I've decided to put my energy into refining an Aux cannon build with the Vesta. I know that there are very effective torp and AP builds for the Vesta, and that the stat breakdown on Aux cannons is always going to hold them back from crazy [CrtD]x4 levels of damage, but I still want to keep them and focus on a maxed aux hybrid build. Barring their removal, I'm open to pretty much any suggestions.
Full build is here:
I've managed ~24k on ISA using dps channel settings and find my survivability pretty respectable as well. I'm not looking for ISA-specific performance improvements - just looking to generally tweak the build in the upward direction.
Fore: Mk XIV Aux cannon x3 (1 is UR, gains [CrtX], 2 still VR)
Aft: KCB Mk XII, Heavy Bio-Molecular Phaser Turret Mk XII, Phaser Turret Mk XII
Commander Science:
HE1, TSS2, TBR2, GW3
Lt. Comm. Universal (Tac):
Lt. Tac
Lt. Eng
EP2S1, Aux2Sif1
Ens. Eng
Deflector: Assimilated
Impulse: Assimilated
Warp: Elite Fleet Hyper-Charged [A->W][ACap][AMP]
Shield: MACO Resilient
Eng Consoles:
Conductive RCS Accelerator Mk XII [Grav]
Hydrodynamics Compensator Mk XII
Sci Consoles:
Exotic Particle Field Exciter Mk XII [Grav]
2x Plasma-Generatoring Weapon Signature Nullifier Mk XIV [PrtG]
Assimilated Console Mk XII
Quantum Field Focus Controller
Tactical Consoles:
4x Vulnerability Locator Mk XII [+Pha]
Elite Scorpions
Duty Officers:
Zemok Jenro - Decrease recharge time for APB, APD, APO by 15%
Graga Mal - Tractor Beam Repulsors now pull instead of push
Warp Core Engineer - EP2x powers have a chance to improve power levels
Damage Control Engineer x2 - Chance to reduce CD on EP2x
Deflector Officer - Chance to reduce recharge on deflector abilities
Acquire Superior Romulan Operative Tac officers
Upgrade aux cannon rarity (dear god so many TPs)
Upgrade consoles and aft weapons to mk xiv
Maybe acquire [Arc] omnibeam to use target subsystem? (probably not worth it)
Explore other deflector/impulse/shield combinations
My general theme is using science powers for CC and high damage, with my relatively high Grav and Particle Gens, complimented by cannon scatter volley and high uptime attack patterns. I use the Drake configuration to keep [AMP] fully active as much as possible and overcap Aux for maximum damage. My QFFC and Cascading Tetryon nukara rep power also hit extremely hard for nice burst damage assistance.
The biggest gameplay problem I run into is that Graga Mal + TBR tends to pull things out of my forward firing arc, so on non-stationary targets I tend not to use it very much, which is disappointing. While I like to use as much science damage as possible on the Vesta, I wonder if I wouldn't get better mileage out of a second GW, or a Tyken's Rift or something. I used to run Energy Syphon, but I find I can keep [AMP] up without it just fine.
I'd really appreciate feedback on consoles, duty officers, captain skill points, and trait selection (visible on the build link) if anyone has any tips to help me eek a few more dps out of this setup. Thanks!
In my sci partgen build on Scryer I've specifically placed a torp in the rear to use TS3 against the targets being dragged behind me with TBG.
Besides the obvious like upgrading the tac consoles you might want to look at the rommy impulse engine and Nukara deflector / shield.
Rommy engine for the bonus to attack patterns and nukara deflector+shield for the flat 2,5% damage increase.
Unless you prefer the particle gen damage, but then you should take a look at Solanae or Counter-command deflector. In this build I think I'd prefer CC deflector.
And last: if you need the extra turnrate, you could replace hydrodynamic compensator for the Tachyonetic convertor. A little extra crit and crit dam never hurt anyone.... eeh
You ran into the same problem with Graga Mal TBR and front arc weapons as I did.
I've had some fun with feedback pulse, but it kinda requires some +threat consoles for group content. For solo content you don't need that of course.
My build is somewhat similar. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=ashtarprimevesta_72684 (everything else is in "notes"). Maybe looking at it will give some ideas (probably not). Looking at yours has given me some!
A few thoughts:
Honestly, its like you are reading my mind. I have the same exact same reaction to the graga mal/tbr deal. I've also avoided any rarity upgrades on the borg 2pc because I want to explore another combination. I like the QFFC for the exact same reasons (although I do swap it out if I know I'm going to be in a mission where I won't use it). And GAWD SO MANY TPS to upgrade the rarity on those cannons
For tweaking:
-Definitely go for the superior Romulan operatives.
-At least for me, the omni phaser array out dpses the heavy bio turret. This makes no sense, really, given I almost always have CSV going, but there it is. I originally included it because I personally like subsystem targeting, but it hits weirdly hard.
-Upgrade the mk on those tac consoles before the rarity on the aux cannons. Way, way, way, way cheaper and faster, and its a real boost.
Future upgrades:
Plasmonic Leach?
Helmsman Trait?
Tachyokinetic Converter Console?
Larger Questions:
How does aux overcapping work, exactly? I assume that is what the EPtA is there for.
I've thought about dumping the heavy bioturret and the hydro console. The weapon sucks and for me at least, I don't need the hydroconsole. Is that phaser boost worth an aft weapons slot and a console slot?
What is your thinking behind dropping the KCB and the assimilated console?
Definitely still conflicted about what to do with that Lt. Com science power. Getting rid of Graga Mal would let me maybe use a cannon doff, or maybe something else? The TBRs do still do a respectable amount of my total damage, but it's hard to calculate lost damage in the forward arc. I try to only use them when CSV is down, or against targets that I'm reasonably sure it will just straight up kill. Obviously it's great against Tac cubes or Voth citadels or whatever, but .. I don't know.
(Also, assuming you have enough cxp in diplomacy, getting a naussican boff is also a good idea).
Thank you very much for the feedback!
Plasmonic Leach:
I actually have one of these, but I'm conflicted on which console to remove for it, and if it's worth it. My power levels seem consistently very high as it is, and so I feel like I wouldn't really be getting max value out of it unless I dropped my emergency power to x abilities and doffs for something else, but I generally like what I get out of them.
Yeah, I have this suspicion that it may still be worth it even for the CSV loss. My parse shows that a single rear turret is adding ABOUT 900-1000 dps from scatter volley, but obviously the beam array keeps firing at its normal rate during that duration, so I don't think it has to do that much more than the turret to pull ahead. Plus I just like the idea of being able to utilize all the Vesta's perks, and one of them is target subsystems (albeit a kind of minor one..). Is standard procedure to maximize [crtD] on the omni-array?
Tachyokinetic Converter
I like this for eking out some more grav gens and critD, but not sure what to take out for it. Maybe assimilated console? I also was thinking about using Zero Point in this slot. Too many good consoles, ahh!
That's a pretty good idea, though it's less appealing than it used to be. Now that I have the Conductive RCS Accelerator and APO, I have fewer turn rate issues and less urgency towards getting Evasive Maneuvers back up. Still, "Techie" or something isn't really contributing a lot, so it'd probably still be an upgrade.
Aux Overcapping
My thought was basically that my weapons are constantly draining aux and pulling it below 130, but I still want to try to max my science damage as well. EP2A keeps my aux from dropping during weapon fire and also gives a boost to partgens and gravgens. I am honestly not sure whether this beats the straight up energy weapon damage boost from EP2W. I should try and test that some time.
2pc Phaser Damage boost
This seems better than I expected. Before I had the heavy phaser turret or fleet tac consoles, I compared the damage per hit on my phaser weapons using 4x VR mk xii tac consoles, or 3x VR mk xii tac consoles + Counter-Command Multi-Energy Relay (which is only +13.1% phaser damage base) and it was substantially better to use the 2 pc set bonus and give up the mk xii VR tac console. Since the 2pc set bonus is after all the normal tac console bonuses or whatever, it ends up being much higher than it looks. Still.. debatable whether it's worth running that heavy turret and hydronamics compensator for it. I don't have an amazing phaser turret to replace it with, so I've been keeping it for now.
Dropping KCB/Assimilated
I'm not sure I would drop the KCB - it just seems too good for an aft slot. I was just thinking about dropping assimilated because the Omega Weapon Amplifier proc isn't nearly as exciting with Aux Cannons (assuming it doesn't affect aux power drain from weapons?). It still provides some crit and grav gens, but less total power than bio-neural gel packs or zero-point energy. I dunno. I am keeping it for now!
Your Build
I keep trying to look at this but for some reason the page it loads is just blank.
Thanks for the input! I think I'm going to give GW3 + GW1 a shot. Any suggestions on best choice for the replacement doff?
Also, listen to whatever edalgo says over me. THAT SAID:
Plasmonic Leech Yeah, if you have a Plasmonic Leech, you should use it. ALL THE POWER
Omni-phaser The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that my omni-phaser outdpses any turret I've tried, and *includes* adding in the CSV damage for it. And I have CSV going all the time! (I have two copies of CSV and one of omega, rather than your one copy and ATB). I really don't understand. But yeah, for me at least, its worth it even without the subsystem targeting, which is always nice.
Tachyokinetic Converter Too many consoles, indeed. But this one is way better for this type of build than ZPM, at the very least.
Helmsman Right, you have one or two traits there that are kinda meh. And, the thing for me anyways, is I have an enhanced neutronium +turn rather than an RCS. That is more resistance with only a little less turn, and then you can get that extra turn from helmsman.
Aux Overcapping Yeah, I have no idea how this averages out. I will say that if you *do* have that plasmonic leech in there, and you have the really high standing aux power anyways, then that gives you a lot more leeway to go EPtWs, which is what I use.
Phaser 2pc Yeah, I saw a big jump when I first equipped them. I'm just not sure anymore. That bioturret is always my worst weapon, and (and here is where helmsman, and the pilot specializations come in handy) that console just isn't needed (particularly if you can find a place for the tachyokinetic converter). I'm not saying to ditch them at all, its still probably worth it. But mannnnnnnn.
borg weapons/consoles Hmmm, I see what you are saying about the 2pc bonus. But even by itself the assimilated console is pretty badass. I honestly don't know at this point.
And hopefully my build is working now?
Phaser 2pc Yeah, I saw a big jump when I first equipped them. I'm just not sure anymore. That bioturret is always my worst weapon, and (and here is where helmsman, and the pilot specializations come in handy) that console just isn't needed (particularly if you can find a place for the tachyokinetic converter). I'm not saying to ditch them at all, its still probably worth it. But mannnnnnnn.
I use this for the 29% extra for Photon torps as I use the Enhanced Bio Torp, I get the 3 piece bonus and the Turret Barrage is good to use in tight spots as it always does the radiation bonus on everything shot though I am a bit dissapointed as the heavy Bio-Turret only does as much standard damage as a regular Bio Molecular turret from the 8472 Store which feels a bit of a con as its name says it is heavier.
(But saying that Dual Cannons do the same damage and DPS as Dual heavy cannons)
I do use the Quad Cannons off the defiant escort they are Evil maybee worth a punt on the Zen store to get it for your build.
I see that this is listed in your build as anti-proton. I assume that's supposed to be Phaser? And are those the properties you beam has?
I was doing a little poking around to try and identify the damage disparity between the turret and omni array. Looks like the base dps for the turret is 138 at mk xii to 150 at epic mk xiv, whereas the omni array is 184 at mk xii vr to 280 at mk xiv epic! So the omni array does a base of 33% more damage to begin with (I'm assuming partially because of they all have [dam]), but at pic level, it does a whopping 86% more base damage. I don't know how much extra damage you get out of CSV, but depending on your upgrade level, the beam may just do enough more damage to blow that out.
Additionally, range could be a factor as well - if you do much shooting past 5k, the beam is going to suffer less dropoff, but obviously that's harder to measure in your parse.
Power Levels
This looks like a little bit more defensive than my setup. I wonder if it might be worth it to pull a few points out of shield to keep weapon over 75, or vice versa, so that even with no EP2x up, you're still getting two [AMP] bonuses. If you're really aggressive, set it so your resting Engine power is 75+, so that you don't rely on your Warp Core Engineer proc to activate 4x[Amp]. I guess I don't really have a good feel for how high Plasmonic Leach keeps your levels, though, so maybe that's an unnecessary tweak.
EP2A vs EP2W
I suspect that EP2W may be the more correct choice here. The extra 10 points in my partg and gravgens are nice, but it's doubtful that they contribute as much as the straight weapon damage boost from EP2W. I mostly like it for helping overcap Aux, but maybe with Leach that wouldn't be as much of a concern.
Do you ever find the Gravimetric Scientist irritating? I ended up pulling mine because the aftershock gravity wells actually pulled things out of my frontal cone sometimes.
Re: Orothro Venna - This doff seems purely defensive, which is fine. Do you find this effect frequently useful? I would consider this doff for cuts.
1x DCE - Do you find your EP2X powers are up often enough with only one of these? Again, maybe with Leach it's less relevant, but I really like having at least 2 of these.
I wish I hadn't picked my nausicaan as a tactical officer.
Have you picked up the Hierarchy Boff yet? That lets you get Pirate in a science slot.
Particle Manipulator
Ugh, this is taking forever to acquire. :P I notice you don't really slot consoles for PartGens - any feedback on how effective this is? How many PartGens are you up to with your current setup? I've heard of some ridiculous 400 PartGen builds, but I think even like a 200 would be pretty awesome with particle manipulator, but that still takes a little bit of doing.
You might investigate one of these Plasma emitting science consoles. They really do seem to add a very substantial amount of dps, especially at mk xiv. Other than that, it's hard to really know how to optimize them. Short of picking up jillion-EC PartGen versions of Conductive RCS or Exotic Particle Field Exciters, I've had a tough time finding anything that doesn't seem fairly subjective. I do rather like my [grav] versions of those consoles though - expanding the range of Gravity Well is appealing
Eng Team/Sci Team over Aux2Sif/TSS
Any particular reason you favor the engineering and science teams? I'm not super familiar with them, since I usually pick Aux2Sif for the damage resist boost and TSS for the total shield heal magnitude, but if there's a frequent additional utility you get out of Eng Team or Sci Team I'd be interested!
Lastly, do you know if/what additional mods appear on aux cannons at Epic, or is CrtX the last one?
Yeah, its a phaser. It used to be an antiproton back before the crafting revamp, although I'm not sure why I upgraded the mk level on it but didn't change it to phaser. The mods are arc, acc, dmg, and crth.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it comes down the higher base dps (the reduced distance penalty probably helps, but I obviously try to get to 2-3 kms). I'm more just surprised that it does than anything.
Power Levels
Yeah, Plasmonic makes sure I always have 3 [AMPS] once a little shooting starts. But yeah, I only get 4 when the DCE procs. That all said, I'm pretty sure this is a suboptimal power level setup, and is probably the easiest way to tweak a little bit better performance out of things.
Hmm, sometimes that gravimetric is a little annoying, I guess, but it usually doesn't take too long to reposition, and the additional clustering on big mobs outweighs the short repositioning time, at least to me.
Orothro Venna: he is definitely the one who is most cuttable, but I'll get to that in the teams discussion.
As for the 1 DCE: This is a dumb reason, but I've always liked having 6 different doffs for a little more varied experience. This is dumb for many reasons, and when I do switch out one of my current active doffs, I do switch in another DCE.
Doh, sorry to hear about the naussican (yeah, I think sro >> pirate). And I feel like a moron, I didn't notice that the heirarchy boff had pirate too, and hadn't planned on messing with him until I get a ship that can use intelligence boff abilities (four days!) and can train all intelligence ranks (... eventually). Now I'll probably just make him my sci boff. Thanks!
Particle Manipulator
Yeah, this basically just takes forever. As for my partgens, yeah, they are embarassingly low. 130 at rest, goes up to a max of 160 if inspirational leader happens to achieve 3 stacks and, I guess, theoretically 260 if quantum singularity manipulation is going, although that rarely happens. I have though about one of those embassy sci consoles, and I'll probably get and level one to swap out with my QFFC and/or the neutronium (can't really see dropping any of my other consoles) and see how that works. I'll probably try and save up for one of those massive partgen exotic particle field exciters too, particularly because the one I got added the [pha] mod on upgrade (thats increased phaser resistance, which sucks). But yeah, I need to increase the partgens.
Sci/Eng team vs Aux2Sif/TSS
So, for one that Orothro Venna boff has a chance to go off on every use of a team power. So, more team powers mean more likely to take down enemy weapon power. On top of that, I dunno, I guess I like the instant heals when things I want them more than the heal over time + increased resistance. I'd have to do pretty extensive testing to see which works better for my build/playstyle over time, so I went the lazy route and picked the one that best synergized with orothro venna. If I was to replace him for an extended period of time, I'd probably switch up to aux2sif/tss at some point as well.
No idea what additional mod appears for epic aux cannons. I tried googling and couldn't find anything