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Space, Ship and other issues!

rcellomanrcelloman Member Posts: 56 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Federation Discussion
:confused: This post has been updated several times.

Hello 'Out There'...

I have posted mostly in reply's to other threads about my own issues which I thought were the same ones hoping whomever reads the various threads reads thru them again to see the new ones of perhaps the same or kind of same issue(s). As our issues continue, I am not sure we are being seen deeply imbedded somewhere down in 40-42 said pages, etc.

My system: Win 8.1, 32 gig ram, ICore5 processor (4 cores) 3 GHz, 64-bit OS - Acer Predator, NVidia (Geforce GTX 660 - lastest drivers, available 4 gig vid ram, DirectX 11), etc. [In-game options I have chosen 'reduce streaming of data by keeping files in ram]

I am a Lifetime member of STO.

My Cryptic Toons:

Bogle, Sybog, Galen, B47, Leon, KAL-EL, Chubog and Dash ( 8 in all @celloman)

As one may check my other posts, you will find I am not a real complainer or show frustration in them, but all I have mentioned here I bet you all know already. For the first time in all 5 years I may be realizing that other player issues/frustrations are catching up to me.

While I do like all new content and see the hard work of everyone, it seems for naught if what your programmers/Beta Testers can do is not transferring to us:

Bridge Officers: put them in, gone the next new mission or 2 - use 'Loadouts' - partially puts in abilities in the Space Tray - go into the Drag to tray to add them back, icons NOT there to be added - especially Gravity Well III - and all was working well prior to the Anniversary new systems.

GW III is only working on my B47 character, and as I fly Dyson Science Ships - all Cmdr Sci have GW III. Please fix asap for my other toons - GW III icon in the available skills box to drag to tray. Loadouts also do not put BO's back as they were supposed to be saved.

The January 29 release notes fix of the Omega Particles says resolved. I'm sorry, but ESD and Bajor space particles - the game works but does not resolve in the mission box for credit - and running the game over at over locations (other particles) does not resolve either into letting the system know I did complete that game (and sometimes you get 0 points). Ground particles work everytime in every location - please. whatever algorithims that work for ground, please put them in Space.

Please guys, I know you eventually fix most issues over time, but these I mention in this post are re-occurring just a bit too often.

Some members in my fleet complain of clicking on an ability and finding that it does not work instantaneously - that there is a 2-3 second delay (or more) to fire a weapon both space n ground. In the past I thought their PC's may need some work, cleaning, rebooting, or 'Force Verify' files as I have not had their issues, but now - I am seeing what they complain about as I am now finding the same.

Me - I now try to anticipate my choices that 2-3 second delay as a small challenge, but I've noticed, some abilities happen the second I click on them, others take an extra second or two -- and think about that: if you were on the ground in some TV mission and someone throws a grenade, then goes back to his phaser - there is a delay from one item to another - a.k.a potential 'realism' here in game. We do see 'power transfer' in space, ship needs time to power up or transfer power from one system or option to another (and we have seen such on various TV Trek space battles). One may think it is 'programmed' into play as perhaps the server needs time to read/catchup to play requests, least that's what I think - but then I remember my ISP may be slowing things down perhaps - some network issue(s) - number of people playing in STO (on the network) causing response issues, etc. I am sympathic towards that as I work in PC support.

Ending as I started: GW III for all my Dyson Sci Cmdr slots is not available to drag to tray. Bridge Officers missing from posts too often. Loadouts not working as advertised are my main 'do over and overs'.

If this post is not in the section for help where DEV's or others can easily see it, please move this to where it should be.

Thank you for reading - we do need your valuable help!


PS: (2+ hours later) Fleet member informed me about how to get Bajor Space Omega Particles working - someone in some chat found out that if s/he did the 'Cracked in the Mirror' (Found under the Cardassian Episodes and starts on DS9 behind where you beam onto the station) or redo that mission, s/he was able to get the Bajor Omega Space particles to be accepted by the system. When you get to the part to 'Warp to Bajor VII' - this is where you will see the Space Omega Particle at the shipyard looking station (or that's where it was for me). They say that as soon as you do the particle at Bajor VII is should cash out in the system. I re-did the mission 'before' I got the Bajor Space Omega Particle run from 'Q' and it cashed out for me when I ran the 'Q' mission later during this Fifth Anniversary time. Seems the programmers are using the same 'map' for Bajor Space as the Cracked mission. You can drop the rest of the mission as soon as you do the particle in 'Cracked in the Mirror'.

As for Earth Space Omega Particles -a fleet member says that if Space Omega Particles does not cash in - go down to the Academy, find the particle on the ground and it should cash out the space particle, giving you the rewards, etc. This did work for me on the second time I got ESDock space - NOT my first try. Particle will not show on the map, but is found the farthest from the center of the grounds along some building edge, river or near the holodeck in the main hall of the Academy.

Final PS: A Fleet member lost ALL Bridge Officer (BO's) abilities for his toons - the Default Abilities are just gone somehow. So he went an purchased the 'manuals' to re-train all his toons BO's and just after training he lost all THOSE abilities as well including the manuals. Wow. I asked him to get out of STO, go into options to 'Force Verify' (and save) that option then log back into STO to run the Force Verify and then go into game to see/try his choices. Not sure of this persons outcomes as of this time, but was surprised that these things were occuring. A few days ago, I decided to delete 'empty folders' on my system using a program under custom settings, and deleted a few used by the game (and other programs) and left some that seemed important. Logging in - found that my visual of onscreen STO had improved clarity, speed of chosen options in missions has improved and less issues all around. I did the cleaning in SAFE MODE here in Win 8.1. Better the PC, better STO seems to run or the cleaner the PC the better it runs.

SuperSagat: I'm sorry but I am not having the Tactical Mode issue you are having below. My Tac Mode works without issue on all Dyson ship toons. Ships front - closes up and cannons come out - nacelles retract to be shorter - the reverse happens when I leave Tac Mode - nacelles extend and front of the ship opens to allow Sci abilities.
Post edited by rcelloman on


  • supersagatsupersagat Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Trust me when I say this your 100% dead on about your problems because im having the identical problem with my account. but I did want to compare something that has been bugging me about the Dyson sphere ship Tactical mode it seem to glitch in the process one of the glitch is the first noticeable is the when you activate the mode the rear contiune to open and close while the front completes its actions. not sure if it apart of the problem but It was something I notice wrong.

    Second is lnfo in the panel its self some time I will read that your in tactical mode but your still in science mode and visa versa but it doesn't happen all the time just random not totally sure why?
    let me know if you are seeing this error or is it just me?:confused:
  • rcellomanrcelloman Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Please see my 'PS' section above regarding your Tac ship mode issue, Supersagat
  • rcellomanrcelloman Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    :) As few here seem to do --

    I wanted to thank any and everyone involved in resolving my and perhaps many other users issues with regard to the above.

    GWIII is back, BO's show all abilities (space and ground) and remain in their slots as of this date and time (02-05-2015)

    As all Star Trek Online personnel have fixed issues in the past, was only a small matter of time for them to do it all again.

    Perhaps Holodeck is the new 'Tribble Test Ground'? Whatever, we are (from the song and clapping hands) 'Happ-pppppee' :D

    PS: Excellent story telling in 'Dust to Dust episode with Captain Kim! Nice to know STO can create - 'possibilities'.

    Stay healthy everyone!

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