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Singularity Core power levels

azpatraoazpatrao Member Posts: 22 Arc User
Hey everyone. So I'd like someone to tell me if I got this right. Singularity Cores give a specific system a minimum of +5 power, and an extra +10 according to the singularity charge. My question is this: as far as the +5 is concerned, does is make a difference which Singularity Core you pick? Can't you just transfer those +5 to some other system when adjusting power levels? For example, if I get an Overcharged Singularity Core with Auxiliary bonus, I could just allocate those +5 to Weapons for example. The real difference between each Core would then be the extra +10 that you can't transfer, correct?
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  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    are you talking max level? There are 2 types of fleet cores, one type adds power for singularity charge, the other does not IIRC (?). Look at both (mine, spire).

    Be sure to pick one that has AMP.

    -- as far as it goes, though, you can pretty much adjust your power to where you want it to be using consoles & gear + traits + whatnot and the power level settings on the ship. So it does not matter *much*. However I find it to be somewhat difficult to hit 125/75/75/75 in a warbird without some sort of tricks.... leech, obviously, higher than normal flow caps and leech, or a copy of energy siphon, or give up a SRO for efficient (try to avoid this), or other power shuffling. Its easy to get 3/4 over 75. Its doable but more challenging to hit the 4/4 setup.

    -- also as far as it goes, I am doing better with my playstyle by cutting engine power, running pedal to the metal, and only have 3/4 amp bonus with low engine power.
  • azpatraoazpatrao Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My question was more about picking a kind of core according to the bonus it gives to a system. Take a Elite Fleet Singularity Core for example. Each one gives an automatic +5 power to two systems, and then may reach +12,5 according to the singularity charge. Now imagine that I want my Aux power level at maximum at all times, should I pick a core with an Aux bonus? Or should I pick one with bonuses for the lower power levels (especially if I'm using [Amp])? Also, if I want Aux to be at maximum, then I shouldn't pick a Singularity Core with an Aux bonus because it will drop every time I use a singularity power, right?

    Thanks for helping out :)
  • jerichoredoranjerichoredoran Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well it should be pretty obvious that the power level shifting only affects your 160 base power (200 for FEDs).
    Additional power generated by gear is in no way effected by it and so makes exactly this difference it states.
    Additional power generated by efficiency skills and traits is effected by base power setting.
    [W->S] and the like use current power setting to determine how much additional energy they produce in target system.

    Edit: I'd suggest using shield and/or aux cores. You want a minimum there (e.g. 75), but additional power is not a waste as it would be for (in most buids) engines.
    If you want and manage to cap aux without this bonus it would be wasted again but well...
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The sing core can be of any you so desire, as the extra 7.5 or 8 power from the core itself, only effects the subs it is meant to, otherwise you can divert power how you pretty much seem fit.

    In other words, if you know that say shields and auxiliary are going to gain another 7.5-8 points on a full sing charge, than you can most likely take 5 points from both shields and auxiliary and, put it somewhere else if you so prefer.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • azpatraoazpatrao Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thanks for the replies, it helped me take a final decision :)
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