Hi guys,
I'm a Sci captain who has recently returned to the game after a long time off (more than two years), and so much has changed.
My main role is healing and support plus serviceable DPS. I want to be able to contribute meaningful DPS to my team, while keeping everyone alive and having good survivability.
Here's my set-up:
Ship: Vesta T-5U
Hull: 55k
Shields: 20k to 24k, depending on which shield and consoles I use. I have the Undine covariant and the Nukara shield.
Consoles: Tactical: 3X upgraded Mk XIII Vulnerability Locators. Science: 2X universal, incl. Vesta console and Undine rep console, plus 20% shield console and 13.5% shield console with heal proc. Engineer: A couple of those rep consoles that give 2.5% defense + weapon/auxiliary power.
Weapons: All Bio-Molecular Phaser and "regular" Phaser, including the Aux Heavy Cannons that come with the Vesta. Also, Ancient Beam 360 degree weapon that IIRC was from a mission.
Set: Nukara Engine and Deflector, Dyson Warp Core, Nukara or Undine shield.
Set Bonuses: Nukara 2-3 set bonuses (dep. on config), Undine 2-set bonus.
Hangar: Regular runabouts (need to upgrade)
Right now while queuing for Advanced missions, I use a BoFF set-up that gives me two Sci Teams, 1 Hazard Emitter, 1 Engi Team, a placate, tractor beam, Emergency Power to Shields, Emergency Power to Weapons, Attack Pattern Alpha.
So...that's a lot of info, but what I'd like to know is, am I ready for PvE Elite missions? And if not, what kind of changes should I be making to get to Elite level readiness? Any suggestions are genuinely appreciated. Thanks!
Hull healing isn't as good. My Engi team is II i believe, which provides a semi-decent hull heal. Hazard Emitters is a lot better but on a longer cooldown.
For the most part I have had no problems keeping teams up, except for PuGs that are an absolute mess where everyone is taking damage and there's no effort to let the tank do his damage sponge thing.