Hi I've been eyeing the TSBC and I want to get it as soon as possible. Does anyone know whats the quickest way? And no lobi it will properly take too long.
Actually there is only one right way to get it: EC farming. You can find the ship at the exchange, currently for about 98,000,000 EC (back in the days I got mine for 80,000,000 EC).
The only alternative is opening lockboxes and hoping for Lobi, but as you said that would be a) too long lasting and b) for the money invested in masterkeys you could just buy keys to sell at the exchange and get enough for about four ships...
For a ship they arent too expensive at around 100 million EC each
Actually there is only one right way to get it: EC farming. You can find the ship at the exchange, currently for about 98,000,000 EC (back in the days I got mine for 80,000,000 EC).
The only alternative is opening lockboxes and hoping for Lobi, but as you said that would be a) too long lasting and b) for the money invested in masterkeys you could just buy keys to sell at the exchange and get enough for about four ships...