Hello all,
I am working on tweaking my engineer to maximize his DPS and Tanking potentials.
I have built him up as best as I can here:
I hope that you can offer any good advice on how to improve my tanking and DPS without having to replace my weapons. I know weapons with better modifiers will increase my DPS, but for now I need to focus on what I have the time to work on - and crafting CritDx3's isn't in the cards quite yet.
Thank you for any help!
With only one techteam and one HE you will die much to often. My Kumari has more heals then this ship.
- remove PH, get a ST
- remove a2b: get aux2sif and a second techteam
- remove delta: get faw2
- remove faw1 and get a second tacteam (you always need a tac team)
- remove aceton: get dem3 or aux2sif3
- remove RSP: get epts3
- get the third spire konsole
- get threat console from the embassy: remove def consoles
- get the leech console
The critd is not that much important for a "normal" player. Much more important is the upgrade to MK xiv.
Note: the Reman covariant shield is the one from Romulan reputation (disruptors are more common than phasers), and the omnidirectional antiproton is the one from the obelisk set.
Work bees, like other healing pets have poor AI so they are not recommended, same as the escort.
You don't need turn rate, you'll be firing from the sides, which is quite easy.
The Nuraka set will help you with your tanking and provides a nice bonus to damage.
The Particle converter increases accuracy, accuracy above 100%=crit chance and crit severity.
Most of your energy will be in shields and weapons, so unless you have 3 very rare a2b doffs and a lot of efficient boffs emergency to weapons will work better and since you are an engineer you get +10 to other subsystems with an emergency to subsystem ability.
a2sif is better than polarize hull, and with the pilot specialization you'll have the evasive maneuvers to nullify movement debuffs, polarize hull only works with tractor beams and has a long cooldown.
if you dont have zemok, remove apo1 and faw2 and replace with a second apb1 + faw3 (faw2+apb2 might work too)
and as a t5u ship => +1 tac console => +1 locator
sci consoles => +th console from embassy with flowcapacitor (to improve plasmonic leech) or shield emitter (more shieldheal)
havent changed the space traits (only rep traits), dont know what you have available.
if you have questions or need more help, join DPS-Public or ask me ingame (@Felisean)
edit: dont try to upgrade your advanced fleet weapons to epic, its not worth it (weapons arent that good compared to crtdx3 pen or crtdx4 weapons)
ingame: @Felisean
I always thought, 'bullsh** .. I don't care about that tiny heal'... but then I set 'em up just a few days ago for a build test on my JHDC.
It's insane how much heal they provide. Got really surprised.
My boff setup would be:
Lt. Com. Universal: TT, FAW, APB
Ens. Universal: EPtS
Lt Tac: TT, FAW
Com. Eng: ET, EptW, RSP, DEM
Lt Sci: ST, HE
DEM could be replaced by Aux2SIF if there's really that much damage coming in.
I would drop both Work Bees and Aquarius. There are much better sci consoles or universals out there.
And I don't agree with bioixi ... you still need turn rate even when firing broadsides.
You usualy deal with fast moving targets and you have to keep them in optimal fire position.
(unless you're fighting Borg Gates or a teammate spams GW)
But I would not slot in pure turnrate consoles. Try to get some with additional stats.
Like the Console - Universal - Hydrodynamics Compensator (Counter Command Ordnance) or Console - Tachyokinetic Converter (if you've got some Lobis).
Well.. and if you want to be the tank... you might want all the aggro from everything that's flying out there. Therefore I would switch to plasma weapons as there are +threat sci consoles at the spire who will also boost your damage (+9.6% plasma dmg).
The 2-piece bonus (Experimental Beam + Console) from the Romulan Singularity Harness fits perfectly with this setup.
More plasma damage, more crit chance and even less weapon energy drain as the sets beam array doesn't need any energy to operate. The disruptor proc on the beam array is a little bonus on top.
Just my few thoughts ;-)
ET1, EPtS2, EPtW3, Aux2Sif3
Probably the most important thing I will suggest is a change to your traits:
Omega Graviton Amplifier -> Nanoprobe Field Generator (CC)
Precision > Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense (Nukara) (!This is _bonus_ damage. Run your Aux as high as you're comfortable with; it will also boost your heals!)
Advanced Targetting Systems -> Tactical Advantage (Dyson)
-Look into getting a Positron Deflector or the Assimilated 2-set.
-Alternatively, consider the Nukara, Dyson or Aegis sets(the latter two are bit more hull/dual-tanky).
-Obelisk Warp Core + Ancient Omni Array; you can get them both from the first Dyson Sphere mission. (The warp core can also be used like an Aux battery to boost your heals and damage, simultaneously.)
-Replace those Odyssey consoles for a Field Generator and Emitter Array(Chevron Separation is by far the most useful of the Ody consoles if you really want to run something).
-I would normally suggest a Plasmonic Leech, but you're an Engineer without points in Flow Capacitors, so it's not as critical or cost-effective to obtain one.