^^ no pvp updates .Get used to it.You get vaped cuz you suck.
I listened. No pvp updates is not what was said. Pvp is considered low priority investment in dev time. Their metrics don't show the interest rewarding the time put in. After the skill revamp is when the interview mentioned reconsidering it. And, they did mention some solutions for current pvp.
As OP, this post was about a somewhat easier thing to implement. Something that would help pvp. These tiered pvp maps exist for lower level characters already, and would only need ship, equipment gates for limiting the highest lvl gear/ship allowed in the map.
So it could be implemented kind of like the small ship shuttle pvp queues, but for tier levels.
This post was not addressing solutions for vaping builds. Rather just more pvp options. You know for those of us who "suck" as you say.:) Or, those of US who just like the pvp from times past with lower tier ships.
I listened. No pvp updates is not what was said. Pvp is considered low priority investment in dev time. Their metrics don't show the interest rewarding the time put in. After the skill revamp is when the interview mentioned reconsidering it. And, they did mention some solutions for current pvp.
As OP, this post was about a somewhat easier thing to implement something that would help pvp. These tiered pvp maps exist for lower level characters already, and would only need ship, equipment gates for limiting the highest lvl gear/ship allowed in the map.
So it could be implemented kind of like the small ship shuttle pvp queues, but for tier levels.
This post was not addressing solutions for vaping builds. Rather just more pvp options. You know for those of us who "suck" as you say.:) Or, those of US who just like the pvp from times past with lower tier ships.
he said there will be 2 system updated this year 2015.If you think the game will last more than a year you sure need to play more.
He said to the girl in the interview she gets vaped because she sucks at pvp.I guess I suck too.Also thats not the only reason pvp is broken.Bleedtrhough ,stupid 2000000 speeds that make 10 km weapon range useless ,ships totally unbalanced (defiant vs vaadwaur escort ...sure defiant wins) .
Old pvp was the best thing cryptic ever made.THey only needed a tutorial for new players and something to make money from .Im sure their metrics show that more players pvp'ed in the past than now.
^^ no pvp updates .Get used to it.You get vaped cuz you suck.
fun fact: if geko said so (did not listen to) it's a pew-nub xplaining pew to someone who probably has more clue about it as himself :rolleyes:...
and even more lol on their "metrics". i really would like to have a look on the obvious flaws in their number-collecting system if they say they could get no revenue from pvp, just as well on the dudes who interpred em ...
(pvp'ers are hardcore pve'ers cause they have to get the stuff + many of em are "top notch whales")
fun fact: if geko said so (did not listen to) it's a pew-nub xplaining pew to someone who probably has more clue about it as himself :rolleyes:...
the girl in the interview said she tried pvp but she got constantly vaped.Then geko said thats because others are better than her (aka you suck nOOb).
There is a good part that all pvp players will like in that interview.Starts over 1 : 10 minutes...Salami inferno talks about pvp and Im sure you will like that part....gives hope.
the girl in the interview said she tried pvp but she got constantly vaped.Then geko said thats because others are better than her (aka you suck nOOb).
There is a good part that all pvp players will like in that interview.Starts over 1 : 10 minutes...Salami inferno talks about pvp and Im sure you will like that part....gives hope.
WTF..... DUDE..... he did not say that!!! NONONONONO!!! hell, why did u pointed me on?! i almost had been that far that my doctor said i can drop my meds soon.... BUT NOW?!?! *munchmunch*
seriously *cough*.....*faaaart*........ sounds good indeed ! but lets be honest: whatever one of them say about pvp, it's nothing but a uncovered cheque until something (not halfbaked) really does happen. would be a whole new experience lol. but who am i talking to ...
WTF..... DUDE..... he did not say that!!! NONONONONO!!! hell, why did u pointed me on?! i almost had been that far that my doctor said i can drop my meds soon.... BUT NOW?!?! *munchmunch*
seriously *cough*.....*faaaart*........ sounds good indeed ! but lets be honest: whatever one of them say about pvp, it's nothing but a uncovered cheque until something (not halfbaked) really does happen. would be a whole new experience lol. but who am i talking to ...
there are few changes since he came as as leader.They even worked on the UI (less cpu heavy) .They working on fixing ionic and neutronic torp.There is abit of hope plus salami iirc is one of the original devs who pvp.He says in the interview exactly what me and you are saying.Ive yet to hear a dev till now to list the problems like he did....thats a good start.
oh and geko is @ 20 minutes in.He almost called that girl a nOOb for getting vaped *facepalm*
there are few changes since he came as as leader.They even worked on the UI (less cpu heavy) .They working on fixing ionic and neutronic torp.There is abit of hope plus salami iirc is one of the original devs who pvp.He sais in the interview exactly what me and you are saying.Ive yet to hear a dev till now to list the problems like he did....thats a good start.
oh and geko is @ 20 minutes in.He almost called that girl a nOOb for getting vaped *facepalm*
sry, i did not catch it all up ("speak s-l-o-w-l-y vox" lol). indeed i did not had the attention when i listened to a short part where he dropped the "3 favourites" fan thing. that alone already made me hop on my chair... not high and very short, but yeah ...
fixing ionic:eek:?! afaik it's "wai" through and through, at least that was stated after we all collected a whole lotta suggestions how to alter/fix it. and then, on the thread i did make about that the debuff persists after respawn, yeah. they not even bothered (i'm sure frost was on the bug-forums when i dropped it first) .
but ok..... i'll listen to it tomorrow. and one thing is for sure: i'll skip the geko-part lol .
i would pay for facing him in a t6-whatever-overpacked-uber-vessel on my b'rel-u ... he even could bring some lizard and crocodile friends >)...
the girl in the interview said she tried pvp but she got constantly vaped.Then geko said thats because others are better than her (aka you suck nOOb).
There is a good part that all pvp players will like in that interview.Starts over 1 : 10 minutes...Salami inferno talks about pvp and Im sure you will like that part....gives hope.
there are few changes since he came as as leader.They even worked on the UI (less cpu heavy) .They working on fixing ionic and neutronic torp.There is abit of hope plus salami iirc is one of the original devs who pvp.He says in the interview exactly what me and you are saying.Ive yet to hear a dev till now to list the problems like he did....thats a good start.
oh and geko is @ 20 minutes in.He almost called that girl a nOOb for getting vaped *facepalm*
Your hope and omptimism is cute.
UI optimisation, Ionic, neutronic nerf, devs that pvp.
Here, we prepared a Crystalline event to wash down that nasty thoughts.
Also dat poor gurl. You guys should let ppl shoot at you for a bit before you press spacebar.
BTW, PvP had always low level pvp. what it needs is to import data from Hilbert, make leaderboard and put people not on leaderboards in safe zone to matchmake only between themselves before they get people from leaderboards in matchmaking.
That would be a start, with more collected data about gear, skill(win/loss K/D HPS DPS) the better it would be.
But look at me, now i'm being optimistic.
PvP is irrelevant. You don't need a PvP system to have a successful game. They really should just remove the entire concept, since the only ones who do at are the 100k+ dps losers who are incapable of doing anything else. They don't have the ability to actually think about their build, other than that cannons do the most damage, dps dps dps.
I love ot when they talk about metrics for their decision making, especially regarding PvP and Klingons (this coming from a Fed prime player). They seem to only look at most recent data and just the numbers. There seems to be no analysis past that. Just looking at the numbers doesn't tell the full story and give good enough info for decision making.
When Klingon and PvP activity drops, they look at the numbers as to only reduce effort on it, as evidenced by 9 seasons of no PvP and about three seasons for no real Klink content. They never look at the numbers and discern why the numbers are dropping. Of course if they do nothing, the metrics will be low and even shrink. The way the use thier metrics and data make low metrics a self fulfilling prophesy. Gee , whoddah thunk it?
I love ot when they talk about metrics for their decision making, especially regarding PvP and Klingons (this coming from a Fed prime player). They seem to only look at most recent data and just the numbers. There seems to be no analysis past that. Just looking at the numbers doesn't tell the full story and give good enough info for decision making.
When Klingon and PvP activity drops, they look at the numbers as to only reduce effort on it, as evidenced by 9 seasons of no PvP and about three seasons for no real Klink content. They never look at the numbers and discern why the numbers are dropping. Of course if they do nothing, the metrics will be low and even shrink. The way the use thier metrics and data make low metrics a self fulfilling prophesy. Gee , whoddah thunk it?
Thanks. I don't understand why Cryptic/PWE doesn't understand the basic principles of data analysis. What we both have said here is what a person learns in the most basic courses that anyone who has to do anaylsis has to take (business, science, mathematics, etc.). Thier business management team should be pointing this sort of info out. You always need a "post mortem" to dig down and know whats going on, not just look at the corpse , say "He's dead Jim" and leave it at that.
Yeah. Surgical strikes 3 with CrtDx4 weapons and override safeties. That is some crazy -beep-.
^^ no pvp updates .Get used to it.You get vaped cuz you suck.
I listened. No pvp updates is not what was said. Pvp is considered low priority investment in dev time. Their metrics don't show the interest rewarding the time put in. After the skill revamp is when the interview mentioned reconsidering it. And, they did mention some solutions for current pvp.
As OP, this post was about a somewhat easier thing to implement. Something that would help pvp. These tiered pvp maps exist for lower level characters already, and would only need ship, equipment gates for limiting the highest lvl gear/ship allowed in the map.
So it could be implemented kind of like the small ship shuttle pvp queues, but for tier levels.
This post was not addressing solutions for vaping builds. Rather just more pvp options. You know for those of us who "suck" as you say.:) Or, those of US who just like the pvp from times past with lower tier ships.
Did someone just say... T5U?
he said there will be 2 system updated this year 2015.If you think the game will last more than a year you sure need to play more.
He said to the girl in the interview she gets vaped because she sucks at pvp.I guess I suck too.Also thats not the only reason pvp is broken.Bleedtrhough ,stupid 2000000 speeds that make 10 km weapon range useless ,ships totally unbalanced (defiant vs vaadwaur escort ...sure defiant wins) .
Old pvp was the best thing cryptic ever made.THey only needed a tutorial for new players and something to make money from .Im sure their metrics show that more players pvp'ed in the past than now.
getting a defiant ,fleet patrol ,jhas or other escort against xindi escorts...xindi escorts stand no chance lol
t5u with t6 DR bs is equally broken.
i approve of this post.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
fun fact: if geko said so (did not listen to) it's a pew-nub xplaining pew to someone who probably has more clue about it as himself :rolleyes:...
and even more lol on their "metrics". i really would like to have a look on the obvious flaws in their number-collecting system if they say they could get no revenue from pvp, just as well on the dudes who interpred em
(pvp'ers are hardcore pve'ers cause they have to get the stuff + many of em are "top notch whales")
Ty for linking the T5U pvp channel. We have any channels for other tiers?
the girl in the interview said she tried pvp but she got constantly vaped.Then geko said thats because others are better than her (aka you suck nOOb).
There is a good part that all pvp players will like in that interview.Starts over 1 : 10 minutes...Salami inferno talks about pvp and Im sure you will like that part....gives hope.
WTF..... DUDE..... he did not say that!!! NONONONONO!!! hell, why did u pointed me on?! i almost had been that far that my doctor said i can drop my meds soon.... BUT NOW?!?! *munchmunch*
seriously *cough*.....*faaaart*........ sounds good indeed
there are few changes since he came as as leader.They even worked on the UI (less cpu heavy) .They working on fixing ionic and neutronic torp.There is abit of hope plus salami iirc is one of the original devs who pvp.He says in the interview exactly what me and you are saying.Ive yet to hear a dev till now to list the problems like he did....thats a good start.
oh and geko is @ 20 minutes in.He almost called that girl a nOOb for getting vaped *facepalm*
sry, i did not catch it all up ("speak s-l-o-w-l-y vox" lol). indeed i did not had the attention when i listened to a short part where he dropped the "3 favourites" fan thing. that alone already made me hop on my chair... not high and very short, but yeah
fixing ionic:eek:?! afaik it's "wai" through and through, at least that was stated after we all collected a whole lotta suggestions how to alter/fix it. and then, on the thread i did make about that the debuff persists after respawn, yeah. they not even bothered (i'm sure frost was on the bug-forums when i dropped it first)
but ok..... i'll listen to it tomorrow. and one thing is for sure: i'll skip the geko-part lol
i would pay for facing him in a t6-whatever-overpacked-uber-vessel on my b'rel-u ... he even could bring some lizard and crocodile friends >)...
Your hope and omptimism is cute.
UI optimisation, Ionic, neutronic nerf, devs that pvp.
Here, we prepared a Crystalline event to wash down that nasty thoughts.
Also dat poor gurl. You guys should let ppl shoot at you for a bit before you press spacebar.
BTW, PvP had always low level pvp. what it needs is to import data from Hilbert, make leaderboard and put people not on leaderboards in safe zone to matchmake only between themselves before they get people from leaderboards in matchmaking.
That would be a start, with more collected data about gear, skill(win/loss K/D HPS DPS) the better it would be.
But look at me, now i'm being optimistic.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
yeah, that was like so wrong its not worth it.
Super SpecialStar Trek Online Review
SpecialTemporal PUG 100K DPS Build
We are Travelers
When Klingon and PvP activity drops, they look at the numbers as to only reduce effort on it, as evidenced by 9 seasons of no PvP and about three seasons for no real Klink content. They never look at the numbers and discern why the numbers are dropping. Of course if they do nothing, the metrics will be low and even shrink. The way the use thier metrics and data make low metrics a self fulfilling prophesy. Gee , whoddah thunk it?
got me lol
yay, nice post dude
cryptic, metrics and pvp
Thanks. I don't understand why Cryptic/PWE doesn't understand the basic principles of data analysis. What we both have said here is what a person learns in the most basic courses that anyone who has to do anaylsis has to take (business, science, mathematics, etc.). Thier business management team should be pointing this sort of info out. You always need a "post mortem" to dig down and know whats going on, not just look at the corpse , say "He's dead Jim" and leave it at that.