i know before or atleast in neverwinter night there was a zen exchange is there anything like taht here? I dont got the client downloaded cant check
The exact same mechanic exists in all three cryptic games. The in-game currency for champions is called questionite, for star trek it is dilithium,and you are familiar with astral diamonds from neverwinter.
Just press "I" to get to your inventory. Then click on the Assets tab and you should see a button called "Exchange". Click that to go to the Dilithium Exchange so that you can trade Zen / refined dilithium.
Depends on what you mean. You can sell sell to other players in game for Refined Dilithium.
The exact same mechanic exists in all three cryptic games. The in-game currency for champions is called questionite, for star trek it is dilithium,and you are familiar with astral diamonds from neverwinter.