I used to rp lots on STO before DR...when the game seemed to be populated by more than just trollers and PVP DPS whiners. Since the content of STO is so lame that theres not much joy in that for me RP is the only reason i have the game anymore. Does anyone still rp?
Like id be dumb enough to visit dozzana. everyone knows its full of trollers and idiiots. as for the 26th...tried it. I dont rate it. Everytime ive gone its been boring...quiet and frankly i find the 26th fleet rude. No one tries to converse with visting rpers...its just left to bar trek. so yeah...neither option works for me.
DS9 is supposed to be better than Drozana for semi-serious RPing - Drozana's favoured by ERPers and trolls, DS9 not so much. It may be only viable at certain times of day, though. As a British player, I often don't find any RPers there in the American morning (British evening), no matter how much I switch instances.
Yes, I found it rather the same the one time I visited 26th Fleet. Three people were talking about something else (in character) and another was standing around, but I couldn't see any way, as a total stranger, of getting in on the conversation that would make sense. I don't think they could either.
Thinking about it afterwards, I think a good tactic might be to think of a specific reason why you're visiting, before you enter the base. For instance, in their hailing channel somebody recently turned up saying "Help, we've got an outbreak on board". Or it might be to investigate the wormhole (they've got a wormhole, it's part of their backstory) in search of answers to some problem of your own; or in search of some rare thing that you heard a rumour a Ferengi there might be able to get hold of; or if you brought a pal, one of you could be a prisoner that the other was handing over to their custody. Whatever the idea, you then have a good reason to approach people and start things - you've got a talking point. Worth trying.
Fair warning - if you're going to show up with a reason, make it something low-key and routine. Emergency calls get real old, especially since the only real options are either "drop everything you were doing and respond" or "ignore completely." After the tenth of these in one day (I wish I was exaggerating), that second choice looks very appealing.
When visiting someone else's starbase, you are a guest in their home. Please conduct yourself accordingly and don't trash their living room. (Or bathroom. Or...)
Quark's at DS9 was pretty full with RPers yesterday when I visited (was around 8 PM CET).
As for Drozana... Can't say something regarding ERPers, didn't meet any the couple of times I've been there but it feels more difficult to get some RP there.
Formerly known as "@BlackMethos".
But someone at PWE already had that handle, dammit!!!
So if youre coming out to visit Praetorian, we highly encourage you to barge in and introduce yourselves! You may find that some characters react in a way that you may in RL, by that I mean, being a little standoff-ish, but this is just their toon, its not who they are OOCly.
Wed love to see you guys about and, as a GMT player myself, its often that I find that inmy Primetime, the game in general is quite, as most of our American cousins are either in work or not able to log in until 22:00 23:00 out time (though this is very different during the summer months.
If I may offer a little advice. When you send your docking request on the [SB381] channel, dont be afraid to send the person who answers your docking request a PM saying hey and asking if they could initiate. Or the premise for your visit, so they can greet you. The best example of this that I can think of was a Ferengi visitor that we had who sent me a tell when he docked to ask if it would be okay to RP him trying to sell me Stem bolts or some such.
I basically ended up greeting the guest weith the following;
DaiMon, welcome to Starbase 381. I understand that you have some merchandise that you are looking to sell? and the RP just went from there naturally.
I really hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, Ill be on hand to answer them for you.
Like id be dumb enough to visit dozzana. everyone knows its full of trollers and idiiots. as for the 26th...tried it. I dont rate it. Everytime ive gone its been boring...quiet and frankly i find the 26th fleet rude. No one tries to converse with visting rpers...its just left to bar trek. so yeah...neither option works for me.
You know I hear this all the time. That we do not converse with guests, I find that to totally false. I know myself and several others always go out of our way to talk to guests when they arrive. But its a two way street too. I see it all the time people who come to visit and just come to stand there or sit down. Its hard to drum up things with people who can't give us a hook to hang off of.
The very nature of SB381 makes it super easy to come up with a light hook to play off of. Your a Captain looking for resupply. "Excuse me can you point me toward *blank*" You need repairs. Your looking for this or that. Don't just show up and stand around otherwise your right we might not know how to react to you.
If anyone ever thinks the 26th or anyone in it is being rude grab me @Juroden and I am more then happy to set things straight.
Short version: Yes RP is still around, No its not just going to be given to anyone. Its a team effort.
Well, it's not always so easy to think of a hook, you know, if you've had a hard day. Yes, the "resupply" idea is pretty obvious, but if I'm tired my inner critic goes into overdrive and demands to know what on Earth I expect to do with such a very boring-sounding premise, and being tired I can't think of a good answer. I do see your point, though; if the visiting character doesn't know why they're there, you can't very well make it up for them, so you're a bit stuck.
Anyway, that should no longer be such a problem now (at least, not for the OP and me), as this thread has come up with such a range of good hooks for when we can't think of one on the spot!
*Not* being tired right now, I've thought of one way to make sure the "resupply" thing has possibilities, which is to ask for something slightly odd (or indeed very odd), so people have a conversation point. For instance, off the top of my head, a ream of paper (odd in *this* setting), guitar strings, some extremely alien kind of food for an extremely alien crew member's birthday. (If the interesting thing is why your character would want such a thing, make sure you do know if asked!) Most requests could surely start some kind of conversation, though, so you probably don't even need to do that.
(Reminds me of the message from Starbase What's-it in the first ever TOS episode:
"Commodore Gonzalez wants to know when we'll arrive, they're running low on essential supplies."
"Tell him I've got his chilli peppers but it won't kill him to wait for them.")
Ok...i have to say that i find your 'come up with a reason for being there' idea entirly fruitless. Sure that might work the once...but are you honestly expecting rpers every single time they go to the station to resuuply? And frankly im not even sure that works. The last time i went to the station i tried several times to strike up conversation with 26th members who were there. I recieved one word responses, shrugs and nods. It may only be a minority of people who do that but frankly it doesnt set a good standard if people who arrive are treated like outsiders.
I was lead to believe the point of the OSP was to provide RPers a place away from Dental and the like to RP in. I dont see why people who turn up should have to come up with some hook idea to get people interested in them. Surely its good manners to interact with people who arrive whether they have a hook or not? Afterall, isnt the point of RP to interact and get to know the characters involved? Why should that have to depend on 'i need supplies' which could be gotten anywhere like DS9 or Earth [in theory].
More than that, ive watched the channel for invites and the number of 'i need repairs' , 'have warp core problems', 'have been attacked' etc that ive seen is frankly awful. Its like no one has a better way to interact but using one of those and its so common now that its practically a cliche. If the 26th wants this OSP thing to work then its members should make RPers feel welcome...not segragate them and make it difficult. Thats before even mentioning the rudenss of some of its members who can literally be talked directly at and will simply ignore you.
My point is not to rant here but i think there needs to be improvments to this 26th idea for it to become more inclusiove, rather than i sea of cliche's and one word response. Some sort of greating interaction betweena fleet member and people turning up might be a good way to atleast break the ice.
That is a bit off. Possibly some of them are just playing monosyllabic characters - it might be worth trying the effect of RPing as if it is that, maybe turning to another character and saying "He's not exactly the life and soul of the party, is he?" My rule of thumb is to assume things are IC unless proven otherwise, because treating OOC things as IC rarely causes offence (people will soon make it clear to you anyway) and treating IC things as OOC rapidly does!
It's possible some of the 26th Fleet people are RPing when they're tired too, and equally unable to think of a way to open the conversation unless you start them off. Greeting visitors would be a good start though.
As for needing a hook every time you visited, thinking about it, you probably wouldn't need one after the first time (or, at least, the first time you succeeded in starting a conversation), because you'd have met some of the characters and could start off a conversation by asking about something you'd talked about the first time, or asking after one of them who isn't there this time.
It's a lot like trying to start a conversation with a stranger in real life, I suppose. It's a pity that in space you don't have the option of talking about the weather!
I was lead to believe the point of the OSP was to provide RPers a place away from Dental and the like to RP in. I dont see why people who turn up should have to come up with some hook idea to get people interested in them. Surely its good manners to interact with people who arrive whether they have a hook or not? Afterall, isnt the point of RP to interact and get to know the characters involved? Why should that have to depend on 'i need supplies' which could be gotten anywhere like DS9 or Earth [in theory].
Yes, that's right. They've opened their starbase, their home, their formerly private space, and given you a safe haven - a stage to act upon. So act. Don't just stand there like a lump, or a wallflower, and wait to be "invited" or "included." Don't expect others to do all the work for you or spoonfeed you. Take the initiative. Be interesting.
(Note that I said "interesting", not "cliche" or "melodramatic", both of which are unfortunately common mistakes.)
Now, it may be that you and/or your character aren't very interesting, or outgoing, or inclined to strike up conversations with total strangers. (Consider that the same may be true of those you're wishing would interact with you!) Fortunately, there are ways around this, but they all start with listening and waiting. Hang out on the station. Make yourself a regular visitor, a familiar presence. Watch and listen to what other people are doing and think about whether it fits your character to be interested in or knowledgeable about those things. Develop your own character - professional interests, previous postings and superior officers, hobbies, favorite drinks and foods, favorite music, sports and other off-duty activities - and you'll not only have more hooks for people to grab on to, you'll have a better idea how your character should react when someone does.
Finally, if the people you're trying to interact with have a shared story, lore, continuity, etc, take the time and effort to study it (as much as is available to the public). It may give you some ideas for a way to connect, as well as helping to not accidentally say something that goes against their fleet "canon."
LOL...please do not take me for an amatuer. Ive been RPing for like 2 years. I dont need lessons on it. There comes a time when getting persistantly ignored becomes insulting. And im sorry but but if they are playing characters that dont interact they shouldnt rp. simple as that. The point of roleplaying is to tell storiues and interact, whats the flippin point of being on an open starbase if your just going to give one word answers. I dont need advice on how to roleplay. What i would like is the 26th to do a little more to make things easier for people who turn up, rather than just expecting it to work.
LOL...please do not take me for an amatuer. Ive been RPing for like 2 years. I dont need lessons on it.
That's nice. Now multiply that by 10, and you're getting close. And I'm still learning things.
There comes a time when getting persistantly ignored becomes insulting. And im sorry but but if they are playing characters that dont interact they shouldnt rp. simple as that. The point of roleplaying is to tell storiues and interact, whats the flippin point of being on an open starbase if your just going to give one word answers.
The purpose of role-playing is to play a role - that is, a character - and to respond to the world and other people as that person would. Some characters will talk to random strangers; others will not. You need to give them a reason to talk to you (and not try to force one on them, as that never ends well).
I dont need advice on how to roleplay. What i would like is the 26th to do a little more to make things easier for people who turn up, rather than just expecting it to work.
They've opened their home to you. You're asking them to do more than that - more than you yourself are willing to do. Make some effort beyond showing up and expecting to be catered to. (Or don't. It's up to you.)
And im sorry but but if they are playing characters that dont interact they shouldnt rp. simple as that.
I don't know; actually, a mysterious person who won't be drawn can be quite fun. You can try to coax them into talking, or you can ask another character what's the matter with them, or what have you. Or if you have a character that it makes sense with, you could play for laughs and be indefatigably jolly at them - think Neelix :P
Of course, if they carry on being monosyllabic and not even in an intriguing sort of way, then it may be the player rather than the character. In that case, yes, if they can't think of anything to say even if you give them a cue, they really should leave and try again when they're actually in the mood for it. Characters who don't immediately want to interact can be a great thing, if the person talking to them has any initiative - players who don't want to interact are missing the point. Can't comment on whether 26th Base has any of these - I really should pay a visit again - but if so, then the Neelix treatment is probably valid
Okies...so maybe i was beinmg overly harsh in my criticisims of 381. Seems that the previous times i went were the wrong times of the day. Having gone back yesterday there actually was RP however i would argue that its still very difficult at times to talk to people on the base. Especially when they have their own conversations on-going. Its often difficult to determine if its ok to walk up and introiduce yourself etc.
As for people ignoring or giving one word respones...again...i think it was a matter of timing really. I think if 381 was far more active many of my criticisms would die off as its always easier to rp with lots of people around rather than one or two. Maybe 381's lot could organise some sort of event to get more people to arriove or something? Sometyhing for not just the fleet members?
Whatevere the case...maybe i was overly harsh regarding it and i should probably apologise if anyone above thought i was being a t**t about it. Not my intention to cause hostility.
For those of you who still are roleplaying I will be getting footage of STO roleplay between February 8th and 14th for a video guide on how to roleplay. Maybe when people see it they will be encouraged to come check out the RP community here!
If you're interested in allowing me to film you and your friends roleplaying (and becoming 'youtube famous' :P) please hit me up! I can be reached here but I am spread across dozens of forums looking for RP footage for my guide so you can more easily get a hold of me at thehumanfloyd@Gmail.com
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Come see us at the 26th Fleet. We are still around!
See the link above for the details.
Yes, I found it rather the same the one time I visited 26th Fleet. Three people were talking about something else (in character) and another was standing around, but I couldn't see any way, as a total stranger, of getting in on the conversation that would make sense. I don't think they could either.
Thinking about it afterwards, I think a good tactic might be to think of a specific reason why you're visiting, before you enter the base. For instance, in their hailing channel somebody recently turned up saying "Help, we've got an outbreak on board". Or it might be to investigate the wormhole (they've got a wormhole, it's part of their backstory) in search of answers to some problem of your own; or in search of some rare thing that you heard a rumour a Ferengi there might be able to get hold of; or if you brought a pal, one of you could be a prisoner that the other was handing over to their custody. Whatever the idea, you then have a good reason to approach people and start things - you've got a talking point. Worth trying.
When visiting someone else's starbase, you are a guest in their home. Please conduct yourself accordingly and don't trash their living room. (Or bathroom. Or...)
As for Drozana... Can't say something regarding ERPers, didn't meet any the couple of times I've been there but it feels more difficult to get some RP there.
Formerly known as "@BlackMethos".
But someone at PWE already had that handle, dammit!!!
Hey Guys,
So if youre coming out to visit Praetorian, we highly encourage you to barge in and introduce yourselves! You may find that some characters react in a way that you may in RL, by that I mean, being a little standoff-ish, but this is just their toon, its not who they are OOCly.
Wed love to see you guys about and, as a GMT player myself, its often that I find that inmy Primetime, the game in general is quite, as most of our American cousins are either in work or not able to log in until 22:00 23:00 out time (though this is very different during the summer months.
If I may offer a little advice. When you send your docking request on the [SB381] channel, dont be afraid to send the person who answers your docking request a PM saying hey and asking if they could initiate. Or the premise for your visit, so they can greet you. The best example of this that I can think of was a Ferengi visitor that we had who sent me a tell when he docked to ask if it would be okay to RP him trying to sell me Stem bolts or some such.
I basically ended up greeting the guest weith the following;
DaiMon, welcome to Starbase 381. I understand that you have some merchandise that you are looking to sell? and the RP just went from there naturally.
I really hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, Ill be on hand to answer them for you.
Proud Member of the Operational Support (Bug Hunter) Team
You know I hear this all the time. That we do not converse with guests, I find that to totally false. I know myself and several others always go out of our way to talk to guests when they arrive. But its a two way street too. I see it all the time people who come to visit and just come to stand there or sit down. Its hard to drum up things with people who can't give us a hook to hang off of.
The very nature of SB381 makes it super easy to come up with a light hook to play off of. Your a Captain looking for resupply. "Excuse me can you point me toward *blank*" You need repairs. Your looking for this or that. Don't just show up and stand around otherwise your right we might not know how to react to you.
If anyone ever thinks the 26th or anyone in it is being rude grab me @Juroden and I am more then happy to set things straight.
Short version: Yes RP is still around, No its not just going to be given to anyone. Its a team effort.
Anyway, that should no longer be such a problem now (at least, not for the OP and me), as this thread has come up with such a range of good hooks for when we can't think of one on the spot!
*Not* being tired right now, I've thought of one way to make sure the "resupply" thing has possibilities, which is to ask for something slightly odd (or indeed very odd), so people have a conversation point. For instance, off the top of my head, a ream of paper (odd in *this* setting), guitar strings, some extremely alien kind of food for an extremely alien crew member's birthday. (If the interesting thing is why your character would want such a thing, make sure you do know if asked!) Most requests could surely start some kind of conversation, though, so you probably don't even need to do that.
(Reminds me of the message from Starbase What's-it in the first ever TOS episode:
"Commodore Gonzalez wants to know when we'll arrive, they're running low on essential supplies."
"Tell him I've got his chilli peppers but it won't kill him to wait for them.")
I was lead to believe the point of the OSP was to provide RPers a place away from Dental and the like to RP in. I dont see why people who turn up should have to come up with some hook idea to get people interested in them. Surely its good manners to interact with people who arrive whether they have a hook or not? Afterall, isnt the point of RP to interact and get to know the characters involved? Why should that have to depend on 'i need supplies' which could be gotten anywhere like DS9 or Earth [in theory].
More than that, ive watched the channel for invites and the number of 'i need repairs' , 'have warp core problems', 'have been attacked' etc that ive seen is frankly awful. Its like no one has a better way to interact but using one of those and its so common now that its practically a cliche. If the 26th wants this OSP thing to work then its members should make RPers feel welcome...not segragate them and make it difficult. Thats before even mentioning the rudenss of some of its members who can literally be talked directly at and will simply ignore you.
My point is not to rant here but i think there needs to be improvments to this 26th idea for it to become more inclusiove, rather than i sea of cliche's and one word response. Some sort of greating interaction betweena fleet member and people turning up might be a good way to atleast break the ice.
It's possible some of the 26th Fleet people are RPing when they're tired too, and equally unable to think of a way to open the conversation unless you start them off. Greeting visitors would be a good start though.
As for needing a hook every time you visited, thinking about it, you probably wouldn't need one after the first time (or, at least, the first time you succeeded in starting a conversation), because you'd have met some of the characters and could start off a conversation by asking about something you'd talked about the first time, or asking after one of them who isn't there this time.
It's a lot like trying to start a conversation with a stranger in real life, I suppose. It's a pity that in space you don't have the option of talking about the weather!
Yes, that's right. They've opened their starbase, their home, their formerly private space, and given you a safe haven - a stage to act upon. So act. Don't just stand there like a lump, or a wallflower, and wait to be "invited" or "included." Don't expect others to do all the work for you or spoonfeed you. Take the initiative. Be interesting.
(Note that I said "interesting", not "cliche" or "melodramatic", both of which are unfortunately common mistakes.)
Now, it may be that you and/or your character aren't very interesting, or outgoing, or inclined to strike up conversations with total strangers. (Consider that the same may be true of those you're wishing would interact with you!) Fortunately, there are ways around this, but they all start with listening and waiting. Hang out on the station. Make yourself a regular visitor, a familiar presence. Watch and listen to what other people are doing and think about whether it fits your character to be interested in or knowledgeable about those things. Develop your own character - professional interests, previous postings and superior officers, hobbies, favorite drinks and foods, favorite music, sports and other off-duty activities - and you'll not only have more hooks for people to grab on to, you'll have a better idea how your character should react when someone does.
Finally, if the people you're trying to interact with have a shared story, lore, continuity, etc, take the time and effort to study it (as much as is available to the public). It may give you some ideas for a way to connect, as well as helping to not accidentally say something that goes against their fleet "canon."
That's nice. Now multiply that by 10, and you're getting close. And I'm still learning things.
The purpose of role-playing is to play a role - that is, a character - and to respond to the world and other people as that person would. Some characters will talk to random strangers; others will not. You need to give them a reason to talk to you (and not try to force one on them, as that never ends well).
They've opened their home to you. You're asking them to do more than that - more than you yourself are willing to do. Make some effort beyond showing up and expecting to be catered to. (Or don't. It's up to you.)
I don't know; actually, a mysterious person who won't be drawn can be quite fun. You can try to coax them into talking, or you can ask another character what's the matter with them, or what have you. Or if you have a character that it makes sense with, you could play for laughs and be indefatigably jolly at them - think Neelix :P
Of course, if they carry on being monosyllabic and not even in an intriguing sort of way, then it may be the player rather than the character. In that case, yes, if they can't think of anything to say even if you give them a cue, they really should leave and try again when they're actually in the mood for it. Characters who don't immediately want to interact can be a great thing, if the person talking to them has any initiative - players who don't want to interact are missing the point. Can't comment on whether 26th Base has any of these - I really should pay a visit again - but if so, then the Neelix treatment is probably valid
As for people ignoring or giving one word respones...again...i think it was a matter of timing really. I think if 381 was far more active many of my criticisms would die off as its always easier to rp with lots of people around rather than one or two. Maybe 381's lot could organise some sort of event to get more people to arriove or something? Sometyhing for not just the fleet members?
Whatevere the case...maybe i was overly harsh regarding it and i should probably apologise if anyone above thought i was being a t**t about it. Not my intention to cause hostility.
If you're interested in allowing me to film you and your friends roleplaying (and becoming 'youtube famous' :P) please hit me up! I can be reached here but I am spread across dozens of forums looking for RP footage for my guide so you can more easily get a hold of me at thehumanfloyd@Gmail.com