Hey guys this is a review of the new Federation Presidio tactical command battlecruiser which have been realesed today in the C-store.
Other 2 Federation battlecruisers include Geneva and Concorde class battlecruisers,
which are science centric and engineering centric variant of the Command Battlecruiser.
Have any of you got any of these new ships and how do you like them so far?
If so did you got it individually, ina a faction bundle or have you maybe got that super bundle?
Check out the video!

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I recognize most of the consoles, but is that a Red Matter Capacitor? And you can put it in the Devices slot?
Have to say, the Fed. cruisers are not really what you'd call my cup of tea, but I'm considering getting the Romulan pack.
Red Matter is a device, not a console. So... yes, it would go in a device slot.
Regarding command abilities you are right, but with the Presidio boff layout, 11 console slots and a hanger bay its on the same level or in the most cases better then most of FED cruisers.
It's a very useful device you could have got from some of the Collectors Editions of STO.
- The curves, size, and grandeur of the Odyssey (well, except the bridge interior).
- The cannon option, just like the Avenger
- Come close to the agility of the Avenger
- Console cool downs that make them viable options in sustained combat
- Hangars for tackling scenarios where you're outnumbered (just like the free Obelisk carrier some time back)
- Variants with BOFF layouts to suit any specialisation adequately
- A cruiser's power level
- Multi-ship synergy - having several command ships in a team, with the appropriate command skills, could really provide substantial PVE abd PVP synergy.
The only drawback? Having to spend $10 of zen cos my monthly zen allowance savings was 78 zen short of the discounted price. Which is of course still a huge saving!
The effect of the cruiser commands do seem to be a little weak though. That's the only issue I've had with it so far.
I wonder if it is meant only ships that are only battlecruisers? or does it actually mean any ship that is a battlecruiser?
Good question, by the way thanks for the Zombie thread.