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Quit calling it a reward

shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
quit calling the TRIBBLE off the fail gives a reward. call it what it is. ive said it before and ill say it again. remove the 10 mark TRIBBLE off and 1 hour double TRIBBLE and let us redo the mission immediately.

i dont even accept the reward anymore because its fracking worthless. and the fact a 1 hour cooldown is still incurred is the final TRIBBLE of the whole thing. yea i know im given the 10 marks eventually. i wish it was still in a little 10 mark box so i could have the pleasure of booting it out my airlock just to show how worthless 10 marks is to me since im sitting on 2000 times that much.
Post edited by shinnok918 on


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    xparr15xparr15 Member Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Yeah! Let's get those intentionally failing trolls back in the queues immediately and nerf rewards from 10 to 0.

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    imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    shinnok918 wrote: »
    quit calling the TRIBBLE off the fail gives a reward. call it what it is. ive said it before and ill say it again. remove the 10 mark TRIBBLE off and 1 hour double TRIBBLE and let us redo the mission immediately.

    i dont even accept the reward anymore because its fracking worthless. and the fact a 1 hour cooldown is still incurred is the final TRIBBLE of the whole thing. yea i know im given the 10 marks eventually. i wish it was still in a little 10 mark box so i could have the pleasure of booting it out my airlock just to show how worthless 10 marks is to me since im sitting on 2000 times that much.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    A consolation prize is STILL a prize.

    Both posts have a point IMO...

    I'd prefer 10 marks for a failure, than nothing at all... Having said that, there should be no 30 minute CD for a failed STF, so you receive 10 marks for your time in there, but can run it again immediately in order to actually complete it...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

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    lunastolunasto Member Posts: 774 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It makes one try that much more the next time. This is only a game, and much like arcade systems, when you fail you put in money to try again. The timer has a reason, or they wouldn't of added it. If you had jumped back in there angry, would you had been able to do better? You would have only become more angry and most likely messed up and been blamed for the failure. The cool down is chill time, it will give you a second too calm down and go over your next approach.

    Try not to get discouraged by setbacks, focus on the game as a source of fun, and not work or you will burn yourself out too fast.
    Lightningdealwithit.gifNew Lunar Republic
    "Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
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    risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I still think it was a bad idea to add very strict timers to missions, large hp boosts and make all optionals required.

    No possibility to learn, no chance to try different things cause you have to hurry every time, no real reward even though you still invested time.

    The old missions were fine as they were. If a change was needed, they should just have added those HP boosts, OR strict timers, OR making optionals a requirement to succeed in the mission. Adding all three is what should have been done for elite missions, not the old missions everyone enjoyed and that are now too hard to complete for a large part of the playerbase.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I don't really care about the consolation prize itself, but the way it's presented (exactly the same way as a win would be) may be confusing for new players doing their first queues. There should be a proper results screen that makes it clear whether you won or lost the mission and why.

    There absolutely does need to be a cooldown for failed queues, because trolls. Though perhaps if you fail Advanced/Elite, it should leave the Normal open. Odds are at least some of that failed team belong in Normal. Or maybe there could be a vote for a retry with the same team (so you could say no if some jerk failed it on purpose or the team is just that bad).

    If Advanced/Elite is too hard for you with all the enemies and the objectives and even the occasional timer, there's always Normal.

    This is a game, not a job. You don't get rewarded for "investing time," you get rewarded for winning.
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    mackbolan01mackbolan01 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i used to do STF's , haven't done them since DR launched......'nuff said......
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    warpangel wrote: »
    I don't really care about the consolation prize itself, but the way it's presented (exactly the same way as a win would be) may be confusing for new players doing their first queues. There should be a proper results screen that makes it clear whether you won or lost the mission and why.

    I admit I haven't paid attention to it in a wee while, but doesn't the mission objective window do that? The red failed stuff on objectives?
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    nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    warpangel wrote: »
    I don't really care about the consolation prize itself, but the way it's presented (exactly the same way as a win would be) may be confusing for new players doing their first queues. There should be a proper results screen that makes it clear whether you won or lost the mission and why.

    There absolutely does need to be a cooldown for failed queues, because trolls. Though perhaps if you fail Advanced/Elite, it should leave the Normal open. Odds are at least some of that failed team belong in Normal. Or maybe there could be a vote for a retry with the same team (so you could say no if some jerk failed it on purpose or the team is just that bad).

    If Advanced/Elite is too hard for you with all the enemies and the objectives and even the occasional timer, there's always Normal.

    This is a game, not a job. You don't get rewarded for "investing time," you get rewarded for winning.

    There shouldn't be a fail option in advanced really, assuming the advanced instances were supposed to be like the original elites before DR hit. Elite should be the one with must have objectives that can fail the run. Advanced should just have reward reductions like before but not end the STF till you clear it or quit on your own.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
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    woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    nimbull wrote: »
    There shouldn't be a fail option in advanced really, assuming the advanced instances were supposed to be like the original elites before DR hit. Elite should be the one with must have objectives that can fail the run. Advanced should just have reward reductions like before but not end the STF till you clear it or quit on your own.

    Except ISE the old Elite STFs had failure options too ;)

    The only thing changing is ISE/A, which made them become apparent, though those failures are easily avoidable by CC. Or dps. But CC works wonders for very weak groups.
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    shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lunasto wrote: »
    It makes one try that much more the next time. This is only a game, and much like arcade systems, when you fail you put in money to try again. The timer has a reason, or they wouldn't of added it. If you had jumped back in there angry, would you had been able to do better? You would have only become more angry and most likely messed up and been blamed for the failure. The cool down is chill time, it will give you a second too calm down and go over your next approach.

    Try not to get discouraged by setbacks, focus on the game as a source of fun, and not work or you will burn yourself out too fast.

    bite me. im angry because there's a cooldown. time is a finite thing and making us waste it this way is what makes us angry.

    dont try to psychoanalyze me, ur not trained to and even trained psychiatrists have trouble with me.

    lastly ur whole point is just stupid.
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    shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    risian4 wrote: »
    I still think it was a bad idea to add very strict timers to missions, large hp boosts and make all optionals required.

    No possibility to learn, no chance to try different things cause you have to hurry every time, no real reward even though you still invested time.

    The old missions were fine as they were. If a change was needed, they should just have added those HP boosts, OR strict timers, OR making optionals a requirement to succeed in the mission. Adding all three is what should have been done for elite missions, not the old missions everyone enjoyed and that are now too hard to complete for a large part of the playerbase.

    we need a middle ground a true advanced. normal for getting the first view. mark and dil reward only. advanced with neuralprocessor and mark reward with little chance of failure (perhaps a timer only that becomes difficult only if you lose control of the nanite spheres in infected:conduit for example) to allow more experienced players to teach new players again while giving them the opportunity to earn the neuralprocessors or equivalent reward for other missions so that they can then go into the elite (current advanced) with proper equipment and training.

    the current system is as follows: normal is not fun and not worth the trouble because theres low dil and no neuralprocessor. few marks as well. the experienced players are of the mindset like me: advanced or not at all. that being said because of the failure chance in a PUG more and more experienced players are retreating to experienced groups in the DPS and STF channels (or similar ones) or within their own fleets.

    I know of 2 channels right now where we are still willing to teach people (theres hopefully more but read on from here and you will see the problem) but even then you have to find us or we have to find you to get you into said channel.

    Original point: middle ground STF is sorely needed.
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    shinnok918 wrote: »
    trained psychiatrists have trouble with me

    Gee, couldn't imagine why.
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    deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    if you bothered to read up on the basic loadout for your ship and how 10k dps is achievable, you wouldnt have a fail problem
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    if you bothered to read up on the basic loadout for your ship and how 10k dps is achievable, you wouldnt have a fail problem

    You don't need 50k combined DPS for most things not to be a fail...that's going to be overkill. That gets more into the quick 'n easy run, though it even with 50k DPS you can have all sorts of failures take place.

    It's not just about DPS...sure, DPS comes into play for timers; but not all failures are time related.

    But in the end, if success is guaranteed each and every time...what does that make of the content, yeah? Should there be a bigger challenge in the random failure of a DOFF assignment than there is in actual content?

    Which gets into the reward structure for failed missions, eh? Rather than just a booby prize for participation, unless this is meant to be some sort of pee wee soccer league where we all get punch and pizza for showing up...why not create that series of objectives where the reward is based upon the number of objectives completed, including if there is a failure at some point - the other objectives were still completed.
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    millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    lunasto wrote: »
    The cool down is chill time, it will give you a second too calm down and go over your next approach.
    Except the game does nothing to guide you in anyway to improve on your approach.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Except the game does nothing to guide you in anyway to improve on your approach.

    Then how has anybody ever managed to improve?
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    rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Except the game does nothing to guide you in anyway to improve on your approach.

    You do realise there is a minor thing known as deductive reasoning. Most people possess a modicum of it, otherwise there would be more people in ER after having burnt themselves on the Toaster.

    Most of the game is so damn simple it's easy to work out. Even the STF's fall into that category. The hard bits of the game are building the ships and setting up the characters and learning the power levels and distances required to actually do damage.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
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    prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think the better answer would be to eliminate the auto-fail feature on Advanced STFs and make the optionals optional again. Save the auto-fail for the elites and just award bonus marks for completed optionals on advanced.

    This would resolve most issues, including failtrolls and the consolation marks awards.
    You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
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    shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    if you bothered to read up on the basic loadout for your ship and how 10k dps is achievable, you wouldnt have a fail problem

    10k acheived would u like to see the parse?

    try actual advice not an idiot response
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    gorgothedreadful#6260 gorgothedreadful Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You have twenty-thousand marks already. Why are you the one complaining?
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    shinnok918shinnok918 Member Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Advanced IS the middle ground. I fly through them in my for fun ship all the time....and seriously, if you can't do more damage then a beam and cannon, rainbow boat with zero tact consoles...you really have no buisness getting out of normal.

    in the borg stf's its normal and advanced. u didnt read everything. they need to institute an elite borg stf's using the current advanced for the elite model and make something inbetween with a reward to give us incentive to teach new players while still getting at least a neuralprocessor.

    other than that ur response actually looks a little....mean.
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    if you bothered to read up on the basic loadout for your ship and how 10k dps is achievable, you wouldnt have a fail problem
    10K dps is, by far, not enough to carry an entire team.

    I was in a PUG a few days ago, for ISA. Nobody was making a team on PESTF, and I wanted to test my ship build. Didn't care for succeeding or failing the mission.
    I was the highest DPS with 8K (yeah, testing a part gen build, didn't know half the skills, and blew up like 4 times). Then you had a 5K dps, and 3k, ~1k DPS.
    Yesterday I did another one, this time on PESTF (ended up with 15K with the same build, see, improvement^^). Someone had 1300dps. With BFAW and MK XII AP beams. I seriously don't know how you can have such a low DPS. Even if I tried, I'm not sure I would be able to have such a low DPS.

    The only reason why we made it with this last run, was because I was running the part gen build, and had enough CC to keep the nanite away, while they slowly killed the generator. If I had a non CC build running, we would have failed.

    I used to carry team before DR. And lots of us did. But the gap widen, as the content grew more difficult. Many people are still pulling the same amount of DPS as before, but since you need more to win, then you have to pull even more to beat that.
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    millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rsoblivion wrote: »
    Most people possess a modicum of it
    Most people, yes.

    Most modern gamers, no.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
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    imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Most people, yes.

    Most modern gamers, no.

    Especially not these forums...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

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    deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Okay I apologise. "If pugs bothered to do the basic 10k build, we wouldn't have problems like this"

    oh and pigs will fly before that happens.
This discussion has been closed.