ok,the kdf side has never been too popular,but I'm seeing now not too many players doing pve on fed side either.how are you supposed to build up fleet marks if no one is playing these missions? very depressing.:(
ok,the kdf side has never been too popular,but I'm seeing now not too many players doing pve on fed side either.how are you supposed to build up fleet marks if no one is playing these missions? very depressing.:(
Are you trying to do the ground pve fleet missions? Those have always been unpopular and starbase incursion has gone down even further since they fixed the bug that made it reward your marks twice or even sometimes three times.
In general activity the PvE queues is almost entirely through private matches, sponsored by the chat channels. Since the release of Delta Rising, the pubic face of the queues has become a absolute ghost town.
The only active channel left, day or night seems to be 10K.
The argument is that 'people are leveling' is false. Legacy Of Romulus had thousands of people leveling from day one entirely new characters, while the public queues remained active.
400 or more players were in ISE on any given day, between the hours of 4pm and 7 pm PST. Today that number is <40. As a Fed toon you could pug everything with the reasonable expectation that joining a queue would result in it moving forward within a few minutes. The KDF as always been hit and miss, wit many focusing on private matches.
The changes implemented in DR has had the unintended consequence of driving away many of the casual players. We can argue the various reasons why:
... formerly elite players had to 'start over'
... insane upgrade costs
... difficulty overkill
... leveling goal posts moving
... dill and XP nerfs (partially restored, spread out etc)
... massively buggy loadout implementations that made gaming impossible for 4 weeks
... having to rebuy your ships to 'get an advantage'
... being called exploiters by the EP, who punished them - and then unpunished them.
... clear disconnect between what the Cryptic says, and what actually happens
The first three weeks were killer. Active fleet membership dropped by 80% for the three fleets I was involved with.
not true, specific advanced queues are allways available...if you need fleet marks do crystaline catastrophy advanced.
Again, there is almost no waiting time for specific STFs, but there hasn't been a queue for month for others.
Stupidly underrewarded, cooldown for failing, most need heavy dps, cooldown on all 3 queues with the same name at the same time.
Only active queues are crystalline catastrophe, bug hunt and some borg queues because the alternatives are even more underrewarding.
22 Marks for completing the breach normal with all optionals
20 for completing Defend Rhiho station in Elite.
16 for completing atmospheric assault normal.
30 for completing Nebula rescue advanced.
56 for completing borg disconnected normal with 3500 points and all optionals.
I think that is the real problem. The success rates of queues are down. That means it's not longer as economical as it used to be to join a queued event. Which means less do it. Which means longer wait times. Which turns off people, too.
I generally only PUG. I think I've done Disconnected only three times, but it failed every time. I feel no desire to try again until I see something change. I don't know what it has to be.
But, for example, Idon't think upgrade cost are excessive, but I don't bother with upgrading to Elite. I think you can get a decent build that should be fully Advanced/Elite capable for similar cost as you got your Mark MXII gear before. Yes, it means rebuying what you already had, but that is what level and gear cap increases always mean. It's also one of the big business reasons they exist, I think. I don't think there is much to like about them from a player perspective, but I think there is a lot about the upgrade system to like - it doesn't force you to hunt down the gear again. You just need those upgrade tokens. Imagine you had to collect voth implants or stuff like that again to get your Mark XIV gear! Or worse, there isn't even a Mark XIV version of your favourite set!
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
need decent rewards, and needs accolades. i stick to fleet alert and incursion...because the rewards are decent and there's accolades. of course, those are STILL jacked up beyond belief (eg. 1 undine fleet alert match in about 1,000)...but that's another issue.
bottom line, if PVE event isn't getting cues, it's because it SUCKS. 20 player cue events need to have SIGNIFICANT rewards if you're going to amass people to play it regularly. 5 player cues need good rewards, but probably not quite as much to entice people. and if ANY PVE offers peanuts compared to another that can be ran in ~ the same amount of time/difficulty--it's not going to be popular.
Removal of the previously-optional mandatory objectives (back to optional) would probably go a long way to putting the attendance back up. The biggest turn-off to PvE queues is the fear that a single mistake will waste all the time put into the event, with nothing to show for it but a 10-mark "prize," a one-hour cooldown, and a distinct feeling as if one has been violated with a red-hot poker iron.
The three things that would probably help would be to put the rewards back up to reflect the increase in difficulty. 500 for normal, 1000 for advanced, and 1500 for elite would be appropriate. Why drop the rewards in the first place? It makes no sense at all, and can only serve to make players angry.
And while we're on the subject of rewards, why remove the items from the reward packs? So what if we have a crafting system, both are pretty much a roulette roll.
The second thing is the previously-mentioned removal of the hard-fail mandatory objectives on advanced back to optional.
The final thing would be to increase the skill points rewarded for blowing up the enemies therein. It's a sad day when an enemy killed on an advanced queue gives less XP than an enemy killed on normal in the game. This makes no sense at all. Difficulty is up, XP given by these guys should be increased as well.
Do these, devs, and the faith of the playerbase in your mental faculties would no doubt drastically improve.
EDIT- Actually, there's one other thing that requires fixing, and that is the enemies. For some reason, probes in khitomer vortex advanced laugh off blows that would make an enemy in infected conduit advanced cry in a corner. We have borg birds of prey in cure space advanced taking more damage to kill than their negh'var counterparts. Not to mention the overall jacked-up shield hardness in the vortex as well. This makes no sense whatsoever, and should never have happened in the first place.
For me and my wife we have almost quit the PVE ques due to the fact that we only have a limited time to play and with the failure rates so high why waste our time getting nothing? Let me explain further...
Undine Infiltration Elite or Advanced - By the time players are at this level they should be able to get all the questions correctly but they dont even if you beg them not to answer unless they know the answers, A fail and then a penalty lock out timer. The other night we lost because of an AFK penalty, my wife was answering the questions while we fought off the undine trying to get the orb. We did not know she would get an AFK even though she was asking questions. It happened again with a different group and they did not know about the AFK penalty either. All of us got penalized by the timer. SO much for that one. For the past 4 days when we do get to play we have failed 4 out of 5 times, so very sad. And IF you are having it better we are I am glad for you but ours is a just a pick up group not a fleet run or friends where our success would be 100%. Oh this does not even count the ones who purposely fail and make fun of the loosers (even though they are the real looser)
Most of the space battles which are also pick up groups for us are lost as well due to people being way underpowered and trying to piggy back on others which guess what happenes, timer penalty again. So just trying to do two things in the ques wastes 40 minutes and for what to listen to people laugh or complain? Please I'm not in school anymore and just want to play...I wish they would open the que for just two players so my wife and I could just go back to having fun!
Thing is if the rewards were enough for the time, the Advanced queues would be full. If the timers were more balanced instead of targeting a specific DPS limit (or workaround in the case of Azure) then it would promote more attempts. Currently there is little to no logic behind the Design leadership. They need to hire PC developers rather than try to make games they are unqualified to make.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Are you trying to do the ground pve fleet missions? Those have always been unpopular and starbase incursion has gone down even further since they fixed the bug that made it reward your marks twice or even sometimes three times.
The only active channel left, day or night seems to be 10K.
The argument is that 'people are leveling' is false. Legacy Of Romulus had thousands of people leveling from day one entirely new characters, while the public queues remained active.
400 or more players were in ISE on any given day, between the hours of 4pm and 7 pm PST. Today that number is <40. As a Fed toon you could pug everything with the reasonable expectation that joining a queue would result in it moving forward within a few minutes. The KDF as always been hit and miss, wit many focusing on private matches.
The changes implemented in DR has had the unintended consequence of driving away many of the casual players. We can argue the various reasons why:
... formerly elite players had to 'start over'
... insane upgrade costs
... difficulty overkill
... leveling goal posts moving
... dill and XP nerfs (partially restored, spread out etc)
... massively buggy loadout implementations that made gaming impossible for 4 weeks
... having to rebuy your ships to 'get an advantage'
... being called exploiters by the EP, who punished them - and then unpunished them.
... clear disconnect between what the Cryptic says, and what actually happens
The first three weeks were killer. Active fleet membership dropped by 80% for the three fleets I was involved with.
It's sad.
Again, there is almost no waiting time for specific STFs, but there hasn't been a queue for month for others.
Only active queues are crystalline catastrophe, bug hunt and some borg queues because the alternatives are even more underrewarding.
22 Marks for completing the breach normal with all optionals
20 for completing Defend Rhiho station in Elite.
16 for completing atmospheric assault normal.
30 for completing Nebula rescue advanced.
56 for completing borg disconnected normal with 3500 points and all optionals.
How to fix:
Remove cooldown.
Increase rewards.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
I generally only PUG. I think I've done Disconnected only three times, but it failed every time. I feel no desire to try again until I see something change. I don't know what it has to be.
But, for example, Idon't think upgrade cost are excessive, but I don't bother with upgrading to Elite. I think you can get a decent build that should be fully Advanced/Elite capable for similar cost as you got your Mark MXII gear before. Yes, it means rebuying what you already had, but that is what level and gear cap increases always mean. It's also one of the big business reasons they exist, I think. I don't think there is much to like about them from a player perspective, but I think there is a lot about the upgrade system to like - it doesn't force you to hunt down the gear again. You just need those upgrade tokens. Imagine you had to collect voth implants or stuff like that again to get your Mark XIV gear! Or worse, there isn't even a Mark XIV version of your favourite set!
bottom line, if PVE event isn't getting cues, it's because it SUCKS. 20 player cue events need to have SIGNIFICANT rewards if you're going to amass people to play it regularly. 5 player cues need good rewards, but probably not quite as much to entice people. and if ANY PVE offers peanuts compared to another that can be ran in ~ the same amount of time/difficulty--it's not going to be popular.
The three things that would probably help would be to put the rewards back up to reflect the increase in difficulty. 500 for normal, 1000 for advanced, and 1500 for elite would be appropriate. Why drop the rewards in the first place? It makes no sense at all, and can only serve to make players angry.
And while we're on the subject of rewards, why remove the items from the reward packs? So what if we have a crafting system, both are pretty much a roulette roll.
The second thing is the previously-mentioned removal of the hard-fail mandatory objectives on advanced back to optional.
The final thing would be to increase the skill points rewarded for blowing up the enemies therein. It's a sad day when an enemy killed on an advanced queue gives less XP than an enemy killed on normal in the game. This makes no sense at all. Difficulty is up, XP given by these guys should be increased as well.
Do these, devs, and the faith of the playerbase in your mental faculties would no doubt drastically improve.
EDIT- Actually, there's one other thing that requires fixing, and that is the enemies. For some reason, probes in khitomer vortex advanced laugh off blows that would make an enemy in infected conduit advanced cry in a corner. We have borg birds of prey in cure space advanced taking more damage to kill than their negh'var counterparts. Not to mention the overall jacked-up shield hardness in the vortex as well. This makes no sense whatsoever, and should never have happened in the first place.
Undine Infiltration Elite or Advanced - By the time players are at this level they should be able to get all the questions correctly but they dont even if you beg them not to answer unless they know the answers, A fail and then a penalty lock out timer. The other night we lost because of an AFK penalty, my wife was answering the questions while we fought off the undine trying to get the orb. We did not know she would get an AFK even though she was asking questions. It happened again with a different group and they did not know about the AFK penalty either. All of us got penalized by the timer. SO much for that one. For the past 4 days when we do get to play we have failed 4 out of 5 times, so very sad. And IF you are having it better we are I am glad for you but ours is a just a pick up group not a fleet run or friends where our success would be 100%. Oh this does not even count the ones who purposely fail and make fun of the loosers (even though they are the real looser)
Most of the space battles which are also pick up groups for us are lost as well due to people being way underpowered and trying to piggy back on others which guess what happenes, timer penalty again. So just trying to do two things in the ques wastes 40 minutes and for what to listen to people laugh or complain? Please I'm not in school anymore and just want to play...I wish they would open the que for just two players so my wife and I could just go back to having fun!
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."