The lag has gotten so bad, everywhere I go in the game, people constantly complain about the crazy lag, and I get it too. Half of the time I can't even aim with my DHC because stuff keeps rubberbanding and teleporting all over the place!
I wonder how much longer you are going to milk your player base with your ridiculously overpriced ships while not spending a single dime on your servers or patches.
I can see this game on top of laggiest and buggiest games soon.
at one point for a few weeks when SoR launched on SWTOR, it was laggy like crazy over 3 weeks before fix came after the holidays. everyone was effected by it out there because it was a software issue in the server, something about hooks, instances and queued instructions. i dont remember most of it but on sto its not as bad generally compared to that. if there was a general lag issue more people would be complaining and cryptic would try look into it if there was something. its possible you are getting lag server side, but then again you have problems on your end but im not a network engineer, so i wouldnt really know but sometimes the simple things that get overlooked could be the answer.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
but then again you have problems on your end but im not a network engineer, so i wouldnt really know but sometimes the simple things that get overlooked could be the answer.
Always remember, if people start this way just show them, who the customer is and switch to games that work.
Something is suddenly up with the horrendous lag/rubberbanding, came back to the game for the anniversary after a 2 month break and everything was fine (i noticed a little bit of an issue but nothing horrendous).
The last 3 days though and it is just dreadfull i'm seriously rubberbanding all over the place and having dc issues.
I can't see that this is an issue with my provider as i have a stable connection with other online games such as MWO/WAR THUNDER/ SWTOR etc.
Something is suddenly up with the horrendous lag/rubberbanding, came back to the game for the anniversary after a 2 month break and everything was fine (i noticed a little bit of an issue but nothing horrendous).
The last 3 days though and it is just dreadfull i'm seriously rubberbanding all over the place and having dc issues.
I can't see that this is an issue with my provider as i have a stable connection with other online games such as MWO/WAR THUNDER/ SWTOR etc.
It's a pity as atm the game is just unplayable.
you messed with the proxy settings in the launcher? its the only other thing i can think of besides running a tracert from cryptic server, and posting the results in the network issues section of the forum and see what can be done there.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Unfortunatley not touched a thing with the launcher, i could at least then have said i've screwed up and ask how to fix it atm i havn't a clue as to why i am having such a huge problem with this 1 game.
Am i part of Cryptic company,do i get paid,do i have a vast knowledge of networks,and blah blah blah?
Nope,but what i lack in that i do make up for with common sense,if they are to lazy to use the most logic route and ASK for help instead of coming here and protesting i will point it out,why shouldnt i? maybe some of them will learn.
I blame it all on todays society,its all "MEMEMEME" and "NOWNOWNOW"....when they dont get what they want and when they want it get ready for a whinne and cheese festival of biblical proportions.
No but i came to this thread just sharing that i was suddenly having issues 1 person was helpful in pointing out some ways off looking into what the issue might be, while you have just come to take the TRIBBLE.
trouble is in today's society you get those that are helpfull but they are becoming few and far between, more common is the i'm a smart TRIBBLE and will troll troll troll.
Again 1 person was helpfull, (Thankyou Mirrorchaos what you posted has helped me find several different things to try, none have helped so far but thx anyway)
while you have just come here to belittle ppl, do you do this in real life or is it when you are just sitting behind your monitor? Go internet warrior
the thing to note is when people start saying things along the lines of "it's just this one game, all others run just fine", and someone else replies "i'm not having those issues"... it's usually not server side, and it's probably not client side... we have to remember there's a vast network of routes and nodes our games get transfered down as we play them and a problem can occur anywhere along the route between server and client... our other games may not be affected because they're taking another route to another server in another location...
indeed, as stated in an earlier post, you can look on any MMO forum and see some one else making the same claims that it's the server and not them, without considering the route between...
the thing to note is when people start saying things along the lines of "it's just this one game, all others run just fine", and someone else replies "i'm not having those issues"... it's usually not server side, and it's probably not client side... we have to remember there's a vast network of routes and nodes our games get transfered down as we play them and a problem can occur anywhere along the route between server and client... our other games may not be affected because they're taking another route to another server in another location...
indeed, as stated in an earlier post, you can look on any MMO forum and see some one else making the same claims that it's the server and not them, without considering the route between...
Not disagreeing with you, but it's not limited to a few.
When there are DCs, it's generally a bunch of people at once. STFs have to reform, because everyone got smacked with it. Chat channels have several people talking about a SNR or lag spike.
At least in the channels I have active, it seems that there are more getting hit with it than not. I'll generally see dozens of people talking about it, then 1 or 2 saying they didn't have a problem.
If groups of random people in several different locations are seeing it, there's something screwy going on.
Add this to the (still not fixed) UI issue, and it's not worth trying, for some.
UI update rate is far too slow still, however the lag is insane.
In the social maps you can see the rubberbanding randomly. In STF's for me it's every one I suffer massive lag. I've lost a lot of performance as a result, while FPS has stayed steady. In some cases I just go from full health to insta-dead, yet I can't react as the actions have taken effect server-side without happening client side. I know i suffer from 200ms of lag anyway, but this is seconds of lag not milliseconds. Sometimes I have had it freeze for up to 10-20s in an STF then reconnect again.
It's getting ridiculous now.
Oh and FYI plasmanugget, I've already reported this issue to the dev's before you get all pissy over nothing.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Haven't had any lag myself lately, only rubberbanding I've experienced was when the anniversary event went live. Don't want to sound like an *** but check your Internet connection, very well could be wiring or other problems causing the lag. And for reference, i have a 120 mbps connection from a provider that ryhmes with infinity.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
There is a lot of UI lag still going on for some reason. It was suposed to be fixed with last patch, but it doesn't seem to have worked. I'm still experiencing the UI lag, the standard lag on maps ocassionally but not much, however the UI lag is ridiculous and makes the game pretty much unplayable in the current state.
Like virusdancer posted in another thread, I'm also seeing the abilities cooldowns literally count down by skipping 2 or 3 seconds of the cooldown.
Am i part of Cryptic company,do i get paid,do i have a vast knowledge of networks,and blah blah blah?
Nope,but what i lack in that i do make up for with common sense,if they are to lazy to use the most logic route and ASK for help instead of coming here and protesting i will point it out,why shouldnt i? maybe some of them will learn.
I blame it all on todays society,its all "MEMEMEME" and "NOWNOWNOW"....when they dont get what they want and when they want it get ready for a whinne and cheese festival of biblical proportions.
Well, I can tell you something IS happening...not only have I been experiencing DC's myself, but I was in ESD chat Saturday night with one of the devs and a mass disconnect happened right in front of said dev, and they stated they were aware that this was an issue. (I can't remember, but he may have gotten DC'ed too, along with me and several others.)
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Something is suddenly up with the horrendous lag/rubberbanding, came back to the game for the anniversary after a 2 month break and everything was fine (i noticed a little bit of an issue but nothing horrendous).
The last 3 days though and it is just dreadfull i'm seriously rubberbanding all over the place and having dc issues.
I can't see that this is an issue with my provider as i have a stable connection with other online games such as MWO/WAR THUNDER/ SWTOR etc.
It's a pity as atm the game is just unplayable.
Just wait till Anniversary event is over and it'll go back to normal. It happens for two reasons. First is the volume of people on, second is the number of people in close proximity all in the same instance.
When you have two and three hundred people at Starfleet Academy at the same time, it gets messy.
"Why all the sales"?
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
Just wait till Anniversary event is over and it'll go back to normal. It happens for two reasons. First is the volume of people on, second is the number of people in close proximity all in the same instance.
When you have two and three hundred people at Starfleet Academy at the same time, it gets messy.
That's not the issue at all. It's not just "too many people" -- because there were far more players in past season releases without this nonsense happening.
It's also NOT about proximity to other players. The lag permeates all zones, populated or not. Even solo PvE missions are lagging horribly. Even moving items to the bank aren't registering for a while. The problem is some broken code with the anniversary release AND the broken networking Cogentco mishandles when they host the cryptic game servers.
Both are quite fixable and both are directly in Cryptic's lap.
haha, got a laugh from the earlier pages of this thread with that troll getting his TRIBBLE handed to him. but earlier had no problem with the launcher loading up, usually the first sign i look for when the background graphics are slow loading up. now ive loaded the launcher up and it is slow loading and responding, even replacing the whole texture3 hogg's files is taking an age at the speed its going at.
perhaps overreacting? i havent reached the game yet to be sure though.
but posting those tracerts and location of where you are could be helpful if there is an issue cryptic can solve. but cryptic are in Los Gatos, CA. Their server is in Boston, MA. and if the local ISP there is having troubles which can happen at times, cryptic cant do much about it, this i know as they stated to me in the past.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
No, they are on cryptics side, on their servers, on their ISP.
I get this every second day for a few hours minimum and its unplayable, infact, right now its happening again.
All the while anything else works perfectly fine, just not STO.
Unfortunatley not touched a thing with the launcher, i could at least then have said i've screwed up and ask how to fix it atm i havn't a clue as to why i am having such a huge problem with this 1 game.
BS, I already sent the tech support my TraceRT results and they said they can't do anything about it and I have to wait. They blame my connection to their server and rush hour traffic but I have friends from the USA, Europe and AUS who all have that problem.
Also, my TraceRT showed insane packet loss starting about 4 nodes from the destination server, so farther on their end than mine.
I also tried countless other things, because this game has become one of my favorites since it offers a combination of things that seem impossible to find in other games.
I tried fixing/tweaking my connection with the help of my ISP and with tools, but the result is always the same: Everything is perfectly fine whatever way I use my internet, until I play STO, then it's a lag fest.
Look at PWE's business model, look at their non-existing spam prevention in NW, I highly doubt there is anyone out there who seriously believes they spend a dime on their servers unless profit drops too low due to server issues.
They don't give a damn if people enjoy the game as long as they keep playing and dropping money on it.
I just had a long series of lag spikes and disconnects. Then I reset my router and they went away. (It was entirely on my end, I was losing the internet as a whole).
I've been experiencing several lag spikes and disconnects today. I think it is on the devs end, since my router is reset daily, and only recently have these been an issue.
Sorry i truly am that you have issues with the game but dont generelise,not everyone is having lag or getting dc'ed,so maybe instead of a whinne and cheese festival why dont you pop over to the technical section of the forums and maybe there is a solution to your problems.
Laggiest game ever? rofl really man?¿
I myself have experienced it with a team of 5 on bug hunt..ALL from at least two continents apart.
Either they just do forums to TRIBBLE players out or living in alternate reality :P
... who needs to play the game for entertainment, the blogs and resulting forum storms are far more entertaining and free! Free 2 Laugh!
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Always remember, if people start this way just show them, who the customer is and switch to games that work.
The last 3 days though and it is just dreadfull i'm seriously rubberbanding all over the place and having dc issues.
I can't see that this is an issue with my provider as i have a stable connection with other online games such as MWO/WAR THUNDER/ SWTOR etc.
It's a pity as atm the game is just unplayable.
you messed with the proxy settings in the launcher? its the only other thing i can think of besides running a tracert from cryptic server, and posting the results in the network issues section of the forum and see what can be done there.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Or you could just come to the forums and be an TRIBBLE and take the TRIBBLE out of people, sooo helpful
No but i came to this thread just sharing that i was suddenly having issues 1 person was helpful in pointing out some ways off looking into what the issue might be, while you have just come to take the TRIBBLE.
trouble is in today's society you get those that are helpfull but they are becoming few and far between, more common is the i'm a smart TRIBBLE and will troll troll troll.
while you have just come here to belittle ppl, do you do this in real life or is it when you are just sitting behind your monitor? Go internet warrior
indeed, as stated in an earlier post, you can look on any MMO forum and see some one else making the same claims that it's the server and not them, without considering the route between...
Not disagreeing with you, but it's not limited to a few.
When there are DCs, it's generally a bunch of people at once. STFs have to reform, because everyone got smacked with it. Chat channels have several people talking about a SNR or lag spike.
At least in the channels I have active, it seems that there are more getting hit with it than not. I'll generally see dozens of people talking about it, then 1 or 2 saying they didn't have a problem.
If groups of random people in several different locations are seeing it, there's something screwy going on.
Add this to the (still not fixed) UI issue, and it's not worth trying, for some.
In the social maps you can see the rubberbanding randomly. In STF's for me it's every one I suffer massive lag. I've lost a lot of performance as a result, while FPS has stayed steady. In some cases I just go from full health to insta-dead, yet I can't react as the actions have taken effect server-side without happening client side. I know i suffer from 200ms of lag anyway, but this is seconds of lag not milliseconds. Sometimes I have had it freeze for up to 10-20s in an STF then reconnect again.
It's getting ridiculous now.
Oh and FYI plasmanugget, I've already reported this issue to the dev's before you get all pissy over nothing.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Like virusdancer posted in another thread, I'm also seeing the abilities cooldowns literally count down by skipping 2 or 3 seconds of the cooldown.
What a troll get a life....
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Just wait till Anniversary event is over and it'll go back to normal. It happens for two reasons. First is the volume of people on, second is the number of people in close proximity all in the same instance.
When you have two and three hundred people at Starfleet Academy at the same time, it gets messy.
And a merry freaking Christmas to you too, Ebenezer.
-jonsills, 'Cryptic Why the sales..instead of Fixing XP leveling and this game?'
That's not the issue at all. It's not just "too many people" -- because there were far more players in past season releases without this nonsense happening.
It's also NOT about proximity to other players. The lag permeates all zones, populated or not. Even solo PvE missions are lagging horribly. Even moving items to the bank aren't registering for a while. The problem is some broken code with the anniversary release AND the broken networking Cogentco mishandles when they host the cryptic game servers.
Both are quite fixable and both are directly in Cryptic's lap.
perhaps overreacting? i havent reached the game yet to be sure though.
but posting those tracerts and location of where you are could be helpful if there is an issue cryptic can solve. but cryptic are in Los Gatos, CA. Their server is in Boston, MA. and if the local ISP there is having troubles which can happen at times, cryptic cant do much about it, this i know as they stated to me in the past.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Infact they probably dont even know how a frickin internet connection works.
Do these packet-losses look like they are on my side?
(mine is listed at the start)
No, they are on cryptics side, on their servers, on their ISP.
I get this every second day for a few hours minimum and its unplayable, infact, right now its happening again.
All the while anything else works perfectly fine, just not STO.
This is a sad state, and it needs to change.
BS, I already sent the tech support my TraceRT results and they said they can't do anything about it and I have to wait. They blame my connection to their server and rush hour traffic but I have friends from the USA, Europe and AUS who all have that problem.
Also, my TraceRT showed insane packet loss starting about 4 nodes from the destination server, so farther on their end than mine.
I also tried countless other things, because this game has become one of my favorites since it offers a combination of things that seem impossible to find in other games.
I tried fixing/tweaking my connection with the help of my ISP and with tools, but the result is always the same: Everything is perfectly fine whatever way I use my internet, until I play STO, then it's a lag fest.
Look at PWE's business model, look at their non-existing spam prevention in NW, I highly doubt there is anyone out there who seriously believes they spend a dime on their servers unless profit drops too low due to server issues.
They don't give a damn if people enjoy the game as long as they keep playing and dropping money on it.
I myself have experienced it with a team of 5 on bug hunt..ALL from at least two continents apart.
Either they just do forums to TRIBBLE players out or living in alternate reality :P