In last few days i did several tests in both PvE and PvP to check how big impact the Enhanced Armor Penetration had on overall effective damage since Delta Rising.
Confirmation by Borticus that it is getting fixed since it debuffed the target for way more then 5% what would this mean for PvP?
Also a test where I show how you can fire Isokinetic cannon from normal battlecloak without breaking the cloak and how same thing on Phantom will break it's cloak.
check it out.
Ionic Turbulence disable chains.
Surgical Strikes.
Isokinetic Cannon.
Neutronic Torpedo.
Viral Torp disable chains.
Was ANYTHING released with Delta Rising not bugged?
Well, I wasn't around, but I've read science abilites used to be considered OP and then they all got a massive nerf accross the board. Only recently some have made a comeback.
Science wasn't OP at all until Particle Manipulator popped up.
I ran a GW/TBR Pull/EWP build for literally years. It was very effective, but hardly OP.
I think hes talking 3-4 years back when we could run a team of intrepids (only really needed 2) and nuke entire teams shields off with 2 buttons. Back in the days when there wasn't 1001 items that instantly restored your shields for you.
Off topic. Even with all the makeup, this game looks so aged.
Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
There was this post in Bort's thread...
I'm not saying these other things don't need to be addressed but leaving PartG / FBP / TBR out of your list is rather ridiculous.
It should be the very *first* item listed. Any questions? See Borgasimo. lol
FBP has always been broken since day 1. It's one of the legacy gimmicks that has had a horrible implementation since beta.
I'm not disagreeing with you but some of the -dmg command abilities might need to be "adjusted" if your suggestions are taken into consideration.
All disabling CC's should be on a shared DR. That would fix the problem immediately.
The issue was that originally, Science was in general far better shape than what you probably saw when you came. That's how it was at launch. The problem arose when players from both sides didn't like playing against Science because to go against Science effectively was not the same way as you did with normal energy/projectile attacks. People wanted their same way of playing and defending against a type of attack and not have to account for another. When I flew my Hegh'ta back then, I feared nothing... Except when I saw an Intrepid. Obviously how the Intrepid tries to kill you, or set you up, is different from a regular Cruiser or Escort. It seemed others didn't want that extra kind of flavor to fight against.
Hence, the massive Science Nerfs not long after launch. Science's abilities based on its most expensive skillboxes had been nerfed to complete oblivion and uselessness.
You missed out on Science's best days, back when for most parts, almost the full spectrum of Science abilities were pretty useful in PVE and PVP. Wish you could have seen it.
Nope, because pvpers gave up on cryptic.. no one is left to test their mediocrity of coding and so it gets released. Not like it mattered though, cryptic didn't listen to the pvpers anyway when we told them about bugs before release.
Remember when sub nuke and viral matrix actualy shut you down for a few seconds?
Used to make the hirogen actually dangerous
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Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Looks like recently they are though. I'm seeing bort a lot more active lately.
The nerf to disable elements of VM, PSW, etc. hurt real bad. It doubly hurt since Subspace Decompiler Skill was among the top for Science Skillboxes and very costly to get up.
The disables nerf however hurt Phasers the most. Originally, there was no Phaser Proc cooldown on a target. If a boatload of Feds in PVP or even in PVP were shooting at you, chances were, one of your subsystems was going down. The worst that could happen was the chaining of Shield Subsystem Power to get shutdown. Back then, most Feds used Phasers. Not just for going with a canon appearance in their weapons. But because the Phaser Proc was, IMHO, potentially more disastrous to a target than Disruptors were. IMO, -10 resist debuff from Disruptor Proc <<<< Shields, Engine Power collpasing to zero and subsystems being randomly shutdown with no breaks in between. Phaser used to be dangerous because of the random subsystem shutdown, no proc immunity, and that every Fed was using Phasers.
You are forgetting that Disruptor proc stacked, that Klingons had nice carriers, Aceton, BoPs could use high Sci abilities like PSW, could stun you and tric bomb you or jam you and trannie bomb you.
Back then, boff skills mattered, cpt skill points mattered the most, ship setups were various and plenty and gear was secondary. Now its completely opposite.
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The thing here is that I think they went way to far on the other end of things making subspace decompiler a skill not worth going for. Does anyone around here, even if it's only a Tribble test toon, have a maxed subspace decompiler build and it it even effective against 6 points in subsystem repair and a full human crew?
Sensors = Only fun to minimax and use in Kerrat to see cloaked ships from afar and mess with them.
Subspace decompiler = Meh
Countermeasure systems = Does anyone max this one, and it it useful? I used to see it more before DR dropped.
Subspace Decompiler was not a skill back then, it was added with the first skill tree revamp. Remember the old skill tree that was like reading hieroglyphics? Yet somehow it worked better if you knew how to use it.
Not at the start, Carriers and Aceton consoles were added later.
Well acetons yes but kdf carriers are original recipe. And if I had my way they were extra crispy.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Sorry, I don't know why I thought they were added during season 1.1 or something. Maybe nobody really used them at first? I don't know. I play as FED.
It was because getting a klingon up to 45 was the true definition of grind. They only had like 3 missions and that was before level scaling.
I did it tho, and think of it when ever some one complains about grind, then I laugh.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus