I could not post this in the guides section, guess someone has to move them.
I made a map and easy walk through for the maintenance ducts maze portion of "
Temporal Ambassador". This is in the "
...Saves (More Than) Nine" part of the mission. I thought this might be helpful for new players or perhaps those who want to repeat the mission but don't want to figure it out again.
Avoid the link if you don't want spoilers:
Temporal Ambassador Maintenance Ducts Map
Personally when I pop in those ducts I always make a point of consulting the wise old tribble
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
Yes, I guess I should have added this is if you want to get through the maze as quickly as possible.
Do you really get something for talking to the Tribble? I never noticed.
@dirlettia: On your suggestion, I modified the map slightly.
Haha, that's entirely possible. Well, maybe it won't be that helpful then.
Maybe someone running it again can verify this, and if that's true, we can kill this thread.
Just label locations as A,B and C or similar as accolade locations and you will be good to go.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
Too bad u can only get an item from the "chest" one time tho ... would be nice if it would "always" give a level apropriate (i think its always green) item on each runthrough ...
Its not like it is a usefull farming spot ...
Think that you've been in those Jefferies tubes too long. The heat and those gas fumes must be getting to you.
Older content is rarely updated and when it is, it's not uncommon for 'update' to be synonymous with 'removal'.
I like my map better.
My character Tsin'xing