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I am the best

riyottsariyottsa Member Posts: 249 Arc User
edited January 2015 in PvP Gameplay
said no one ever. gaem is ded

(still better than Kell)

edit: stop moving horizon's threads :mad:

hannibull stop being mean

monkeys has the sexiest accent

lorrie likes dragon age TRIBBLE jokes a little too much

geo said he liked canadia

em tee is like houdini

naz is three smart

bmr moved, so i cant stalk him anymore


mini likes me more than hobo now :D

gorn is the best

sax is aceton

lore is canadian

canadia is the new name btw

hammel lives on the moon

zyph is houdini's brother

tom is my secret lover (dont tell shak)

edna is the most american person i know

rand destroyed pvp. 1v20 kerrat all day errday

spalato no one told me there was a vote for this guy

if i missed you, click here.

Snog is my secret bff. so secret he doesnt even know. shh
Post edited by riyottsa on


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