Hey guys here is the STO 5th anniversary episode in all its glory!
The feature episode is called "Dust to Dust"!
If you are interested or cant get into STO,
Check it out here!

"This is your ultimate STO Youtube channel!"
I dont know what they were thinking. What do you think?
Good luck and thank you for watching. It's probably not the best feature episode, but still its content. O well lets try to get some qmedetations today.
You are completely right, it was like puzzle after puzzle. Unfortunately they weren't interesting either.
I must agree, this episode really didnt sit well with me.
Good luck with that! It seems that the min-game is bugged outside ESD so there is no way you can complete it. If you try dropping it and reclaiming it gives you the same contact poins again including outside ESD and again there is no way to complete it! :mad:
Sure , we once again embark on a creepy necro trip , but in the end , the back and forth between the elderly Captain Kim and his "wish it was more but it wasn't " ex-not-girlfriend -- that dialogue was really well written and performed .
I also enjoyed the performance of Young Kim , but I felt that his "taunting" moments were a bit off .
Not all of them , but some .
As for gameplay , well it wasn't much worse then the first missions in which you use the grappler tech .
I too had problems with the moving panels (the last stage) , but it seems the game took pity on me after a few tries .
All in all ... , while for me the "Spectres" FE series will always be No. 1 (because it deals with the 23rd century) -- the story telling in this one came very close to sublime Trek story telling ... , as it was not about beating the Boss or achieving the goal , but about ... -- well I felt that in a way the author got to discuss all the Kobali weirdness throughout DR in one fell swoop .
That , and aside from young Kim's juvenile taunting , he too was written in a way consistent with the show ... , as someone who was often very determined and very single minded about getting home (or getting back to the ship) .
This ep was definitely about the *story* and not about the action , and the "tech" was in there to delay , ney , to extend the story (luckily it did so without being too brutal about it like the key sequence in "Boldly they Rode" *shudder*) .
In summery , while I'm sad to say that I don't see much replay value in it , for a one shot , I quite enjoyed it !
Garrett Wang is easily my pick for VO out of the Voyager cast of DR , and Rodes did a pretty good job as well , no complaints .
... and they had rain ... , remember rain ... ?? Last time you may have seen it in the exploration clusters ...
There is actually a workaround for that. If one of the parts are outside ESD you can actually go to Starfleet Acadamy and near the Mark Valantine there you can start the minigame and complete it for outside Esd part of the mission.
Thanks, it worked!