Hey guys this is a review of the new Vaadwaur Manasa Assault Escort which you can get from the Vaadwaur lockbox.
What do you guys think of the ship?
Could it be better then the Bug ship?
Check it out!

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One thing, though... using the Manasa's trait on the Bug (which you can do if you have both) can close the gap, IMO. The Manasa may still edge out the Bug, but the T5-U Bug is still pretty awesome (just not 400m EC worth).
Well that was unexpected
But ok of course. Any thoughts on the ship?
Very hard to get killed in it, especially once you get into the pilot and intel spec trees. Plus I've been getting spec points into the flanking bonuses from the intel tree that least few days an my lord can it do some damage once it gets behind something.
Tried it out with both cannons and beams and it seems to handle both well, in a similar fashion to the Phantom.
I would say though that one thing it lacks which the Phantom has is access to Surgical strikes, that really can push your damage potential through the roof.
However just having access to some lower intel powers is nice.
The polaron barrage console looks nice and all but doesn't really do anything. I guess if you can boost its damage with polaron consoles it would be pretty good. At the moment it's really only good for clearing out groups of fighters or targetable torps, or for dropping it on an target in its death throes.
You can actually try it out, sort of. You can fly it in one of the later Delta Rising missions. I am not sure which one exactly. But I am sure someone here will now which one is it.
Well that's exactly my plan!
Just snapped one for 80m, I am happy as a little boy lol
well i am sure that the price will drop soon, be patient
Congrats, i am not that lucky. but i must agree a much cheaper alternative for the Bug and I like it.
LOL @cryptic.
yea its not like all other escorts with lt cmd engi /uni stations are better than the bug.
when you review something learn how it works or start by saying "I only play pve so i have no clue what Im doing" .Fleet patrol is better than the bug now.Comparing anything to the bug now is like comparing t5 to t1.The price on exchange for the bug ship has nothing to do with how good a ship is.One of the worst escorts in game are defiant and the bug ship.
Actually first watch the video and see why i am comparing it to the Bug. Second who said i am a only pve player. Third i have both the Fleet Patrol Escort and the Bug, my Bug can wipe the floor with the Fleet Patrol escort any day.
Saying that comparing the Bug to anything is like comparing t5 to t1 is beyond crazy. And saying that the Bug is the worst escort ingame is just ludicrous.
the bug ,fleet patrol and the defiant ARE the worst escorts.
Everyone in pvp can wipe a bug with a fleet patrol....guess that means the bug is that much better that a bug no?