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Science Options

maerikcharonmaerikcharon Member Posts: 108 Arc User
My impression from yesterday and today from the communities I game with and just a general looking-over of in-game communities. Is that command ships didn't sell very well day-one. One reason I get this impression is the high price-point combined with low enthusiasm for the design.

People mostly didn't want to pay out the nose for what are essentially re-skinned Oddys and Borts that had command seating and an untested mechanic.

What I generally heard was "meh, more cruisers."

To add insult to injury, you put the best trait for science captains on the tactical design, what you were thinking with that is anyone's guess.

What the game actually needs is more science ship options for KDF and Romulan.

As romulan, you have two choices. Dyson, Ha'Nom
As KDF, you have two choices. Dyson, Varanus

For the purpose of this, I'm not counting carriers, because frankly, as science ships they are jokes.

For those about to retort with "But Science Ships don't sell well" My response is.

"That's because you make crappy Science Ships, Cryptic."

Is it too much to ask for to get a science ship that actually does SCIENCE well?

Seems like every science ship you release is "Ghetto Rigged" to pretend to be a tactical ship.

Examples include Vesta, All Dyson Ships, and the Scryer, which relies heavily on Intel abilities, functionally a tac ship.

How about introducing science gameplay that is more appealing than "LOL I pop gravity well and hit debuffs to set up tactical captains to look teh-ubar-leet."

The only good job science wise you did recently was the Pathfinder, but really its performance pales in comparison to the Scryer. And again, it's not Romulan or KDF available.

Some of the things needed are. Romulan, KDF Science ships with hangar options, A-la Vesta.
And while we're at it, science themed hangar pets would be nice too.

Particularly of necessity is a more maneuverable science option on Romulan.

Added or changed mechanics to make science not reliant on 'pretending to be tactical'.

Traits that boost science, which are NOT RELIANT ON HITTING TACTICAL OR INTEL ABILITIES.

As it is, science's main job is "Gravity Well the Gate.. or the Entity..."
Or if you happen to have a Scryer... "Spam damage resistance debuff so other people can look amazing."
Or if you're an oddball 'drain stuff, yay'
Post edited by maerikcharon on


  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2015
    The best science ship IMO is the Voth Palisade. That thing was build for pure science punishment with its console, but the Intel abilities (SS3 in particular) killed its PvP usefulness since you can bring it down in a second with that junk.

    The science focused Vesta (T5-U) is also a good science ship. It can equip cannons and it's the best part gens ship out there thanks to its console layout.

    The T5U Wells is the only other good sci ship, but I don't own it so I can't comment on it except that its boff seating is awesome.

    Outside of those, yes, Cryptic has a serious problem when dealing with science. The thing that bothers me the most with these ships is that the tachyon console + 4 piece set bonus (10km radius) for it would be something I'd use on a sci ship, but they stuck it in a cruiser which sucks.
  • stohaydenstohayden Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I am hoping/waiting for a Romulan T6 Science Warbird. Will grind my dilithium for zen to buy it.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I noticed that they took what should have been a science skill and made it a command skill as well. smh just more nonsense while they ignore the one career that pretty much made warp and space travel possible in the first place.

    If you're like me you've left the game because not only are they doing that with skills and options that should be for science but they've yet to revamp the science skills that are severely out of date, and fix the issue with torps and science skills in which 1% shields still gives 75% immunity to kinetic/exotic damage types.

    It's time for them to update the game.

    I won't be back until they revamp science skills, science ships, the shield problem, and the eliminate the ever expanding dilithium/specialization point grind in this game!

    You know the shareholders are in control when they get an entirely new person in charge and things are still going in the same direction!
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I noticed that they took what should have been a science skill and made it a command skill as well.

    To be fair, intel replaced tactical. It has a copy of pattern beta with a disable (turbulence!). It has a weapons-based attack skill that locks out Faw/etc (surgical). That is 2 of the 3 most used intel skills, full on replacement for tac. And the last one, override safeties, is a souped up engineer's power-to skill.

    what we are seeing are "improved" versions of old skills, which makes one wonder at the lack of creativity and causes concern that these beefed up versions are a wee bit OP.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Until Science abilities are made useful, there's no reason to release more Science ships.

    All you need now is Gravity Well and reverse TBR. Everything else (outside of maybe a few heals) is useless.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    noroblad wrote: »
    To be fair, intel replaced tactical. It has a copy of pattern beta with a disable (turbulence!). It has a weapons-based attack skill that locks out Faw/etc (surgical). That is 2 of the 3 most used intel skills, full on replacement for tac. And the last one, override safeties, is a souped up engineer's power-to skill.

    what we are seeing are "improved" versions of old skills, which makes one wonder at the lack of creativity and causes concern that these beefed up versions are a wee bit OP.

    Command is OK. A few things could use buffed, actually.

    But Intel is just straight OP P2W.
  • maerikcharonmaerikcharon Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lucho80 wrote: »
    The best science ship IMO is the Voth Palisade. That thing was build for pure science punishment with its console, but the Intel abilities (SS3 in particular) killed its PvP usefulness since you can bring it down in a second with that junk.

    The science focused Vesta (T5-U) is also a good science ship. It can equip cannons and it's the best part gens ship out there thanks to its console layout.

    The T5U Wells is the only other good sci ship, but I don't own it so I can't comment on it except that its boff seating is awesome.

    Outside of those, yes, Cryptic has a serious problem when dealing with science. The thing that bothers me the most with these ships is that the tachyon console + 4 piece set bonus (10km radius) for it would be something I'd use on a sci ship, but they stuck it in a cruiser which sucks.

    The Pathfinder/Intrepid can pretty much do science-wise what the Palisade can do, except for the console. Solid Particle Gen ship.

    And the post was mostly about KDF and ROM lack of science options.
  • birzarkbirzark Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i agree about the lack of sci ships for KDF/Romulan but for pure science shipIi think the scryer is the best, has sensor scan and gather intel both really good debuffs that can be thrown on a target together. Only 2 intel abilities make a difference for sci focus anwyays and its ionic turbaulance and over ride subsystem safties, if you want to throw electromagnetic pulse probe in there but not as reliable cause it doesn't home in. Also has a really good exotic dmg starship trait which i think makes it the best pure science ship for Fed.

    I so hope that changes to give more ships to kdf and rom cause the feds got imho way too many ships at DR launch, my main is fed and i still thought it was way out of whack. At least Commander ships are even among the factions.
  • maerikcharonmaerikcharon Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    birzark wrote: »
    i agree about the lack of sci ships for KDF/Romulan but for pure science shipIi think the scryer is the best, has sensor scan and gather intel both really good debuffs that can be thrown on a target together. Only 2 intel abilities make a difference for sci focus anwyays and its ionic turbaulance and over ride subsystem safties, if you want to throw electromagnetic pulse probe in there but not as reliable cause it doesn't home in. Also has a really good exotic dmg starship trait which i think makes it the best pure science ship for Fed.

    I so hope that changes to give more ships to kdf and rom cause the feds got imho way too many ships at DR launch, my main is fed and i still thought it was way out of whack. At least Commander ships are even among the factions.

    Kinetic Magnet gives Kinetic Damage Resistance Reduction, and boosts stuff like Heavy Graviton Beam and Gravity Well.

    Sensor Scan + Ionic Turbulence + Attack Pattern Beta + Kinetic Magnet + Scryer Console + Gather Intel Debuff + Sensor Analysis + Tractor Beam + Quantum Singularity manipulation, Over-ride Subsystem Safeties. And Emergency Power to Auxiliary. + Gravity Well III.

    I've hit 9700 Gravity Well ticks. And I don't have a piece of gear over MK XII.
  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Kinetic Magnet gives Kinetic Damage Resistance Reduction, and boosts stuff like Heavy Graviton Beam and Gravity Well.

    Sensor Scan + Ionic Turbulence + Attack Pattern Beta + Kinetic Magnet + Scryer Console + Gather Intel Debuff + Sensor Analysis + Tractor Beam + Quantum Singularity manipulation, Over-ride Subsystem Safeties. And Emergency Power to Auxiliary. + Gravity Well III.

    I've hit 9700 Gravity Well ticks. And I don't have a piece of gear over MK XII.

    When you got done pressing all that did the target get bored and warp out? :D

    PS. I'm very much in favor of KDF and Romulans getting good T6 science ships. Cryptic owes them especially afte rthe initial DR ship pack had ZIP for them in terms of science offerings unlike the Federation players.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think their problem is they don't know what to do with science that isn't "spam gravity well" or something they don't want in game.

    On the one hand, science ships do need to kill things to progress missions. I pray that there never is a reason to have a dedicated no attack heal bot character. But on the other, they seem to focus only on one or two attacks, I stead of giving us a selection of ways to win.

    As for what they don't want in game, chain disables, pacify that actually works, confuse that actually works,etc. In my mind, as a player, I fail to see a difference between my science ship furiously spamming powers to keep a voth citadel permanently locked down and a tank furiously spamming abilities to keep it shooting him but him not dying. Cryptic not only sees these as different, but refuses to allow the science option into the game.

    As a player, I fail to see a difference between scrambling a squadron of NPCs sensors so they don't just shoot, but actually kill each other and a tactical ship unloading fire at will and killing them. Cryptic not only sees these as different, but refuses to allow the science version in the game.

    And so on and so forth. They just don't know what to do with science.
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