What is the definition of "Known issues" in patch notes of STO?
There are a lot of more (old) bugs and issues which are verified by a developer like crypticfrost or borticuscryptic but not listed under "Known issues".
For example:
There are also some other bugs mentioned in the forum like the Lag in UI, that are not verified and not listed.
So what is the meaning of "Known issues" and these list in the patch notes? And is there a complete list with known issues?
Known issues are bugs that are currently being worked on.
I believe that Taco once said that listing all bugs would make no difference. In fact, because they can only tackle a few per week, listing them and not being able to fix them in the short run will work to damage their reputation, while listing them serves no point really.
You can agree or disagree with that reasoning, but it is what was stated, and I would do the same.
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Known issues are the ones they will try and fix. You know like faw which I believe only took them 3 or 4 patches to finally get right. Or our glorious load out issues that are still broken after half a dozen patches. Problems not on the list are here to stay...enjoy!
Ship Loadout function bugged
Multiple Aggravating Bugs .. Loadout, costumes ect
LoadOut Broken
Items replicating themselves in my inventory upon loadout change
Possible Loadout/Boff Fix
Loadout Doff problem/possible bug
Still a couple of loadout bugs
Official Thread: Loadout Bug - Items Duplicated (INVESTIGATING)
Random Npc appears instead of MY Bridge officer
Official Thread: Power Tray Slotting Bug (Resolved)
When will the ship load out system work correctly
BOFF Abilities and Batteries Repeatedly Disappear from Action Trays in Space
Seriously? Loadout System is HILARIOUSLY Broken
Loadouts Still Not Working!
Bugged loadout, it dosn't want to work
Tribble loadout system horrendeously broken!
Boff powers and doffs bug
Powers Tray Reset
Unable to save T5-U Loadouts; old loadouts reappear when entering ∆ systems
Doff Loadout Not Working
Tray / Loadout issues; Are they ever going to be solved?
Skill bar loadout
Rebugged: (weapons) batteries unslotting!
Rebugged: Active Duty Officers / Loadouts
Starship Hotbar Loadout Bug?
Vanishing Bridge Officers?
Space Active Roaster automatically de-slotting
Power tray resets upon exiting/entering a new zone.
"Active Space" DOFFS don't want to stay "active"
Boff Powers Being Removed From Tray?
Disappearing hotbar space skills after map loading
Not saved settings skills
space quickbars resetting constantly
[BUG] Abilities Bar
Active Space Duty Officer Roster Load out
**The Fix for Moving Skill Tray Bug**
BOFF abilities disappearing from space tray
Big Personal Tray #1 / #2 has incorrect allocations values
Loadout bug needs to be fixed
Assistance needed to track down loadout issues
Getting REALLY Tired of Re-setting My Power Trays...
My ship's build keeps resetting.
Projected Singularity Console ability keeps unequipping itself
Ship Tray Keeps Resetting
Loadouts/power tray still broken.
Things keep jumping off
Workaround for disappearing traits, abilities, loadouts
Trays Help Us Noooow!!
Skills Tray (Space)
consumable items disappear from space tray
Doffs dropped from active duty
Action Bar Reset Bug
The loadouts not working!
Power tray loadout
Toolbar power assignments
Fix the Loadouts PLEASE
Fix The Bloody Loadout Trays Already
Batteries keep falling off toolbar
FYI: Loadouts are NOT fixed.
Equipment placement issue
Bug report - loudouts broken
Ship equipment resets to default (KDF)
Skill tray and loadout now completely broken?
loadout bug strikes and causes afk penalty
Bug - Items Disappearing/Moving On Ships
This Ship's Loadout Seems Odd
Items missing from loadout
Personal Tray or Hierarchy Officer Broken
Duty Officers Not Staying Assigned In Space
Fix these bugs, game becoming unplayable!
Loadout trays aren't saving again
Skill Tray *Possible Workaround*
reproducible bug with buttons in tray
Would like a response from Cryptic on tray/loadout issue!!
When are you going to finally fix the tray issue!!!?
Loadout bug still persisting
Items vanished after loadout change
Ppower loadout and resources continually disappear from slotted spot
Loadout Bug
Ship Equipt remove bug
Loadout, TRay and equipment problems. No idea if connected
Loadout system - NEW DISASTEROUS BUG
ITS BACK!!!!!! - Load Out and Statiosn CLEARING
If this ain't a bug then please stop doing whatever your doing.
BOFF bug back in force
Loadout Issue
Map changing drops assigned Boffs and tray abilities...
Bridge Offers Reseting When Entering / Exiting Eridani System
dissapering boffs/traits still not fixed
The above isn't even half of the threads made in the last year that stem from the fact that there is either a horrible problem with cryptic's character database index or they have some horrible issue with packet loss.
If known issues were listed and had dedicated threads then people could point at this issue and say; 'Why has nothing been done about an issue that has effected so many people for so long?'
But by not listing this as a known issue or creating a dedicated thread for it cryptic is able conceal its true extent and thus preserve their reputation as a company that; 'Always releases their products on schedule" rather then the company that; 'After 6 years of development on a game still hasn't managed to code a power tray.'
Its a big problem.
But the red alert bug is known by the devs and there is also a fix inbound: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=22003801#post22003801
Sorry, a bit off track, but i could help but think of this when i think of Cryptic and "known issues"
An exhaustive list would be... exhausting.
On the about 7 man project I am working on, we have a backlog of 700 issues*, and a bit more than half of them are bugs. There are certainly lots of bugs not in the backlog because they haven't been reported t us. But anyway, imagine trying to list 300 issues in every thread.
Cryptic's team is larger and the software is much more complex than the one I am working on...
*) issues can be feature requests or bugs.