This is something I have been pondering for a while, adding a currency for replaying old mission content which could be spent on mark packages, EXP rewards and very rare gear. This would mean folk could replay fun missions they enjoy AND get something more out them. I mean except for a handful of missions that give a nice bit of gear all the rest are abandoned due to fact is little reward for doing them the EXP is poor, and with out a nice gear reward at end who would bother?
Balance. Some missions you can complete in 5 minutes, others take nearer half hour. Its why we still haven't got the little Dil package as a reward for replays that's been mentioned on and off for a couple of years.
Shirly it wouldn't be hard to scale the packs to the mission, longer missions give more tokens out, shorter ones less naturally. So if your a few tokens short of pack, run a fast mish to get them, then plow into a few longer ones for bigger packs, and have fun. Means more folk in game playing and such.
why? you can always get the actual lockbox as a reward for a replay
If you got a lockbox related to the mission chain each time you completed a mission replay, and one key each time you complete a SEQUENTIAL replay of a chain... Would you replay more content, and buy more keys? Something I have been thinking about.
Then again, I would pay for content. If I decide the content is awesome, especially if canon, or Trek oriented, I would encourage my friends to buy it and maybe get it for birthday or holiday gifts. Ahem!
Not all the STFs are fun to do, or quickly become dull grinds, this way folk can take a break from grinding, rerun some campaign missions they enjoy and still get marks/dil/exp or what not, in win.
If you got a lockbox related to the mission chain each time you completed a mission replay, and one key each time you complete a SEQUENTIAL replay of a chain... Would you replay more content, and buy more keys? Something I have been thinking about.
Then again, I would pay for content. If I decide the content is awesome, especially if canon, or Trek oriented, I would encourage my friends to buy it and maybe get it for birthday or holiday gifts. Ahem!