At first I wasn't planning on using my excelsior for anything besides travel then I started messing around with my consoles and stuff I had, then this was born
I know,no dont have the Assimilated module, thats because I lost mine when I forgot to take it off a ship I was discharging. The Phasers are the stock ones you get with the ship. I am crafting some mark 12 Phasers to replace the mark 10s but it's gonna take some time to craft them. The boffs I tried having them for survivability reason and debuff reasons. All comments and suggestions will be appreciated, I do have all the bridge officer powers from ESD bought incase someone suggest another boff power
The consoles and weapons are obviously a work in progress so no real comment on those. Is there a particular set you're grinding for to replace the Solonae? Are you planning on sticking with phasers?
Also, I see a lot of redundancy in your boff powers. You have 3 shield heals and 5 hull heals (counting the structural integrity leech from the solonae set). There is definitely no need for that many. The eng-heavy boff layout on the Excelsior cries out for a dual A2B DEM build.
I do plan on getting it back, I'm halfway done with the project to get it back. I am grinding to get the delta set, undine set, and amaco sets but for now the solonae set is the only set I have. I am crafting mark 12 phaser beams to replace the current ones. The reason I have so many hull and shield heals is because I like to tank. Every mmo I've played I'm always tanking when I'm able to
If you want to tank (and I mean really tank, not soak hits) don't you need some +Threat consoles in there?
The dual A2SIF I'm guessing is for not just healing but also the hull resists it grants? Have you considered A2D instead, or an A2D/A2B hybrid?
I notice a lack of Hazard Emitters. Given the increasing number of enemies that play with DOTs and sci debuffs, and since you already have an anti-tractor with your APO, not sure the PH is worth it.
Also what kind of fleet access to you have? I'm not saying going ultra-rare fleet everything, but there are a few gadgets around the edges you could pick up without hitting your wallet too hard.
Fleet wise I left my fleet and looking for one high enough so I can get some gear.
I'll switch out PH for HE, didn't think of that when I slotted the power
You're spot on with why I have the EPTSIF, I have been thinking about making that hybrid, I might do that today.
I haven't found some +threat consoles yet, I'll probably hit the Exchange and look for some
Unless you get the Assimilated console back, have you considered going for a Phaser Omni Beam? Heck, get one and put it in the rear with the KCB, it's what I do :P
Trait wise I only have the sarr theln carriers trait along with the others you get. Skill wise I'm specced to do a variety of things such as heal, shield drain, and tank
I don't have my beams school high enough craft one and I don't have enough energy credits to buy one from the exchange