I know I asked this once before, but it needs to be asked again...
STO, what is the logic for the placement of anomalies in the missions?
The storyline has the player in one part of the map and the only anomaly on the map is way on the other side of the map. If a player is expected to enjoy a storyline then why is the anomaly placed in a odd location that has nothing to do with the mission and only ruins immersion. (more a rhetorical statement since there is no logical answer)
It is almost like someone just closed their eyes and jammed their finger on a map of the mission area and them said, "OK, random X marks the spot..." and went on to something else. These anomalies are in no way incorporated into the storyline and just makes me wonder whether their location was an after thought or no concern for "attention to details".
Just had to ask this for my sanity....

Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Why does he talk to a video game like it is a person?
Explain your logic.
Normal = Mostly Common with a chance to get Uncommon and once in a while Rare.
Advanced = Mostly Uncommon with a chance to find Rare and once in a while Very Rare.
Elite = Mostly Rare with a greater chance to find Very Rare and a tiny little chance to find a Superior Tech Upgrade.
Just my thoughts anyway...
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Heading in a straight line for anomalies is not exploration. Searching for anomalies in Beta was exploration since the Scan ability didn't exist until a few weeks before launch.
So then play the mission through and then after, instead of warping our of the system, stay behind and get the anomalies.
This mission ends with you warping out to avoid the ongoing fight (besides, the first time I played it I just ignored the dialogue and went and got the anomaly... and missed out on the details of the mission since it kept playing while I was wandering off on the map to get the item... ruined immersion completely. :rolleyes:
Anomalies are almost exclusively placed in and immediately around mission content.
TBH if the anomalies are the only thing breaking immersion, then things like genocidal tendencies and mass murder seem trivial
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
I know what your saying, but why bother with them if your mission objective is else where? I've
left many anamolies unfound for the RP sake of a mission.
My character Tsin'xing
Director of Marketing
My character Tsin'xing