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I need help with my Scryer

wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
edited January 2015 in Federation Discussion
I have been playing around with this ship for a couple of weeks and so far Im TOTALLY lost. This is what I have: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=osiris_8991

In my defense... is the first time Im using a science ship. I know there are many threads about sci and exotic damage, but everything I try... welll... it seems to not be right :confused:

So please help me. I have access to any item form the rep sistem and fleet holdings.
Post edited by wirtdd on


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    defcon1776defcon1776 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well, I don't usually don't post these kinds of posts, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

    Start with your skill tree. You are running a particle gen sci ship with 0 points in particle gens or grav gens. 6 points in each for balanced or 9/3. Consider again any spec over 6 points careful as the benefit from these red points minimal.

    I would also forgo FBP and go with TBR w/ the pull doff. If you're spec'd in Pg, the crits can be insane. If you like FBP, consider putting points into threat control.

    Plasma torp has to go. Move grav torp fwd for its hold/slow proc and go with 4 beams (2/2).

    Upgrade to Embassy sci consoles if possible.

    A tac console would serve better than the bio gel pack.


    Edit: Personally, I would use TT instead of FAW in your ensign slot.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q
    Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
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    wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Ty for ur reply.

    Well... I would preffer to not mess with my skill tree since this is not, and will never be, my main ship. But maybe is not so bad remove some red bars from something and put them into particle and grav.

    I just switched to TBR and got Graga Mal. Also changing torp and the embassy consoles are going to take me a couple of days.

    I actually have just 1 TT because of the 2 conn officers, they reduce the recharge time to 15 secs.

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    defcon1776defcon1776 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    wirtdd wrote: »
    I actually have just 1 TT because of the 2 conn officers, they reduce the recharge time to 15 secs.
    You could use TT and swap your conn doffs for 2 deflector doffs to reduce cd on GW/TBR. You should get more out of this than the ensign FAW, especially if you re-spec into Pg.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q
    Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
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    wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    All right then.
    I am going to re spec and see how this goes. Thank u very much. :D
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    defcon1776defcon1776 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    wirtdd wrote: »
    All right then.
    I am going to re spec and see how this goes. Thank u very much. :D

    Happy hunting and good luck.

    Oh, BTW, please note my disclaimer in my OP. :rolleyes:
    defcon1776 wrote: »
    Well, I don't usually don't post these kinds of posts, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q
    Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Turbulence is a good skill, BUT ... override subsystems boosts aux power which boosts sci skills. It boosts weapon power which helps too, though this ship is not really weapons based. If you do this, you need a way to counter the offline systems, eng team 1 is usually used. If you can make room for both, that works too. You want to see amazing... TBR and GW after OSS AND your rep sci click have been activated all backed by part gens... ouch.

    Is the toy console worth it over having 2 tac consoles and moving the borg console up to replace the ship-toy console? Again, its not a gunship anyway.

    I would stick the kinetic beam aft. Something like AP dbb fore X 3 and omni, ancient omni, and cutting beam aft, 6 forward facing weapons. Forget the experimental array? Or you could use a torp forward if you like; I really like the new crafted torps (they are a few mil to just buy one off the exchange if you can't make em). In a GW, a pile of ships in the plasma cloud = win; this is a *powerful* science ship weapon ... and a spread of this into a GW pile is *death*.

    Not only should you have 6 points at least in part gen, but you hopefully can get sooner or later to 15 sci crafting for the trait from that...

    remember to trait the aux power rep traits. Since your aux is gonna be high anyway. My net at work is slow and I didnt go back to look at your traits.

    If you did not yet slot the tractor pull officer, do not. Just push them around in your GW. Pulling them in requires 6 beam arrays and even then often the target is still not in broadside range. Worse, people shoot your target and getting out of warp core breaches is a constant chore. Buying that pull officer was the worst thing ive done so far for wasted money.

    If you are more used to tactical ships, consider the breen carrier. with 4 tac consoles, your gun play is like a tac ship, and since you don't USE much intel here, that would be about the same. Its a very nice hybrid gun/sci ship. Ive tried it every which way and losing 1 sci console to get yourself into a hybird weapons-using and sci-using ship does better for me than trying to do it *all* with just sci. your mileage may vary.
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    captaindmutleycaptaindmutley Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    One thing I did notice, and I thought I was going a little scenial is that the Scryer is supposed (from the shipyard write up) to come with a secondary deflector. it does not though.
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    wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Oh geez... OSS. How did I forget about it? =.=

    And yes, it comes with a secondary deflector.
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    tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It comes with the secondary slot. The Solonae secondary deflector should be obtained, upgraded and installed in said slot as soon as humanly possible after obtaining a Scryer. The owners manual says so. :)

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
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    hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    westmetals wrote: »
    They do now.

    If you got a scryer from the shipyard prior to the slot being added, it didn't have one included, but the ones being issued now have them.

    However, if you own any other ships that do come with one (like the Dauntless or Pathfinder) you could claim and dismiss one of those in order to get an extra... or your Scryer if you don't mind losing whatever mastery experience you have on it.

    Most Scryers got the Secondary Deflector Slot without a problem (at least, all mine did, and I didn't need to retire and reclaim them); you just had to get a spare Secondary Deflector to use.

    You don't lose the mastery experience, or at least, you shouldn't, when you retire and then reclaim a ship.

    Also, they did add a free Deteriorating 2ndary Deflector; just claim it from the Dil Store reclaimables tab. It's the same basic secondary deflector that comes on all newer sci-ships excluding the Lobi Dyson ship.

    If you intend to build around it, the standard Deteriorating Deflector is workable if you use the Scryer as a PartGen Torpedo boat, with the Neutronic and Biomolecular Torps and Tyken's Rift. The Tactical CC Console, which works with the Biomolecular Torp, also boosts the Radiation damage the Neutronic Torp and the Deteriorating Deflector does (as well as the Radiation damage one of the new Deflectors does as well).

    Otherwise, the Secondary deflectors currently available (the 2 of them) are not really going to do much beyond adding a tiny extra damage.
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    hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well the Mastery part's a little inconvenient, but the latter part isn't a problem; they did offer the Deteriorating in the Dilithium Store under the reclaim tab. For free.

    They even stated as such when that update went live.
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