoff, if you ask me.
PS. On the topic of hybrid slots in general... why aren't hybrid slots simply hybrid slots? Shouldn't an intel ship be able to use command special abilities and vice-versa?
So how about it? Sure, this would make those abilities more popular to an extent (thus making them less exclusive or special)... but, let's face it: A command Vesta would be really cool (and it would still ultimately cost the same price as a tier 6 vessel anyways, so everyone wins)!
Say NO to team Omega.
This lets players get a small taste of what a 'proper T6' can do without feeling like you're wasting specialization on boffs in space.
This suggestion doesn't sound to unreasonable but, anything really kind of defeats the purpose of tier6 vessels in the first place!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I disagree, T6 ships come with new passive and active powers and traits that T5-U ships still won't have. But with the Intel and Command powers, (mainly Intel) there currently exists a HUGE performance gap between T5 and T6. More so than previously. I mean, I know we've been at Vice Admiral for a long time, but it feels like we're skipping from Level 50 to Level 80 in a single bound.
The difference between MK XII and MK XIV is just... unbelievable. Accross the board, anyone returning to the game now or with the new Delta Recruit event with all maxed 1337 MK XII gear is suddenly going to feel like an Ensign all over again.
The performance gap is too damn high!
Matthew@Matthew486DX -> Eng Lvl 60
FAW/Tank: Tactical Oddyessy T5-U, Tank/Heal Science Oddyessy T5-U, DPS Cruiser: A2B Battlecruiser T5-U, DPS/Debuff Tholian Recluse T5-U
Fleet Admiral: Angry Tribbles
You realize they have to give incentives to buy those ships and upgrade the gear?
And T5 and MK XII are still far more than you need for the current game.
Well there's the answer to your request. Please refrain from making the same silly requests here. They will not put hybrid seats on old ships as there's no profit in it.
If you want a hybrid seat, you'll pay for it like the rest of us. If you were dumb enough to buy a dead-end upgrade token for an obsolete tier of ships, especially knowing the stats of these ships, that's your problem.
This topic needs to be added to the FCT.
Main thing to take from this post is that players like the older ships because they like them, not primarily because they don't want to spend money. and unlike the carmakers you mentioned, upgrading software is a pretty simple thing, especially an MMO.
Patience, they'll happily copy/paste old ships up to T6 and sell them to you at full price. Look at what they did for the Intrepid. Why sell another token for say 1k Zen when people are happy to pay 3k? Selling the newest feature which already exists on the old model, if they did what you suggest, would undercut the new product.
Tier 5 is a lower tier of ships, they should be inferior to T6. Otherwise what's the point of having the new tier?