Right this has always confused me and i never know what to go for so my ground kit is well rubbish.
What can i upgrade to im guessing its via reputation so will take me a while i just want to know so i can start working to it.
ATM i have
Solanae Striker Environmental Suit
Omega Force Reflex-Enhancing Shield Mk XII
I know its a weird pair but as said i never knew what to go for and they looked ok atm 2 shots and my shield is gone so really really need it sorting so all the help advice would be excellent..
I wouldnt mind the Hirogen look but i doubt theres no chance in getting that.
The Dyson set is a good all-round ground set - self-regenerating shield, good weapon with sniper and AoE firing modes with an exotic damage type, solid armor with a potent directional resistance barrier when you crouch(great for shrugging off sniper shots and other big hits).
My general advice is to always go for a personal shield that regenerates in combat and make sure you have the Peak Health captain trait slotted. Weapon is more a matter of personal preference, although some benefit certain captain careers more than others(Auto-rifles + Suppressing Fire + Grenades for Tac for example).
As for kit modules I'd say the staples are:
Engineer - Mines + Mortar
Science - Electro-Gravity Field + Endo/Exothermic Induction Field
Tactical - Photon Grenade + Suppressing Fire(or you can run Lunge/Ambush if you prefer melee fighting)
I also recommend running the Crit -> Knockdown rep trait from New Romulus on every captain. Knocking a target down not only immobilizes/disables, it also gives everyone free flanking bonus damage against them. The Counter-Command rep trait that gives you bonus damage while aiming is good for all captains as well.
Beyond that, there's plenty of room for mixing and matching kit modules by preference. Science does well with Triage and Nanites; Engineers have Medical Generators, Force Field Dome, and a great AoE shield heal from one of the Lockboxes; Tactical is good with doubling up on Rep/Lockbox Grenades(Active Immunity/Bio-Photon/Neutronic), Overwatch, and/or Polaron Bombardment(Vaadwaur lockbox).
I hate to say it, but Lockbox/Rep/Event modules are generally the best way to fill up your kits(and to obtain good kits themselves). Trying to get ahold of Very Rare modules elsewhere is very difficult/expensive.
Sweet cheers urgh think it will be a while till i get the body armor think im lvl2 ish on the rep but will look into the shield as think i can start that project
Dont suppose you know a low level body armor that would work better than i have or better just to upgrade shield as think i just need the dyson marks for that plus what ever else
Sorry forgot to say its for a tactical officer also would it be wise to get the same for the officers if not what can i go for
EV suits are in most cases not armored and so provide very low resistances to energy dmg.
The rep armors are sadly all on T5 (40days without token). Next to dyson the counter command armor should be named too, with one of the best protections available.
I wouldnt spend much specifically on my Boffs. Sooner or later you will have more than one rep set. Give them the ones you are currently not using. That way you save inventory space and still have the things at hand all time.
Also big parts of the "interesting" content is Boff-free anyway -> STFs, Defera
Shields are on T1 rep, so mostly easy and early to get. Upgrading them is quite expensive but for most of them still a good idea.
If you need some good armor for the "free" side...you could replay the "The Gathering Darkness" of the Borg series, you can get 4 different XI VR armor that are good, and on the exchange is a Personal Mobility Shield XI Rare, which is not bad, they go around 20K - 40K. When you get the Rep gear, they mention gear is good for your BOFF's
My general advice is to always go for a personal shield that regenerates in combat and make sure you have the Peak Health captain trait slotted. Weapon is more a matter of personal preference, although some benefit certain captain careers more than others(Auto-rifles + Suppressing Fire + Grenades for Tac for example).
As for kit modules I'd say the staples are:
Engineer - Mines + Mortar
Science - Electro-Gravity Field + Endo/Exothermic Induction Field
Tactical - Photon Grenade + Suppressing Fire(or you can run Lunge/Ambush if you prefer melee fighting)
I also recommend running the Crit -> Knockdown rep trait from New Romulus on every captain. Knocking a target down not only immobilizes/disables, it also gives everyone free flanking bonus damage against them. The Counter-Command rep trait that gives you bonus damage while aiming is good for all captains as well.
Beyond that, there's plenty of room for mixing and matching kit modules by preference. Science does well with Triage and Nanites; Engineers have Medical Generators, Force Field Dome, and a great AoE shield heal from one of the Lockboxes; Tactical is good with doubling up on Rep/Lockbox Grenades(Active Immunity/Bio-Photon/Neutronic), Overwatch, and/or Polaron Bombardment(Vaadwaur lockbox).
I hate to say it, but Lockbox/Rep/Event modules are generally the best way to fill up your kits(and to obtain good kits themselves). Trying to get ahold of Very Rare modules elsewhere is very difficult/expensive.
Dont suppose you know a low level body armor that would work better than i have or better just to upgrade shield as think i just need the dyson marks for that plus what ever else
Sorry forgot to say its for a tactical officer also would it be wise to get the same for the officers if not what can i go for
The rep armors are sadly all on T5 (40days without token). Next to dyson the counter command armor should be named too, with one of the best protections available.
I wouldnt spend much specifically on my Boffs. Sooner or later you will have more than one rep set. Give them the ones you are currently not using. That way you save inventory space and still have the things at hand all time.
Also big parts of the "interesting" content is Boff-free anyway -> STFs, Defera
Shields are on T1 rep, so mostly easy and early to get. Upgrading them is quite expensive but for most of them still a good idea.
You get the suit from a mission any idea which one will have a lookie later as i really need to improve whatever i have cheers all
Wait i think i found it “Of Bajor” and some others will give them a go later