looking to get a carrier dont know if i want to spend the money for the gem carrier or just go cheap and get the obi
what are the best fighters to get if get either of these carriers
carriers look fun and be a switch from my t6 crusier any help would be nice
Fighters are very squishy. Most NPC's these days use at least one AoE attack. When they do, all your fighters simply go poof.
Most carriers come with an unlock of a frigate pet, and that frigate pet is usually the best choice to use as your hangar pet. They don't die that easily, toss around damage, and they usually come with a fun trick up their sleeves, such as the Plesh Brek raiders coming with tachyon beams and energy dissipators, or the Tholian Mesh Weavers with Beta 3.
The exceptions are the Caitian Atrox Carrier and the Obelisk carrier, which don't have frigates, and the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier, for which you need to own the actual Jem'Hadar Attack Ship to unlock its pets.
Carriers are fun, but require a different mentality if you really want to play as a carrier, and not as a cruiser with pets. To truly be a carrier captain, you focuss yourself on debuffing enemies and healing/buffing your own pets, not on the regular damage dealing methods. Ofcourse, these still work, probably even better, but then you'd just be a cruiser with an extra gimmick.
As for which carriers to get. Its too bad you ask this now, otherwise I would have said Breen Sarr Theln all the way. That ship is a really good carrier. However, it is only available during the winter event, so you'd have to wait until December to get that one. The Xindi Aquatic is rated as the heaviest punisher of the carriers, with the Tholian Recluse the best team buffer due to the Beta III on its pets. I myself find the Klingon Vo'Quv performs very good, just a step behind the Sarr Theln. The Obelisk Carrier... nah. Its exactly the problem I described above. You'd be flying a cruiser, not the best one for that, who can shoot out pets, but not support them in any way.
My advice to you would be to go either Aquatic or Recluse to ensure the best carriers with damned good pets, or wait until the Summer Event, cross your fingers and hope it'll be a decent carrier.
If you're looking for a fun carrier that's not too expensive I'd suggest you try out the Vo'quv and get some Bird of Prey pets for it, specifically the B'Rotlh class (Qaw'Duns are even better but are very costly and only available from a high level fleet). The Vo'quv is the only carrier in the game that will take BoPs.
I agree with what others have said about fighters being too squishy. Frigates are the way to go if you're flying a ship that can launch them. If not and you MUST go with fighters, I'd pick either Scorpions or Swarmers.
but really need to know what fighters are the best to put with the carriers
Are you Fed or KDF ?
I'm asking because is you are thinking about a faction specific carrier then some pets are only for one faction only .
As for me , the only carrier I have is the Jemmy one and I have purple Scorpion_Fighters on it (which were prior to DR one of the two top fighters) .
Fighters are very squishy. Most NPC's these days use at least one AoE attack. When they do, all your fighters simply go poof.
Most carriers come with an unlock of a frigate pet, and that frigate pet is usually the best choice to use as your hangar pet. They don't die that easily, toss around damage, and they usually come with a fun trick up their sleeves, such as the Plesh Brek raiders coming with tachyon beams and energy dissipators, or the Tholian Mesh Weavers with Beta 3.
The exceptions are the Caitian Atrox Carrier and the Obelisk carrier, which don't have frigates, and the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier, for which you need to own the actual Jem'Hadar Attack Ship to unlock its pets.
Carriers are fun, but require a different mentality if you really want to play as a carrier, and not as a cruiser with pets. To truly be a carrier captain, you focuss yourself on debuffing enemies and healing/buffing your own pets, not on the regular damage dealing methods. Ofcourse, these still work, probably even better, but then you'd just be a cruiser with an extra gimmick.
As for which carriers to get. Its too bad you ask this now, otherwise I would have said Breen Sarr Theln all the way. That ship is a really good carrier. However, it is only available during the winter event, so you'd have to wait until December to get that one. The Xindi Aquatic is rated as the heaviest punisher of the carriers, with the Tholian Recluse the best team buffer due to the Beta III on its pets. I myself find the Klingon Vo'Quv performs very good, just a step behind the Sarr Theln. The Obelisk Carrier... nah. Its exactly the problem I described above. You'd be flying a cruiser, not the best one for that, who can shoot out pets, but not support them in any way.
My advice to you would be to go either Aquatic or Recluse to ensure the best carriers with damned good pets, or wait until the Summer Event, cross your fingers and hope it'll be a decent carrier.
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I agree with what others have said about fighters being too squishy. Frigates are the way to go if you're flying a ship that can launch them. If not and you MUST go with fighters, I'd pick either Scorpions or Swarmers.
Yellowstone Runabouts with Tractor Beam 3 and Eject Warp Plasma
Elite Delta Flyers with Tach Beam 3 for shield drains
I guess you can also pick the Elite Peregrine Fighters if you want pure DPS with Cannon Rapid Fire 1 but I think this would be the worse of the 3.
For KDF, go with the cross faction rep fighter with FAW or Elite Orion Slavers for the steal stuff cause the other choices are pretty weak sauce IMO.
Elite To'Duj Fighters comes with Cannon Rapid Fire 1
Elite S'kul Fighters comes with Ramming Speed 3 -
Elite Orion Interceptors comes with Tach Beam 1 - yes 1 but it can also drain engine or weapon subsystems.
Cross Faction Rep Fighters...
Elite Scorpion Fighters comes with Torp High Yield 1 (plasma torps) instead of Cannon Rapid Fire.
Elite Tholian Widow Fighters comes with Beam Fire at Will 1 - also Feedback Pulse.
Rest require lock box ships/event ships or z-store...
I would skip fighters and go with Frigates thou...
Do you own the T5 Starbase UR Raider? Is it better than the VR Dil Store Raider?