or noticed that between the ships and attire I am a po expensive according to me it would be, good thing abbasare the prices both of the ships and dell attire so that all are able aquistare what they want, mine and only a conceives
or noticed that between the ships and attire I am a po expensive according to me it would be, good thing abbasare the prices both of the ships and dell attire so that all are able aquistare what they want, mine and only a conceives
or noticed that between the ships and attire I am a po expensive according to me it would be, good thing abbasare the prices both of the ships and dell attire so that all are able aquistare what they want, mine and only a conceives
po = little?
abbasare > abbassare? = lower.
dell = of?
aquistare > acquistare? = buy.
i hope that helps if accurate.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
I think he's saying prices are high.
Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
po = little?
abbasare > abbassare? = lower.
dell = of?
aquistare > acquistare? = buy.
i hope that helps if accurate.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.